Why is Legion getting nerfed when he is already the weakest killer in the game?

Seriously, the community has been begging for him too be buffed for so long, then you just go and nerf him for no reason. he needs buffs too make him good, not nerfs too make him even worse then Leatherface. Nerfing him makes literally no sense because he was already one of the weakest killers in the game, he isn't op, or even un counterable.
The community has been begging for Legion buffs for months now, there is no reason too kick him when he's already down. Please remove the changes too Legion and give him a buff too make him actually viable in red ranks.
they wanna make a old Freddy 2.0
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Nobody was asking for these illogical changes and nerfs!!
Could you please, for the love of God, put the guy who reworked Freddy on a rework for Legion. FFS
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Beast of Prey. Old Legion
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I just found this out now:( so tell me again why are they nerfing him agian since he's already the weakest killer. Let me guess complaints from swf? We ask for buffs but this this... Idk just why?
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I just found this out now:( why!?!
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Why? I'm guessing one reason is so that his attack is made consistent with other killers.
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Matheiu: The buff stick holds a special place amongst the dev tools. You might say, it is a certain wisdom.
Freddy: Tell me what it needs
Mathieu: To ensure that whoever possesses it understands its power, the stick demands a sacrifice.
Mathieu"In order to take the stick, the playerbase must lose that which they love. A nerf for a buff."
Freddy is not sorry little one
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If they didn't make frenzy hits be considered non basic attack....I could live with the rest.
The problem with that nerf is that it directly attacks his uniqueness and actual fun gameplay choices. Which is something a nerf should NEVER do.
It's why I dislike the Nurse nerfs as well, because the addons are literally like, we took away the fun ones and here are some that give bloodpoints or challenge handicaps.
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Wow goodbye STBFL, it wasn't even that strong you lose a lot of tokens when hiting the obsession and you don't really cut a very significant distance but anyway the devs do it again.. *omega facepalm*
Is there a killer that can benefit from this mid tier perk anymore? because i think legion was the last one.
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Maybe because he wasnt nerfed
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The people behind all of Legion's changes are some seriously incompetent people, this is a bandaid at best and it's not even a good one. They still haven't even touched Frank's mixtape yet, still garbage. But here's why this angers me the most, they aren't gonna do a thing to Legion for months after this, we're gonna be stuck with this PoS for months.
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100% True and the guy who made the first "legion update" should get fired.
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True the movementspeed and vault speed change is pretty nice though, but by FAR not enough. I mean they were even changing some addons, but why are they leaving franks mixtape and deep wound study #########? xDD Idk what kind of monkeys are there in the office doing the legion buffs.
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Ghostface and Bubba.
Michael too if you use your stalk right.
Technically Hillbilly, Amanda, and Demogorgon too, but Hillbilly doesn't need to M1 that often and Amanda and Demogorgon have to limit themselves to using easy to avoid Shred and Ambush attacks on their Obsession.
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That's a bold claim. Care to explain your reasoning?
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So instead of a weak but fun killer, we now have a super weak and unfun killer? All this will do will make the devs nerf Beast of Prey or nerg Legion even more. They need too just make him a viable killer, not nerf him into dust like Thanos.
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my point still stands, its going too be nerfed or Legion will be nerfed.
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i literally only care about sloppy not being viable on him anymore
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I care about all of it because none of it is necessary. No one asked or wanted Legion Nerfs, so I can't comprehend why they nerfed him so damn hard.
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because they hate him. his the unwanted child they wanna forget about.
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Probably because he wasn't nerfed.
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besides it was useless with the pin anyway, but stbfl was a fun way to play legion and viable too and i'm sad now it will boring now, imagine they change scratched mirror myers for something that augment the lunge istead of what it is , it would be very unfun and stupid, for me they did the same with legion just a waste, and if people can keep their consistency for themself appriciate it (yes i'm upset beceause everything is broken again with him)
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i get why people complain "do the devs even play their own game" now xD
they suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. these changes. really misguided.
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He was nerfed. Mend buff and Feral Frenzy not counting as hits outways faster vaults and a MILD increase in MS. He didn't need nerfs in any form, he needed buffs, and the fact that Mend changes also buffed BT even though it is a meta perk is just silly.
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I guess they want a "hard mode" killer in the game pepe laugh.
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impossible mode as now a name, legion mode
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Y'all ready to see the greatest thing ever witnessed
That's a dev 🤡
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yo i saw that, sorry but the reasonnig is stupid, why not nerf only the add-on?? it would be enougth and even if some people would have been upset we would have understand beceause mangle pin and... well let's talk about he other big nerfed that just destroy legion what's the reasonning with that @Peanits @Almo
Edit: the change is remove the fact that fenral hit are consider normal attack
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That's really not a big nerf, dude. Just switch up a couple of perks and you're stronger than before. It's not like any of the basic attack perks are mandatory for success as Legion. I should know; I play as them, and I never used any M1 perks.
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All you do is say "it's not a nerf" without providing any reasoning. Also, if the devs say it's a nerf how can you still persist saying otherwise.
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funny i main them and i think to be polite that you are very wrong, pls don't use the argument "is should know i play them" or "i am a legion so i am right" thanks
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Uhh... my reasoning was "Just switch up a couple of perks and you're stronger than before". Just because you say I don't have any reasoning, doesn't make it true. I use BBQ & Chili, Ruin, Monitor and Abuse, and Thanatophobia. I don't need STBFL or Sloppy Butcher, and as far as I'm concerned, this is an overall buff for Legion.
Several of his add-ons were given major buffs (I'm literally sitting on 24 unused Smiley Face Pins, 2 unused The Legion Pins, and 5 unused Defaced Smiley Pins, because they did absolutely nothing for me until now), and FF became a lot faster and a lot harder for survivors to evade. Having a faster vault speed and movement speed will often make all the difference at many different loops, especially when you're trying to chain multiple hits together with FF.
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For the memes dude lol
I mean come on what other reason could there be! A lot of people say "nobody asked for so and so" but this time its actually true, if you let the most toxic die hard survivor mains decided who to nerf in what order i have little doubt legion would be a the bottom of the list
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Yea i saw that. I love how they "considered" BT being buffed and thought "yea this is a fine thing." At this point I don't think the devs even play the game.
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Actually most of them ABSOLUTELY HATE Legion even now and they won't stop hating it after the changes because they simply want them out of the game.
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Have you played Legion on the PTB? He feels 300% better to play than he does on live. His movement buffs are insane.
Along with that, running Beast of Prey on him guarantees you a down on a survivor currently...
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I disagree, I find all the nerfs outway Faster vaulting and a slight run speed. Not being able too use perks like Franklins, Sloppy, STBFL, etc really hinders him, and the Mend buff makes him completely useless.
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Sooo you haven't tried him or you have? He's so much more fun of a killer now. They should have made the on-hit change ages ago
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Oh, wow! He can get hits better! That's so good, I've never thought about that! Thanks, speed, now I can apply mend, and they can just easily mend it anyway, and not be downed because his power can't do that! So cool! And who cares about beast of prey. We all know it's gonna get nerfed to prevent 'old legion'.
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They sold all the cosmetics they believe they will for Legion. Time to add new cosmetics for the next killer before they nerf them to the "fun" zone.
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I haven't tried him yet, but i really have no desire too either. You can read how bad he is in the patch notes, and seeing videos on Legion only prove how he's even weaker now. His only gimmick is BoP + Nemesis, and even then you simply don't stun him. Having a slight MS increase and faster vaulting doesn't out way not having Feral hits count as M1 hits and the completely buff too Mending.
He simply didn't need nerfs of any kind, and making a bad killer worse for a few very weak "buffs" is simply not good. The devs reasoning of "double blade was making mending take too long" didn't justify making him worse.
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Lmao i thought it was survivors complaining all the time now its the killers ha classic.
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Hee hee ho, Killers complain about weak killer being nerfed, hee hee ho. Totally not a good reason to complain.
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He isn't the worst...yet. LF is
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I disagree, with the new nerfs I honestly find him weaker. At least Leatherfaces ability is somewhat threatening, even if it is weak.
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It was a QoL change to maintain consistency (basic attacks being BASIC ATTACKS and not the killer's power), don't think they sought to gut Legion specifically.
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They probably didn't intend too nerf Legion as hard as they have, but they clearly intended too nerf Legion, which is just silly too nerf an already weak killer. Plus, with the Mending buff, it has now buffed BT too be an even stronger perk then before.