More Opportunities for STEALTH

Ever since I bought this game I thought Stealth played a major role...but I was wrong. I have realized that Dead by Daylight is all about running/looping the killer; you cannot really hide from them and you most certainly have no way of fighting back. This makes the game kind of dull.
Given that the Developers tend to fix most issues through Perks or by making some minor adjustments, I have been thinking of some easy ways to improve the Stealth aspect of this game. Some of those suggestions might have already been mentioned on this Forum, but most people have chosen to ignore them which truly is a shame bearing in mind that most of those ideas were amazing.
1.Add this Perk or make Technician have this effect
No Trace
If you are the last Survivor to leave a Generator, you turn the Generator off for 8/10/12 seconds, hiding all signs of progression and preventing the Killer from damaging it. If another Survivor touches the Generator in the meantime, the Generator will be turned back on.
Why should such a perk be added?
Because quite a few Killers are able to get to you really fast and there is no way of leaving the area unnoticed. The Hillbilly can use his chainsaw to get to your Generator in a matter of seconds; Freddy can simply teleport to your Generator; The Spirit moves really fast while phasing; The Demogorgon is able to place a Portal close to the Generator and get there almost instantly. In addition, some Generators are placed in the open and it's impossible to get to cover in good time; maybe with this perk you will be able to fool the Killer and hide behind the Generator itself
This Perk might discourage the Killer to patrol the area.
2.Rework Calm Spirit this way
Calm Spirit
Animals seem to trust you as they often stay calm in your presence.
Reduces chances of alerting Crows by 80/90/100 %.
Your calm spirit can overcome the urge to scream and prevents the Killer from discovering your Location, with the exception of Auras and Loud Noise Notifications*.
*Loud Noise Notifications=Explosions
*Thrill of the Hunt is considered a Loud Noise Notification and thus it is unaffected by this Perk
Basically the Perk will now also keep you hidden from the Legion's Ability (if someone else gets hit while you are also in the Killer's Terror Radius, you won't light up), Ghostface's Detection Indicator( if you look at Ghostface while he is using his ability, the white indicator won't show up; that weird noise won't occur either), Notifications (Bubbles) such as the ones Rancor makes and it also silences Whispers (if you are the only Survivor within 32 metres or if all Survivors within 32 metres use this Perk, Whispers won't trigger)
The fact that the Killer gets to know where I am just because I was looking at him or because someone else got hit while in my proximity is just d*mb. This Perk doesn't even shut down those abilities completely ( Ghostface can still use his Power to expose people, the Legion can still damage Survivors with it, etc.)
3.Add this Perk
Cunning Getaway
Whenever you unhook a Survivor or you unhook yourself, the Loud Noise Notification is prevented. The Survivor's Aura will still appear on the Hook and the Game Hud will remain unchanged for 5/7/9 seconds.
4.When opening the Exit Gates, make it so that the first Red Light appears when the Gate is at 50%, the second Red Light when the Gate is at 75% and the third Red Light when the Gate is at 100%.
This way the Survivor might succeed in opening the Gate (if they are smart enough) without being caught even if both Gates spawn close to each other.
What do you guys think?
The first one would be used to troll killers, as you'd tap gens (or the same gen) in a chase to disable their ability to defend it.
Other than that, i like the other two just fine
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Hm, you're right. It should only work outside of a Chase then.😅
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I feel like 50% on the door would be too punishing for killers when the exit gate is too far yet balanced when they're near.
Maybe like 35%?
EDIT: And/or add a progress thingy on the bar to show when the light is gonna light up
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I like all the suggestions listed. They'd need to be tested in a PTB but they seem like solid changes.
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I like the idea of Cunning Getaway, but I think 9 seconds is too long. I think 4/5/6 would be sufficient, or it would have to cause broken because as a killer, information is your greatest ally, and if your information isnt updating in a timely manner, you're at an inherent disadvantage. At a 9 second duration, it would not only be META, but it would force killers to proxy or facecamp, at least on first hook.
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That is useless. The purpose of the perk is so that if a killer comes to the gen you're on they can't tell someone was there because the gen had progress.
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Woah there buddy, you're mistaking that guy for the OP. While I agree with the sentiment, the hostility was unecessary.
Anyway, I was curious about your suggested alternative, and noticed you directly compared it to Surveillance. What would you say happens if the killer is running surveillance, and the survivors, running the reverse perk, work on a regressed gen? Would surveillance proc and negate the other perk? Would they neutralise each other and show nothing?