Weekly reminder: Solo survivor is unplayable. 4k 4k 4k 4k

It's 4k, 4k, 4k, 4k, 4k.
Sounds like a you problem.
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Blah blah blah. Sounds like you have been living under a rock for the last year.
Really I wonder where have you been if you don't know that solo queue is ######### up badly, don't make yourself look like an idiot.
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It's really not. It's IMHO more of a problem with the ranking system not doing a proper job for solo survivors.
It is the same for me and it's definitely not a „me“ problem. I know that I am not perfect, and sometimes I lose games because I screw up and that's ok.
Typical solo game I had last Sunday: killer has already killed two teammates while I‘m only on the second gen. Wow, killer too strong for us, right? Nope. He finds me (P3 outfit btw) and I run him all around Pale Rose for minutes. He was so terrible with refusing to break pallets and chainsaw timing ... if he plays the same on Hawkins he‘d manage to turn every single pallet location there no matter how unsafe into an infinite loop.
Still, the other survivor did do nothing while I kept the killer busy. Eventually, killer gave up on me, I finished one more gen, killer chased me again, gave up again, I finish 4th gen, another chase, unfortunately I get downed this time and facecamped and hit on hook next to hatch which he could then insta-close. 4K for a killer who lacks pretty much any skill. Explain how this is a „me“ issue?
The vast majority of games go like this. My problem as solo survivor is that it doesn't matter how good I am and how poor the killer is playing, as long as the game insists on matching me with survivors that don't do equally well (I am not asking for godlike teammates, I said I‘m not the best, just people who play decent and use some common sense), it's a full win for the killer every time.
Best solution is to go SWF and have control over your teammates, sadly. I am currently in the process of doing so.
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Let me guess, green or yellow ranks? <- This the you issue.
Did you pip?
I agree the killer wasn't skilled as much as your teammates. You should have no problem to get out of that with a few games like this. Keep playing and you will see you will get other mates. Not all people are like those potatoes, they do exist and they happen.
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i mean yeah, there is clearly some issues, but to say it's "Unplayable" is just crap. at rank 8-10 on killer and rarely get a swf and when i do it's 2 friends. And the average game for me is a 2k, it's rare as hell to get a 4k unless they ######### up or I'm just on the ball, and every so often i ######### up and they get 4 escape.
So it seem at least at my rank, most solo surivors have decent games.
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For me playing solo is more easy and boring, I can stay focused in the and having no obligations with anyone
Swf is just more for fun, but sucess rate is lower.
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I escape roughly 75% of the time because I play for myself. Meaning I get gens done, I don't do unnecessary saves, I'll lead killer to other people. I don't care. I get myself out. People try to be too altruistic as a solo and that's why you all die.
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love it when solos play like this, the end game chats are hilarious.
IMO this is what dbd was always supposed to be about. A 1v1v1v1v1. Like Survivor on tv. Survivors screwing each other over to save themselves.
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Let em be salty nuts lol I love it. I keep myself alive and get me my points. It's supposed to be that way anyways.
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For me is more like you getting camped every second game - it is really boring
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It’s literally a team based game, you get more points for playing as a team. Playing like that is nothing to be proud of.
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It's literally not. It's a survival game. If I survive then I win, if I die I lose. Plain and simple. ######### other people. If I play killer I kill everyone, if I play survivor then I survive.
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I’m sorry but to say that surviving is the only goal is wrong. The emblem system makes it clear as day that you’re meant to play as a team. If surviving was the only objective you’d never depip from escaping. Likewise you’d never pip from dying. You can play as selfishly as you want, but there’s no justification for it.
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######### the emblem system and ######### the pip system. It's been busted from day #1 and everyone here will agree. Literally everyone. I'm not here to satisfy my supposed potato team. I play solo only. I don't play with a single person and never will. I'm here for me and I'm #1 on my own team. I will let you all die to survive and I get more points doing so. Get over it.
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rank 12 atm and I have been escaping most games with anywhere from just me to up to 4 people escaping, sounds like a YOU problem
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If you play that selfishly you shouldn't get more points from doing so. You would ONLY get gen points and escape points, maybe perhaps boldness if you weren't playing like a chicken, but if you're playing for yourself then you are. Healing and unhooking are a lot of points that you'd be missing, and if I knew you were going to play like that I would kill myself on the hook right as you were about to get to me. Selfish people don't get to unhook me.
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Then do it lol. I get more points for unhooking you in the killers face and sacrificing you and still getting out. I'll do it every match I can because it increases MY chances of survival. I don't care about a single other person. None of you matter to me. As far as I can tell, you're all expendable bots that I shouldn't worry about in the first place seeing as how you all play anyways lol. Don't like it? Don't get caught out and hooked lol. Get over it lol. Thanks for the free points :)
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You wouldn't get points from me is what I was saying. All I have to do is wait until you're being chased by the killer to come unhook me, then I kill myself on hook and now you're screwed.
Also what's the fun of even playing survivor if you literally do ######### all and look for the hatch?
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can't ######### first hook and I unhook you lol and I do gens and search chests and do totems. I'm not screwing around the entire time but if I deem the situation for me to get out then I do. I won't stay around and kill myself for others. I'll get out. Get over it.
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Sounds like a skill issue, I have no issue with Solo Survivor and I love playing it with Killer.
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If I see you coming for me across from the map and I know you're in the same match as me, I can easily just one hook myself. I do it for moris, and I do it for people who plan on farming me.
Either way, the game you are playing sounds like gen simulator to me. I cannot see any reason why you would play DBD if all you wanted to do was gens and leave.
Also searching chests IS screwing around. So is doing totems unless you suspect NOED or it's lit.
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BP and that's all. Game offers nothing else anyways lol
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You get significantly more BP for playing killer, and you don't have to just do gens and escape without offering any other form of gameplay(which there is more to survivor than just doing gens and escaping if you're actually playing the game, which I don't count what you're doing as such).
Btw last I checked farming survivors off hooks was actually reportable, I either Peanits or someone saying that if it was intentional farming that it was.
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That's why matchmaking based off of hours spent in-game would be better (we don't talk about 40% of it being in lobby)
Like first 100 hours, then 101- 300 and the gap gets bigger or something like that. We all know the experience comes with time
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So you're telling me that 1000 BP for cleansing an unlit totem is useless? Same with searching a chest? Nah fam, I'll keep doing what I do for more BP while getting gens done while y'all being altruistic as ######### letting the killer get more points. Also, yeah. I'll farm you off hooks all day every day. Go ahead and report me. Reports do absolutely nothing. I've reported multiple people for multiple reason with ABSOLUTELY nothing done to them. I truly don't care at this point. I'll get my BP and level up my multiple killers to get them the perks they need to actually do anything in this game before I play them lol. Go for it fam. Not a single person here will care about your single report. Not a single person will try and kill themselves just for you in solo. Solo is just that. Solo. We're here for ourselves. Not you. Get #########.
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I almost always play solo and have never had that problem. Maybe you are just used to being in crazily coordinated teams who communicate every little event over voice chat.
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You can escape and lose a pip. You can also die and still double pip. So unless we're just playing fast and loose with the word "win" here it sounds like you're just a bit of an edgelord.
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It's a team game whether you want to acknowledge it is or not. You're more likely to survive the more people are left alive. You let someone die on first or second hook and you're down a person. Besides, this is more so a game to entertain the entity. It would be more of a survival game if it was implied you escaping is an escape/win condition of sorts, but its not and the emblem system would imply the entity finds selfish/boring play to not be appealing and rewards it less.
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So I guess each player has a preferred play style. Personally I see it a win when thru me dying three team members get to finish the gens and escape. I see players hooked in the basement knowing nobody will save them and yet I will try if I am able, assuming the killer isnt camping the poor guy on the hook. Thats why I would like a perk that stuns the killer for long enough to let me unhook the person he is camping and have us both escape.
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This. Some of my best games have been when I've made ballsy, well-timed moves to sneak up and successfully save teammates from a face camping Bubba and then everyone ends up escaping—Head On has been a godsend perk for a few basement saves in this regard.
Selfish gameplay is so stale and boring (and is rewarded less for good reason imo). Like I hope you had so much fun camping the hatch waiting for me to finally get hooked while I looped this guy around for 4 straight minutes? But that just wouldn't be fun for me at all.
Granted, I have been less altruistic when I'm going for an achievement or a daily that involves escaping, but any other time I'm *definitely* gonna 99 an exit gate and Leeroy Jenkins my ass across the map to save a teammate on the hook. Because why not?
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The game itself has a stated win condition I the tutorial and it's either to escape as Survivor for sacrifice everyone as Killer.
The pip system is a separate thing used for matchmaking which isn't directly connected to winning. But the games tutorial is clear on what your objective is.
Thus regardless of playstyle or opinion that is the wincon
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The tutorial explicitly states that your win condition is to escape.
Not just implies but specifies in plain English.
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Sounds like a you problem. Don't know what region or platform you play on so it could be different for you.
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Farming with the explicit objective the hooked Survivor killed is reportable.
Farming because doing so is pragmatically the best way to keep yourself alive due to the circumstances is not. For example using the unhooked as a human shield.
I go for safe hooks because you are more useful to me alive. But in the event that an unsafe hook will keep me alive where I would otherwise die then it's optimal for me to do so and that's not reportable.
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I only do solo queue and i don't have any issues :s
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It is still abundantly clear which playstyle is encouraged by how actions are rewarded. I honestly don't care if escaping is "technically" a win if I get next to nothing out of it. Same goes for killer—a 4k is cool and all, but if everyone dies on their first hook because you camp them to death there's no way you're getting a 'merciless' victory out of it or any significant number of bloodpoints. How is that fun?
All I'm saying is, there are precisely *zero* entertaining or fun plays I've ever seen that involved sandbagging teammates or camping/tunneling just to get a cheap 4k. Good players just don't play like that. Do you see many successful DBD streamers with that mindset? No. Why? Because it's boring to play that way, and it's even more boring to watch someone play that way.
Look, no one's saying you can't be selfish if you want... but there's a reason that playstyle is unpopular and that it doesn't really get you anywhere. It's totally cool & 100% your prerogative if you want to screw your teammates to escape almost every time and consider that "winning"... but you also probably earn an average of 8k bloodpoints per match and never make it past rank 16, so you'll forgive the rest of us if we're not that impressed.
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Careful not to cut yourself on that edge my guy. Yikes lol
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Weather you care or not it's a win.
Not my fault the ranking system doesn't properly reward optimal play and tries to force specific play styles on me.
Also you shouldn't be camping not because it's a dick move, but because it's not a very effective strategy most of the time. It's just asking to be gen rushed.
Meanwhile you shouldn't usually get your teammates Killed not because "altruism always good, must rush hook at all costs" but because those other Survivors are useful. It's why I run a medic build, because the healthier the other Survivors are the longer they can loop the Killer and the more time I can spend on gens as a direct result.
And more importantly, when you ARE being super altruistic, the fact that it's not how you win makes it even more so. After all what could be more altruistic than knowingly losing just so the others can win?
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You literally lose points if you unhook someone in the killer's face and they're downed again right away. It's called an unsafe hook rescue. Honestly, do you even know how to play?
Also, even though I'm not big on tunneling or camping as a general rule, one of my favorite things as killer is to tunnel the crap out of sweaty tryhards who play like you're describing. If I catch a survivor clearly farming someone I'm going to immediately tunnel that person, and probably give the other one the hatch just for good measure. A lot of killers do that at higher ranks actually and frankly it's hilarious every time.
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No one said to be altruistic just because it's nice lol. In fact, one of the points made above was that selfish gameplay leaves you vulnerable, and you're not going to get the hatch every time once everyone is dead, period. The game is 4v1, not 1v1v1v1v1.
Honestly, though, I am sometimes willing to sacrifice my own escape if it means I'm the only sacrifice the killer gets as opposed to them getting a 3k, and on several occasions I've gotten 30k+ bloodpoints in a match despite being the only one to die.
It's funny to me how the most obsessively competitive players are the ones who stay in green ranks forever tbh. Do you or whatever, but I'm going to do what gets me the most points and what moves me up in rank—you know, since those are literally the tangible rewards in the game. Lazy/gutless escapes and cheap 4ks get you nothing, save for perhaps a "look at me I escaped!" which idrgaf about personally. It is what it is.
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The game is a Killer trying to kill 4 Survivors.
It's not a free for all because the Survivors are not competing.
But it's also not a team game because the Survivors win separately.
Trying to describe it as 4v1 or 1v1v1v1v1 is wrong in both cases. The former only allows for a binary end state of Survivors winning or the Killer winning when there is either the Killer winning or some number between 1 and 4 Survivors winning, while the latter only allows for a single winner.
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A match doesn't have a single designated "winner" either so I'm really not sure what you're getting at. If I'm playing killer and I get 35k bp and 3 sacrifices that's a win for me, but it also could be a win for the one survivor who escaped, or even any of the sacrificed survivors if they had a really good game before getting sacrificed at the end.
I guess I just can't imagine enjoying a game like DBD for very long if you're overly obsessed with what's a win and what's not. Players who literally can't enjoy a match or consider any part of it a victory unless they escape or get a 4k take themselves way too seriously and are insanely boring to play with/against.
I guess my point is... if we're both survivors in a match, and you get a hatch escape with 6,000 bp after you spent a grand total of 10 seconds in the killer's TR all game and rescued no one... meanwhile I'm sacrificed with 29,000 bp after looping him for 3 gens and unhooking/healing the other two survivors twice each... then sorry but you can't convince me that you're the "winner" in that scenario lol. You just can't.