Can someone tell me what they changed to Balanced Landing?

I legit don't know what they changed about it and i wanna know. I use it frequently so i would like to know what's up.
Best Answers
You no longer have stagger reduction while exhausted.
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Decent nerf but tbh now if you wanna jump down an area after using balance landing your gonna get smacked. Now if your gonna loop by jumping down you now gotta stall for exhaustion to go away.
It was changed due to the perk being abused at loops with windows that dropped off... so Haddonfields window loop, Iron works window loop + the drop down, Crotus prenn... were a big issue if someone had Balanced Landing.
Now they can no longer ALMOST infinite Killers... especially Killers like Huntress that could literally do nothing against this...
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This is great news :)
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Didn’t they add something o it as well
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I don't believe so...