General Discussions

General Discussions

Why are disconnects even an option?

Before the tome it was irritating at the least to deal with disconnects. Four going in, someone gets downed in 30 seconds then decides it isn’t working out the way they planned, down to three. You’ve got 1 gen complete, a previously hooked player goes down and instantly disconnects. Although the time it would’ve taken to carry them to the hook was all you needed to finish a gen instead, here comes the killer! As a survivor I was doing the “complete 3 gens in one match” challenge. Had two finished but the killer had no hooks. Can you guess what happened next?

I do believe that most will agree that disconnects are the biggest issue in the game. So why do the devs allow it? It’s simple. Turn the function to leave a match “off”. Once you commit you are in. Now, this doesn’t mean one can’t exit the game entirely or shut down their console or PC. Of course they can! So force that triggered little POS to reload the game instead of just exiting to the find a match screen. Stop giving entitled children ( that goes for people who think they are adults as well) the path of least resistance.

Face it. The devs are never really ever going to do anything to punish people. Without blood samples, video evidence, last meal consumed, they rarely take action. Simply take away the option. It isn’t even needed. If I have obligated myself to a match I shouldn’t be able to just click a tab and leave cuz I hear a Chainsaw rev or a Nurse blink. No, I need to exit the game and reload. Again, not a fix but I believe it will reduce the amount of disconnects by 30 or 40%, maybe more because it deals a degree of punishment. Something that the disconnect mentality players aren’t accustomed to. Let me know if you agree or not.

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