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Camping needs a harsher punishment

Member Posts: 488
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

No "DecReAse Da pOintS GainEd" Slow down the hook progression time the closer the killer is. Like seriously, all my matches today have been ending with someone else or myself getting camped. I understand camping when the doors are powered and no one is dead, but when there are 5 GENS LEFT!? This seriously needs to be discouraged. And no "It's LeGIt StrAteRgy" It ruins the game, you know, the thing you play? Can't play when the killer has trouble with the most basic of loops and decides to protect the hook like it's the goddamn holy grail.

Side note: Why are there so many ruins? Literally everyone from rank 20 to 8 are using ruin. Since when did it become THIS meta?


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  • Member Posts: 433

    How dare killers kill survivors, don't they realize they're only here to chase you around before letting you escape for free? Madness! They should remove the killer's ability to kill entirely.

  • Member Posts: 433

    Hacking, THAT'S what needs a harsher punishment. Or simply a punishment at all..

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    How was it abused by survivors?

  • Member Posts: 674

    That's why BT is a necessary perk to run imo.

  • Member Posts: 608

    it doesn't matter what idea you come up with... it doesn't matter how often this topic is brought up... camping is here to stay.

    even if 5 gens are up "ItS sTiLl A lEgIT sTrAtEgY" and the only thing you CAN do is hope your teammates are competent enough to punish the killer by completing as many gens as possible while the troll-killer is still staring at the hook.

    to answer the other question... Ruin is almost required in the game currently because of how quickly a competent team can get the generators done. (an issue exacerbated by killers who don't know what map pressure is)

  • Member Posts: 698

    What if the dev's made a perk. That if the killer is camping or in a certain range of a hooked person, the survivor can "use" it, and create a stun like effect on the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,299
    edited November 2019

    What if you used camaraderie

  • Member Posts: 1,299

    ??? I'm surprised you haven't thought of how that wouldn't be abused

  • Member Posts: 488

    Don't have, don't even have Steve. I don't really buy survivors because there is really nothing special about them.

  • Member Posts: 1,299
    edited November 2019

    just wait for it to appear on the shrine

  • Member Posts: 698

    A lot of things have potential to be "abused".

    But for instance, if the killer is standing in certain proximity let's say full on face-camping. They stand there for a certain period of time before the ability can even take place. This limits the idea of someone going in for the hook and killer chasing them, or survivors running the killer TO the hook, in order to use said perk etc. Because obviously, that is something that would be done quite often.

    Example: Decisive Strike. Supposed to be anti-tunneling. What do some do? Specifically go in front of the killer in order to get hit or drag them to a locker just to try to use it. - This "abuse" should be adjusted in my opinion as well.

    Anyways, just a thought. The length of stun could also vary, might not be as long even.

  • Member Posts: 488

    But still, if the survivors are incapable of making the killer unable to play, then why is the killer able to?

  • Member Posts: 1,299

    What about altruistic hook divers or swf or egc camping the killer can't just leave the hook since it's just a free unhook and a free escape at some times with that perk your going to take the stun or the survivor is going to escape there is no real in between with this either not to mention borrowed time exists so that on top of a stun on top of ds sounds really unfun already

  • Member Posts: 1,299
  • Member Posts: 488

    Yeah, but the tune is different when there is no one around, killer can instadown you, and is basically sucking on your knee caps with how close they are. There needs to be a fix for this, and a good one.

  • Member Posts: 13

    Tunneling and camping aren't issues. I understand the post though. You are frustrated, but honestly, camping is one of the worst things a killer can do. It is a guaranteed 3+ completed gens if done in the start of the game. The only issue I see is when the hooked survivor suicides out of frustration and kills the advantage that was given to their teammates. There are perks that you can us that will help you in camping and tunneling situations. Use them and increase your chance of escape. But hey, I get it. It is frustrating when I get tunneled and camped.

  • Member Posts: 488

    Yeah but most the time your teammates are too incompetent to understand "Hey, I'm free to do gens now, the killer ain't moving". I've never gotten past rank 10 because of this. And since camping is so prominent now maybe a perk can be made that allows a survivor to get borrowed time when they unhook themselves, If the killer has stood there for too long and it's only two survivors left. Or maybe make it to were you can't get downed RIGHT OFF the hook. Maybe a second or two after. Give them at least a 2% chance of escaping after unhooking yourself.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    The funny thing is as much as it has been suggested, and as many times as I see this same answer, the WAY it was abused by survivors was to "stay in terror radius". There are EASY fixes they could have made to avoid that. For example "if only the hooked survivor is in terror radius". This would not be abuseable by survivors. "If other survivors aside from the hooked survivor is interacting with an object inside terror radius, hook progression continues as normal".

    Also, there are other ways to punish camping that would be fine and not be abuseable. They could put a protection zone for only the unhooked survivor, to where after they're unhooked, that hook protects them from taking damage for 30 seconds. Then the camping killer either has to sit there and wait out the 30 seconds, letting others pump out generators, or go look for someone else. You might argue survivors could bring med kits and heal themselves to full health, but that doesn't sound like a major issue to me, if that survivor wasn't camped, they would have gotten a heal anyways, but if it does become an issue, you could easily make it where that survivor could not use items while in the protection field. Sure, the protection field idea would also allow survivors to unhook right in your face, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. You can hit the survivor unhooking in your face and still chase them. You can't be tunneled off the hook, etc.

    People spout that "It was abused by survivors" line so often, and so often someone brings up a suggestion that would completely render it unabuseable, but then it's ignored. If the devs had put ANY thought into their system after it was abused, it could have easily avoided abuse cases.

    Camping is what drives away players, I can guarantee that, because if I didn't have the iron will(lol) I have, I would have quit ages ago.

  • Member Posts: 698

    hook divers? If they rush in the perk can't kick in. Even with the killer there, it would need X amount of time of camping. I don't see how SWF would effect it, as the killer would need to be X amount of range as well. If a survivor is in the area also, that means the killer isn't camping at that point... so it shouldn't be able to be used etc. At EGC, I don't know? That seems more understandable to be camping in the first place. Maybe it won't even work once that goes. But again the stun duration doesn't need to be the same duration as a normal stun. -- Also, maybe the survivor using it can not move for the same time it is going off? That'd be interesting. And also, maybe the only way in order to use it, you have to be the one unhooking etc. So, that teammates like SWF can't just sit nearby and ready their own up, (you can't all use it). It has to be for a specific set purpose.

    Yeah. And I hope they do add/change something about this as well. And actual camping isn't fun for a survivor. For me I played to get bloodpoints... with matchmaking it takes FOREVER to get into a game sometimes, and to top it off once you find one, you just get facecamped, from the start.... you're lucky to get like 3k BPs. It would be nice to get some bloodpoints, like if they consider it like a "chase" you are occupying the killers time, and BP adds up, like if you are being straight up facecamped. It's not fun in the slightest, and people know it. Giving some sort of way to actually "play" the game, compensation, or even a way to even remotely counter this, would be something.

    The problem is with some of it, is trying to balance it. Like they did with DS, that has "loopholes" if you will, which is also not fun. You need to try to be fair as possible. I can't quite think of a way to give a hooked person "something" to sort of do, while they are up there. Like maybe if you are being facecamped, you can initiate a 5th perk slot.... Kindred lol... I don't know. Some change regarding this topic would be nice.

    The "counter" is just do gen's. But realistically, you can't do 4-5 gens with out a "rush" build, like toolboxes etc, and even with one, you have to consider transitions to the next gen. I have a hard time seeing 4-5gens..... I could be wrong. I mean you have 3 people doing gens, while one survivor is dying. So, at most 3 can be going at once from the start of it... ( I don't have the times on that). Not everyone brings those. Like sure yes you can do gens, but it would be nice to have some sort of "counter" even if it is very minimal.

    I'm sort of surprised they made camaraderie a perk, I mean, instead of maybe having that initiate from just being facecamped.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Camping can't be changed simply because hook divers exist.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    I said a safe zone for the unhooked survivor, not for everyone. Maybe read before spouting off things. You couldn't heal the unhooked survivor in the safe zone. The survivor who was unhooked would be the only one immune. You could argue that if both did that to each other, they could have immunity, but in that case they gave you an extra hook you normally wouldn't have. Who's winning in that scenario? Neither of them can move afterwards or they're downed again. If they leave the hook protection field, they're gonna get injured again regardless. That leaves only two people on gens.

    Even if that did become a problem, there's a very easy solution. Once someone else is hooked, the protection zone dissipates for any other survivors.

    Should also add Borrowed Time doesn't work for every killer now, because of Oblivious, so you can't say "That's the counter to all camping!"

    Post edited by Atrushan88 on
  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Personally, I would like to see Kindred get added as a base mechanic for the survivors.

    That way, it opens more counterplay camping to solo survivors, but doesn't effect the killer when the survivors decides to feed the camper. 🤗😁

  • Member Posts: 698

    The stun would make this even worse, as if a survivor goes to the hook to loop, you have two choices: either drop chase and let them score a free unhook, or loop it and eat a random stun from the hook, where they will probably rescue, and if you down/pick up the unhooked person you'll likely eat a decisive as well.

    Giving a free stun to survivors is not my idea or intention. Under specific set rules and guidelines as well as maybe a downside or negative towards the survivor that uses it, would be. And stun duration doesn't need to be as long as "normal" stuns. If survivor is in area = killer isn't camping. So, cannot use the stun idea perk. Killer would have to be considered camping most likely due to X amount of time, as well as X distance. Not initiating chases with other survivors etc. If it can't be tweaked to avoid abuse, such as how DS is used, then there is no point to it.

    Perhaps, not thinking of it as a stun, but a minor shield protection to the person doing the save? Maybe it could be changed into a "change" one survivor gives his life to save, while he gets hooked instead? Giving the killer a body and the survivor can get some play time in the game?

    The goal is to give survivors a way to "counter" or at least benefit in some way. As rank, and bloodpoints etc get effected.

    Honestly.... I would love this ... lmao.

  • Member Posts: 634

    There doesn't need to be a harsher punishment for camping. There needs to be a greater benefit to not. Same with tunneling. Make it easier for killers to pip and keep up pressure.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    While Kindred being a base mechanic would be cool, camping itself prevents one player from playing the game, and it happens in low ranks quite frequently, which people tend to ignore. That however is a big factor in people continuing to play from my experience.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    It happens almost every game in red rank, and in low ranks too, which is one reason why a lot of survivors intentionally derank to stay in the mid-ranks, also meaning they end up bullying killers in order to avoid the stress of red ranks.

  • Member Posts: 1,030

    true that. but it doesnt work on freddy which sucks :(

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    Yeah but someone in red ranks can at least play the game a lot longer than someone in low ranks.

  • Member Posts: 500

    Everyone would just do gens and let the dummy facecamp until they walked out. It worked imo, but it still made it unfun for the person left for dead on the hook.

  • Member Posts: 227

    You're in low rank. Baby killers are getting bullied are frustrated.

    Do gens, rank up, the killer will get 1 kill and you'll escape. Ez

    Of course with these long paragraphs about BT and such i don't think people are really upset over the baby wraith camping at 5 gens. And if you are wow, i most be a god at this game and didn't even realize it

  • Member Posts: 919

    Can they fix the doctor treatment mode exploit?

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    Not only are low rank killers camping though. Even higher ranked ones do. Even had one guy who camped all the way to rank 1 on PS4. Either way, whether the killer gets only 1 kill or not is not the issue. The issue is that it creates a situation where one person cannot play the game. And I'm sorry, but killers in low rank have it easy. You can get 4ks in low ranks so easily you could do it blindfolded. Sure if you have a higher ranked survivor in your games, it might be more difficult, but killer is a lot less stressful in low ranks than it is at higher ranks. Survivors suffer the most in low ranks. Being new to the game as a survivor makes you wonder if the game is even worth playing because of how bad of an attitude most killers have there. I went through this, but I was very determined to get better at the game, and I have, and don't experience camping AS MUCH, but it's still there, and it still sucks for that one person who doesn't get to play the game, and believe it or not, unless the survivor runs the killer for an insane amount of time, you can only do 3-4 gens before they die on the hook, meaning someone else is likely to die as well, unless you go for a BT or DS play(or Adrenaline, if they don't have NOED, but most campers have NOED).

    By the way, I've even seen worse things. I had one guy actually bring Monstrous Shrine, Iron Grasp, and Agitation while camping so the person in the basement died faster, meaning he could go to the next. I know Monstrous Shrine is supposedly really bad, but for people who camp, this lets them get to their next target faster if they play like this.

  • It sucks I agree, all I ask is that whatever work around to it they do doesn't involve nerfing killers in any way shape or form. So long as that is the case, I am all for not just camping, but tunneling being worked out of the game as well.

    However as it stands the latter is damn near unavoidable at times.

  • Member Posts: 3

    You know killer mains won't accept this. They believe that survivors who DC should be penalized but killers who DC shouldn't. Camping, tunneling and NoEd will always be a core part of gameplay for killers.

  • Member Posts: 927

    I still think the camped survivor should get a distraction bp event. Sure, everyone else can gen rush, but in a point based game where BP is your only means of progression, it's more logical suicide out and start your next matchmaking endeavor. It already takes forever to get into a match. If the killer isn't going to pet me play, I might as we move on to the next match. Personally, I consider camping on par with taking the game hostage, but only for 1 person.

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    That's how I consider camping as well. You're taking the game hostage with that person, and slightly with the others as well, since you won't chase them.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    Trust me, it feels much more playable in low ranks. I was stuck there long enough with the rank update error bug.

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    When I was in low ranks, if I was found first, I couldn't loop or anything, so I literally died in like 3 seconds, then was stuck on a hook. I don't see how that felt more playable. This happened a lot, until I started getting better. There's no telling how many games I felt like I wanted to quit playing altogether because of how frustrating it was. It probably didn't help that I leveled David first so finding me was pretty easy, especially injured. I also thought No Mither was a good perk then, because I thought "Oh, being able to heal yourself on the ground sounds cool!, and so does not having grunts of pain or blood." Didn't take me long to realize how bad it was though.

  • Member Posts: 254

    Just bad idea you want punish killers for camping. I understand being camp is extremely unfun and game ruining but what about moment where survivors are hanging around hook and you know they are there?

    Is the killer ment to just leave let you get free hooks/heal up and stuff these killer would get punish aswell.

    Now if its a ahole killer then by all mean should be punish, they already wont pip and they will miss out on alot more bp.

  • Member Posts: 2,789

    That's not camping and an easy fix is to put in a system that recognises this; same for when all gens are done.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Camping is very hard to fix with mechanics as they could easily be exploited by survivors.

    The only way to fix it is to encourage killers to leave hooks by their own will, one way is genrushing but thats hard for Solos since the camped cant signal their teammates to keep doing gens and leave him be. There is also the problem with proxy camping, Hillbilly, Hag, Nurse and Spirit can stay away from the hook and come back in seconds not giving time for the unhooked to hide.

  • Member Posts: 3,893

    It's a decent suggestion what you just put something however stealth Killers would still be able to camp same thing with anybody using insidious.

    Killers can also abuse the system you could however make it a certain range limit from the hook like how make your choice and devour hope work.

    So if the killer's within 32 m the protection will activate however if a survivors work in 16 to 20 m the protection world deactivate.

    However a system like this would have to be turned off after the exit gates are powered

  • Member Posts: 2,092

    I never meant for it to be terror radius based. Just whenever you're unhooked, that hook has that protection in a certain radius around it for you only. It wouldn't prevent camping, just make you able to last longer and give you a chance to escape in certain situations(sprint burst, baiting a swing, etc). I don't see a need for it being turned off even after the gates are powered. You can't leave the area of the hook if you're unhooked anyways while still being protected, and it wouldn't do you any good to just stand in the hook protection, unless you had a med kit, but there's always the possibility of removing the protection upon using an item.

  • Member Posts: 130

    Being gen rushed is just as unfun as being camped, and I don't ever see survivors slowing gen repairs to help me out, yet it seems like killers are expected to cover their eyes and run away after hooking a survivor. I know what it's like to be camped, too; I main killer, but am good enough with survivor to loop, 360 (and occasionally t-bag) red rank killers.

    As for ruin... A lot of people will suggest "you need map pressure" but with a base movement speed killer and no ruin, this just isn't possible with competent survivors.

    It's not entirely necessary with faster killers, but if you play without ruin, you've got to be well rested, fed, and not be distracted by needing to poop. Otherwise, if competent survivors play perfectly and you do too, you should expect no more than 4 hook actions before the 5th gen pops.

  • Member Posts: 1,375

    This is my hook. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

    My hook is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I must master my life.

    Without me, my hook is useless. Without my hook, I am useless.

  • Member Posts: 4,335

    I like the challenge of playing without ruin..Sometimes you will just get destroyed, but other times you dominate and it makes you a better killer in the long run.

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