Release bloodletting, legacy, twitch, kingking, pandatv, switch exclusive for all!

Since no more exclusive,
release bloodletting, legacy, twitch, kingking, pandatv, switch exclusive for all
no, they missed some exclusive
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We're getting some exclusive skins, be happy with what we're going to be given and don't get greedy. Legacy is something that they said isn't going to come back.
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The switch exclusive is so stupid lol
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I have all legacy skins and event exclusives, u misunderstand my point, buddy...
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lol, is that bad?
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lol, I kinda think the mask is cool, the rest, nope
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They won't release the bloodletting shirt because you couldn't obtain it without actually having to spend money for it.
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x'D tear off...
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but they said they want to free on all platforms and Since u can active its code on consoles, they should free it or they just bite their own tongue...
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The Bloodletting shirt won't happen because you needed to pay for it, and legacy won't be coming back because we promised that it wouldn't return. We don't want to go back on that promise.
The others, we'll have to see about. Since they use other people's/company's brands, we need permission before we're able to give them to everyone.
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u guys should know that pandatv was already closed and dead, right?
also, will there be some make up for those players who spent time on lunar year and summer bbq event?
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Here are the reasons we are not unlocking these specific cosmetics:
Bloodletting was a promotion for ordering items on our first merchandise store (the old one) for a limited period of time. Since players payed for it, we do not want to unlock the Bloodletting shirt for all.
Unless we are able to identify every player that lost legacy, it will not come back. At the moment, we are still unable to identify the players that lost their legacy, therefore, we are not refunding or unlocking legacy.
Twitch / KingKongTV / PandaTV / Switch Trapper
As per our contract with these partners, we cannot distribute the cosmetics the way you are suggesting.
Streamer cosmetics
As per our contracts and arrangements with streamers, they will not be distributed and unlocked for every player. You can get a large number of streamer exclusives in the Charity Case.
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Thank you for the reply, queen and FYI, pandaTv closed forever early this year...
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@AlexoBlue Yes we are not distributing PandaTV shirts anymore. Only Twitch / KKTV
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ok, one more question from many long gaming players:
will there be some make up for those players who spent time on lunar year and summer bbq event?
thank you for your consideration. :)
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You're shouting into the void, dude. I suspect that most of these people pitching a fit are young, and do not understand contracts and IP rights and other business realities.
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Someone, somewhere still owns the rights to the PandaTV intellectual property.
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they can work on it to get the goal of no more exclusive, we're not on the same aspect of this topic.
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I don't think anyone is losing any sleep over this item anyway. Heck, I don't even know what it is.
In any case, it's good that they're doing everything that they can to level the "cosmetics field," as it were. They probably would have included all of these other omissions, if circumstances didn't complicate it.
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I know, some friend of mine were steamers early on pandatv and participated the official event on pandaTv which had boy group and girl group, Top 1 got the golden one.
What I mentioned is the company was closed forever, sadly. And those streamer all went to other platforms, like kingkong, bilibili, douyu, blablabla
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Yes, but like they said, per their contract with whoever owns that IP, they can't do it. It probably wasn't worth all the trouble it would take for them to work this out.
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What about the deathgarden cosmetics? Are they ever going to be available on console?
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I literally just asked him about this in another thread and he mentioned that things people paid for wouldn't be available. Not from the second hand market, but BHVR approved market.
I did ask him a follow up question regarding something else following that, but dont think I'll get a reply I usually only get one sadly.
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Why do you need to identify every player that lost legacy in order to give it back to them? Why isn't it possible to give it back to those who can prove that they had it?
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But I thought it was to stick it to the back room dealers.
I understand it would be too hard for you guys to simply deactivate unused codes after a set amount of times, after all it might somehow delete everyones progress...again.
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As much as I like new, free cosmetics, i dont think legacy should be released for free, grinding was an utter pain in the ass back then, old dedicated players deserve to be recognized in some way.
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good point
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Did they say if consoles are ever getting the Meg mask?
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No it is an exclusive for having both Blood Garden? And this game. Same with the left 4 dead shirts. We can get it, unless Blood Garden goes to console, maybe. I was told that , that game isn't doing so hot.
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good point
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I’m sorry, is nobody else alarmed by this?
Okay, I’ll bite. How do you have all 27 legacy pieces?
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I dont get it why ppl are so horny about these exclusives. The store skins are way better for my opinion. Almost all oft them.
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You do realize it's possible to own DBD on console and Blood Garden on PC, right?
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What do you mean with pandatv "closed"? You mean he deleted his Twitch channel or what?
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@justarandy the PandaTV they are referring to was a Chinese streaming service that closed.