The archives promote toxicity amongst killers and survivors

I believe that the entire concept of archives promotes players to be more toxic in their games. My reasoning behind this is that I noticed a bigger spikes in people "trolling" in games. People refused to get team healed just to use self heal or bait killer at start of the game drop down every single pallet on map and then get hooked and die on first hook etc etc.
I believe archive system is flawed in this sense. People who burned many hours into this game wont care about rank system because reaching rank 1 is only fun/challenging only so many times in a row. And there is no way to judge/punish a player who will sacrifice the team/overall game experience for sake of their personal missions.
Anyone else shares my sentiment or am I just overthinking this?
I don’t think you’re overthinking it but from my experience it’s only been a match in between that I’ve had these scenarios.
Then again, I think in the right circumstances refusing to get healed or getting the killers attention in order to use pallets isn’t toxic. If the player wants to troll, then I understand the sentiment but I don’t think that the archives themselves promote this behavior.
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It does when it promotes this type of behavior. I won't use names, but a streamer the other day spent a lot of time focusing on self care during the match, putting his team in a rough spot (he's my favorite streamer; I'm not trying to rag on him).
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I just had the opposite enemy trapper was doing traps challenge so he clearly showed he just wanted to farm so other survivors went along with it so they were just stepping on traps constantly then farming points.
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those challanges are good but ppl are trying to speedrun them instead of doing them while playing normally
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ye but seriously speaking why wouldnt you speed run them? What incentive is there not to do it?I will use myself as example I have all perks unlocked all characters I play are T3 and I been to rank 1 countless times. New feature came out called archives. What do I do play normally or do I focus on challenges? which is more fun to do?
Same old or something new?
Thats the mentality that players have with this now.
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It depends. Killer challenges encourage them to be friendly and display that they're farming. All "do the thing in the same trial" challenges I did first try by just swinging my weapon in a direction I want survivors go for a challenge and then let them do whatever they want or ask me to do.
Well, that's not quite how I'm supposed to do them, of course, but hey, I don't remember ever grabbing anybody from a gen since dedicated servers came live. I even often miss locker and pallets grabs (with animation started).
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@snake5510 im not telling you to on focuse on challange but focusing is 1 thing, throwing game is another dont you think?
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ye but there are no benefits to not throwing a game if you want challenge completed is what Im saying. So it is tied together.
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@snake5510 yea thats why there was a lot of things devs made with good mindset but forgot how their community will use it (best example is last years hallow blight event, when survs after doing 2nd obj were dying on 1st hook) make sth good -> community will make so it will look like trash
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That's what you get for adding grindy challenges.
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and because of that HB event looked like that :) because you cant exploit battle pass (so you cant make other ppl games miserable) :) GJ community you've done that better no rift next time so ppl wont try to do it in most unfun way AGAIN :)
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Hey, this is this and that is that. You said "make something good". If it promotes stupid playstyle it's just "make something". What do you think people gonna do if there will be a challenge to drop a pallet on killers head in 20 different trials? They will drop a pallet and suicide immediately. Because:
- they're on a clock and have to finish challenges before archives are over;
- they can accept only one challenge at a time, and can't cover multiple challenges to no be stressed about time;
- sometimes they're forced to use something they strongly dislike and want to finish the trial ASAP;
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I honestly like it, its bringing a variety to matches, as survivor games can get completely thrown by a team mate or two going out of there way to waste pallets, but at the end of the day it is just a game, win or lose, who cares.
Just look at it from an amusement perspective.
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My friends and I were super shrekked last night, doing the pallet challenge simultaneously and competing for pallets.
Every killer we played knew what we were doing, and most games were just people running around, getting hit, and...having fun.
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Oh no im being forced into sth that I DONT HAVE TO DO poor me
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But how is not allowing someone to heal you toxic?
I do it sometimes even when I’m not doing challenges, because it’s just more efficient when someone else could be on a gen, for example.
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I guess I missed the part where the objective of a game was to win. It's not fun when survivors stand by a hooked teammate and point to me indicating they want to farm a save. I don't think so
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I play the game to have fun, win or lose, as long as I enjoy myself I win.
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That example isn't necessarily toxic, it was to show how a player acted differently because of the challanges.
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"If you want to drive a car, you're forced to pass driving exams for a license". You DON'T HAVE TO pass exams if you DON'T WANT to drive a car.
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True, but when we talk about “toxic behavior” which is what the entire post is about... not allowing someone else to heal you whether you do it for a challenge or not isn’t toxic behavior and definitely not something the archives is forcing you to do.
Asking for a farm is the easy way out with a lot of these challenges. However, I personally don’t want that. That’s why they are called “challenges” because they encourage you to play a certain way that isn’t necessarily safe or optimal... just not “toxic”.
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Thats exactly what I mean, all killers in my recent 10 games choose to farm challenges. Which removes any fun from trying to play the game normally and survivors push their challenges by farming allies, baiting killers into others, dropping all pallets etc etc. Once thats done they die on first hook to move on to next challenge. That those actions are toxic as you deny other players of a proper game.