Remove 75% stagger reduction on Balanced Landing if you're exhausted

We can pretty much agree this perk is way too good. I've no problem with the speed boost and 75% reduction of stagger. But this should only work if you're not exhausted. This would make the perk more in line with the other exhaustion perks. They don't give you any benefits when you're exhausted and so should it be for Balanced Landing.
I swear people will find anything to complain about.
Leave it as it is, it's fine.
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This guy is right tho. No exhaustion perks should benefit you while exhausted. They're one-time use per chase (or at least supposed to be)
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I see no reason to remove the stagger, wouldn't be Balanced Landing if it didn't reduce stagger and it is only strong on certain loops and can still be countered with some strong mind games.
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But BL is a bit diffrent because it only works in a specific location on a map.
It should be weaker (like 50%) or change the maps to represent that
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The Maps are the problem, not BL. Removing the 75% Stagger Reduction would easily make BL one of the worst Exhaustion Perks.
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Excuse me sir, but you probably have problems with reading. Where did Aven_Fallen say that infinites are fine? All he said was that Maps are at fault, not the perk itself.
"Maps are the problem" = Maps needs to be fixed, simple as that.
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What other Exhaustion has benefits whilst being on cooldown? Not Sprint Burst, not Dead Hard, not Head On; none of them. Save for Balanced Landing. Why is that the case? Why does this specific perk have a passive affect whilst being on cooldown. It makes sense for Balanced Landing to fall in line with the rest of the bunch. In agreeance with OP.
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I would rather if they get rid of the speed boost and keep the stagger tbh.
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It used to be that way and the perk sucked ass because of it, the perk should stay how it is, but what needs to change are the maps. Some are poorly designed and seriously need retooling to prevent infinites from happening with BL, but not making the map terrible without it (Hawkin's being the prime example of how NOT to design a map).
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All the other ones are not used because they're ######### though. Without a passive effect, they're near useless. You have to walk 90% of the time with Sprint Burst, Dead Hard is only good in EXTREMELY rare situations, and Lithe has enough maps where it's just bad to bring. Play one map with Lithe on the Game map and you'll never bring it again.
If you ask me, Balanced Landing doesn't need to remove the stagger reduction, the other exhaustion perks need to have a passive effect as well to put them in line with Balanced Landing.
Balanced Landing will be useless if this is changed, not to mention it's called BALANCED LANDING, why would it be called that if you didn't have a balanced landing all the time? It should be changed to "Occasionally Balanced Landing" if they change that.
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It is probably quite a lot of effort to create a new map and then make sure that it can't be abused with balanced landing. It probably also hinders the design process, knowing that they can't create the map just how they want it because balanced landing could break it.
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Not really thought ? That is actually what blows my mind here. The new map loops literally require to have stagger reduction or you will get caught by the killer and that is true for the majority of the loops on the first floor where all the gens are /minus one/. For me they make this map that is horrible gameplay wise and then proceed to nerf the only perk that may give u even a chance to use loops on it. It just does not make sense to me. It feels like the map designers and the balance team are literally disconnected from each other.
It is even funny when I thought what IF I use lithe instead on the new map. Where the hell I activate it besides the second floor loops ? I can think of only the basement loop that is very safe so not needed there. Everything else is a loop with a drop isnt it ? ...which will reduce the speed effect of lithe. So it has to be a pallet loop ... Well great design
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Oh boy do we have news for you
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no noononono!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Apparently there's been talk of this exact change going to be implemented. There's a few posts of it on the internet. First I saw about it was a meme on Reddit.
As far as I know, BL was only really an issue on Haddonfield, but I've also heard that map was up for a rework (much like Badham Preschool).
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Dude! be careful with the logic system, people here doesn't understand logic.
ps: Allow the survivor to heal himself with 15% of the speed. There's no need for a perk, if there is make it 70% of the speed. But allow the survivor to heal himself, or make room for 5 perks
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It's only fine if Haddonfield is fixed first.
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Apparently OP was right. They did it.
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YES YES YES... AT LAST!!!!!!!!
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Killers automatically get a balanced landing stagger reduction, survivors should be able to have 1 perk to counter that. Balanced landing was the only perk that gave survivors a chance on maps with drops, and even then it's is extremely situational and only good on certain maps. Killers still have the advantage with the stagger reduction and increased speed so how is the perk OP? No good killer main should have that much trouble catching a survivor with balanced landing in place with all of the advantages they have built in.
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Loops with a drop are balanced with those drops in mind.
Balanced landing throws a wrench in that balance creating infinites or psuedo-infinites where previously the drop was keeping it in check.
This fixes that
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Guess I'm switching out Balanced for Prove thyself.