Can we stop this "nerf killers #toop" crap now?

So i was going through this wonderfull website again and i stumbled upon this nice little post:
Can we pls stop nerfing killers that do well against SWF groups? If we nerf the killers that do well, how are survivors suposed to play against killers at high ranks IF WE CANT REACH THIS BLOODY POINT???
This whole "nerf this and that" is leading to the state this game was a year ago when nobody played killer and the game was about to die. Dont make the same mistake again BHVR for the love of your income.
By buffing killers that need it. Nurse needed a nerf. Probably not as severe as she got. But that's another story. Spirit needed a change. Though again not the one she got. Legion was absolutely toxic. Though again they went to far. Honestly their power should be scrapped for something else. Ghostface would be fine if his reveal mechanic wasn't so unreliable from both sides. All that said they need to start buffing the lower tier killers. It doesn't even need to be big buffs. Small QoL changes to start would help.
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How about stop saying "dont nerf killers" and just understand that this is necessary in every process of balancing?
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Huntress irridescent hatchets need a nerf.
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It works the other way too, how are survivors supposed to do well against things that are too strong?
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Legion was toxic at the beginning. After the big nerf he is one of the weakest in the game and for some reason he's getting nerfed again and Survivors are getting buffed.
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If they stop what will I have to read on here?
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I would say that looking at it that way at all is the wrong way to go about it. You should never view it as "nerf killers" or "buff killers". To look at killers as a whole and make a blanket statement like that would show that you aren't really putting any thought into it. You should always consider things on an individual basis, whether that's a killer, a perk, an item, or anything else.
e.g. "Mettle of Man OP" isn't a reason to nerf survivors across the board.
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Nice, love your input and feedback, very constructive!
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Just let me use mine up before anything is needed.
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Your what???
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1)Swf is broken
2) X killer performs well against SWF
3) X killer must be OP by logic.
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I can't see the changes to Legion otherwise. Now his add-ons no longer apply effect in the first survivor being injured during FF. FF attacks no longer count as basic attacks, making multiple perks considerably less useful with him. Mending time is being reduced, making his power considerably less useful. That's not a fair balance to one of the weakest killers in the game. And to "balance" this, now he can vault faster during FF? How is that fair balance? Legion was fun to play at the beginning, but I'm aware of the amount of exploits that could be used with his power. After the rework, he's very weak, but still fun to play and you still able to win if you are a skilled Legion. Now he's just a survivor with a knife who can run a little faster and give borrowed time to other survivors.
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What's the point you're trying to make here?
the forums often makes out that SWF is this unbeatable force, so if these killers are decimating the unbeatable SWFs you can only imagine how stomped on Solo players get.
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Eh,that is the point I was trying to make,lol
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Well they can go ahead with the spirit nerf because I have nothing on her but as for Huntress they should wait for me to use my iridescent heads up. Give it at least 3 months.
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My mistake.
I assumed (incorrectly) that you meant it's only being perceived as OP because SWF is complaining about it, my bad.
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Lol I don't care?
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What people see: To OP
What I see: Toop
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Its not, but there are many other justifactions for making survivors less powerful. The main one being...they should not be the power role and currently are. Secondly in this upcoming path, TWO killers are getting nerfs, right after nurse was overnerfed. Third, it took over a year to get a reworked Freddy, so that dosen't inspire confidince that the dev team is working on trying to fix weaker killers quickly to at all. Third, map design continues to be pretty but imablanced in terms of gameplay. The new yamoaka map, while at least smaller, is still a playground for survivors to run and hide in easily.
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All they need to fix is make the add on so it can't stack any other hatchets, you will always be capped at one hatchet.
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Then why did you respond lol.
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Got eem
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I was very confused by that part, thank you.
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I couldn’t resist! 😫
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@op, your post makes swf out to be overpowered so by logic, the killers that can deal with them would also be overpowered. Not my opinion but that is basically what it sounds like to me.
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I can spare a few seconds for a fan.
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I just think killers need some kind of recompense if they are going against an SWF, even if they aren't a tryhard squad, for what is an advantage and play mode that was never intented to be in the game in the first place.
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Honestly I would rather instead of nerf the viable or "overperforming" ones first. Buff the unviable or "underperforming" killers. A big reason is mostly because of the limited amount of good killers at red rank for high level play. So even if a few are completely at different levels then by buffing weaker ones once we get changes to the ones way too strong it wont be as heavy a blow by losing them and making the meta less diverse.
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If it had been me doing it I'd have given other killers QoL buffs at the same time. Massive reworks like Freddy take time. Small changes like having Trapper start with all his traps would (I should think) be pretty easy.
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Yep tbh a lot of killers just need small QoL changes to be viable outside of addons.
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Even if it took more then those small changes, they could start moving the chains at least.
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It's fine they would rather nerf strong perks and strong killers. Limiting diversity in the game overall. Diversity adds more variety which adds more unique elements and fun
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Looking at the track record on how killers are handled recently. This post isn't wrong to think like that. The devs isn't a stranger on swinging the nerf hammer on killers because of one is overperforming and "oh its not fun to face" But SWF is fun for killers to face every match...