Incentive to Cleanse against The Plague...

I don't know how much this has or hasn't been brought up because I have just joined the forum.


I was wondering if there could be a change to The Plague where you could cleanse yourself at a fountain before becoming fully diseased/broken without turning the fountain red. I think this would help open the way towards more constructive play when faced off with a plague as a killer. A survivor wouldn't be damned to just be sick once they touch something diseased just because another diseased survivor decided to give a helping hand. I feel there would be more meaning behind The Plague actually making sure people got fully diseased in the first place. Red fountains would still stop people from cleansing there, but maybe survivors wouldn't see the auras of fountains until they're fulling sick. I think this would also have the benefit of removing the idea that The Plague is a direct counter to all forms of healing. I think it would be fair that if you were to cleanse while hurt, but not fully diseased that then you would still stay hurt and could now make use of perks that were brought in just for healing.

I know everyone seems to have their one or few things about this game that they just roll their eyes at, but for me, facing off against The Plague just feels very one note boring whether its a win or a loss.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I mean that would only help survivors for early game.

    In late game it wouldn't make a diffrence

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    And this shouldn't be a thing unless corrupted purge gets nerfed.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    Survivors don't cleanse to deny her power. With the no heal meta that we are in, survivors are fine with being in the injured state. This suggestion only seems to further deny her from a power already controlled by survivors in exchange for a free heal.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited November 2019

    It's not for the survivors' sake that people suggest incentives to cleanse whenever balance discussions around Plague come up. The reason that incentivising survivors to cleanse is important is because otherwise Plague can't use half her power. Making it so that cleansing early enough just stops you from getting sick without any kind of tradeoff is a direct nerf to a killer who doesn't need one.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    I mean, Plague is nice without getting devotion. I would just want to see plague being 4.6 base and only 4.4 or 4.3 while in Devotion

  • Yrutan
    Yrutan Member Posts: 26
    edited November 2019

    Personally, I would change the Plague's power in the following direction :

    I would add more thresholds/stages/tiers to the disease. After the initial infection, the first threshold would make the survivor infectious and vomit. The second would put a survivor into the injured state and impose the broken status. The final threshold would make the survivor vomit more frequently. The disease would take longer to take hold than currently but it would progresses faster when a survivor is running or working on a generator. The fountains would no longer heal back the loss health state.

    Also, I don't really like the corrupt purge aspect of the Plague because I feel that it reduces the contagion theme of the Plague too much (it is taking too much space). I would much prefer if it was replaced by something like :

    Used fountains are corrupted for a while (like 3 minutes or more).

    Fountains can be infected just like other environmental objects by the Plague's power.

    Survivors at the last tier of infection are put into the dying state when hit by the Plague's power.