When will the new killer be available on PS4?

Best Answer
There hasn't been an exact date officially announced, but usually a new chapter comes out for both consoles and PC two weeks after the start of the PTB, so we can fairly safely expect the new chapter to release on December 3rd.
It’s not out on PC either, it’s only in the public test build, so all that may change, but yah it usually comes out a week or 2 later
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Leaks mention december 3rd. No guarantee though.
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Nothing really to "leak"... it's always 2 weeks after PTB..
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It's usually 2 weeks after PTB. It's amazing how fast people have forgotten the last mid chapter patch and the frustration with the delay of Withering Blight event that six weeks later we hear "it will be released on December 3rd" again. This is very, very likely the date the devs are aiming for, but as we all saw things can happen, and that's the reason why there's no official release date yet.
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I was talking about DLC content. If there is a delay, they will tell us about it.
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December 3rd. It was officially announced by them.