Why are disconnects even an option?

Before the tome it was irritating at the least to deal with disconnects. Four going in, someone gets downed in 30 seconds then decides it isn’t working out the way they planned, down to three. You’ve got 1 gen complete, a previously hooked player goes down and instantly disconnects. Although the time it would’ve taken to carry them to the hook was all you needed to finish a gen instead, here comes the killer! As a survivor I was doing the “complete 3 gens in one match” challenge. Had two finished but the killer had no hooks. Can you guess what happened next?
I do believe that most will agree that disconnects are the biggest issue in the game. So why do the devs allow it? It’s simple. Turn the function to leave a match “off”. Once you commit you are in. Now, this doesn’t mean one can’t exit the game entirely or shut down their console or PC. Of course they can! So force that triggered little POS to reload the game instead of just exiting to the find a match screen. Stop giving entitled children ( that goes for people who think they are adults as well) the path of least resistance.
Face it. The devs are never really ever going to do anything to punish people. Without blood samples, video evidence, last meal consumed, they rarely take action. Simply take away the option. It isn’t even needed. If I have obligated myself to a match I shouldn’t be able to just click a tab and leave cuz I hear a Chainsaw rev or a Nurse blink. No, I need to exit the game and reload. Again, not a fix but I believe it will reduce the amount of disconnects by 30 or 40%, maybe more because it deals a degree of punishment. Something that the disconnect mentality players aren’t accustomed to. Let me know if you agree or not.
It's because life happens and people might need to leave.
Hiding the option is meaningless.
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For self reporting
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What a weird sentence
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Seriously? An alarming number of people have job and/or child responsibility pop up as soon as they get downed for the first time...
And even more people seemingly have laggy internet every time they hear a spirit swoosh
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To continue what I said, if something really pops up in life why even care if you can leave the match? Just go AFK until you’re dead
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Let's not strawman. It doesn't help anyone
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Yeah it would be nice to remove the leave game option actually. At least force someone that's gonna DC to turn off the game and reboot it up.
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Oh no...anything but alt+f4. /s
People who wanna dc will dc. Removing the button will solve nothing
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Makes it more of a pain in the ass and time waster for the disconnectors doesn't it?
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Not really. There's gonna be punishments for DC's next patch.
And even without it, do you really think they care? They just want out of that game
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Then they can just turn the console or pc off, simple.
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Bad form to force players to just turn off the game or restart their PC/Console if they gotta' leave a match. Even when it gives people a way to be a goober about getting downed at the start of the match or ending up on a map they don't like. And I'd imagine that'd be against compliance standards, for Console Releases.
Also, this solution to "just go afk" if you get called away on a business thing (and I mean the people that actually have life come up on them), and leave your game running for who knows how long while you're doing who knows what, like, totally ignores that people in the real world have electric bills and that's just selfish of you that you think people should have to pay extra just so you don't have a bad experience in an online game.
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Sleep the computer, problem solved. The more excuses and justifications people give the more sure I am THEY/YOU are one of the people that DC every game unless you get a game against one of the bottom tier killers.
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I was thinking the exact same thing. Who would make the argument that dcing should be easier? Dcers obviously
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Face it. The devs are never really ever going to do anything to punish people.
I'd suggest checking the first patch note for the next chapter: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/105387/patch-notes-3-4-0-ptb#latest
There is going to be a new system to better punish people who disconnect too much. But to answer the original question, it's there because A) You might need it, and B) You can't stop people from closing the game anyway (like you said). To give an example, say you get stuck somewhere in the map and can't leave. That's a totally reasonable time to leave the match. Or if your teammates are griefing you, you can leave the match instead of sitting through it.
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To be fair, it's been a problem since the beginning, so people have just grown doubtful that it was ever actually going to be addressed.
I never thought you would ever actually address the matchmaking and the ranking system, but there is a step in the right direction this update so just keep trying to prove us wrong for doubting you guys.
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Having the option or not wont stop people from closing the application anyways.
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Sometimes you need to do something or as mentioned, grief or being stuck. Now, this system they made is to punish the RIGHT people who need to be and NOT the wrong people who either get dcd due to connection of their own and or of the game having an issue.
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The number of times you need to DC is minuscule. In almost two years of playing I have literally never been body blocked, and I have had two teammates blocked... one by another survivor and one by killer.
People who DC even once a day are really stretching it with what they feel is justified, in my opinion, and I hope the devs agree. Still, I would have no problem with everyone getting 1 free DC a Day with no punishment.
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Because expecting a player to force-close a game to get out of a situation like being stuck in a bug with no way out back before EGC or genuinely being held hostage would be a bit silly. Yeah, situations like that are rare, but it would be a pretty bad look to get in that situation and figuring out you're supposed to ALT+F4 or whatever.
Even games with far stricter penalties for disconnecting and in game modes that are straight up esports-oriented there's an option to quit, even if it warns you that you'll be punished if you go through with it.
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Could you maybe go back and READ this post?! Especially this part: “Now, this doesn’t mean one can’t exit the game entirely or shut down their console or PC. Of course they can! So force that triggered little POS to reload the game instead of just exiting to the find a match screen.”
Its a very serious alternative that should be considered! If “LIFE HAPPENS” like you say, so quickly, what are you taking the time to quick exit a match. Shut the console down and go take care of life...
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I agree real life comes first, and maybe, MAYBE once a day I need to wander away from my computer to handle something. If it’s happening to you 3, 4 or more times then it’s not a day you should be playing DBD you obviously have more pressing matters
You aren’t going to get banned a day for th e first DC, the devs understand things happen. But those bugs are rare so why are people DCing 5 times a day or more?
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But why not just let people close out the game? I think the new punishments will fix it but currently people just leave because the options there.
I've only disconnected once on a pig constantly doing a mori animation but since the tomes have come out i have had the urge to just say ######### it when its clear the game won't progress my challenge so i get why people do it
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Removing the button solves nothing. People who dc will dc anyway.
This would only get in the way of people trying to quit the game because life got in the way.
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the game isn’t about just YOU it’s a team game
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You mean the the team that's also constantly DCing and getting themselves killed because no one cares about winning at this point we all just want to do the challenges.
Also since you replied with such aggression im assuming you're upset that I DCd against the pig that one time. I was the last one alive
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Because too many killers are tunneling and camping and running perks like NOED and Rancor.
Literally, NOED is a new killer meta
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I rarely see it
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Which part?
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mori spamming is a reason to DC and report since he’s basically holding you hostage.
But you also admit you DC if it’s clear that you won’t complete your challenge too.
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Because I don't want to play tunneling and camping games. I value my time too much to waste it on some boring game.
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Because people have to leave for important things not because they got mad
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The title is so dumb , so I won't even bother reading the whole thing.
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Here's the facts.
They're adding disconnect penalties. So removing the option wouldn't be a good idea.
Anyone who disconnects for ANY REASON INVOLVING HOW A NORMAL GAME IS GOING is in the wrong, period. Killer got you first/tunneled you? Survivors got through 3 gens before you caught anyone/led you on a wild goose chase? The disconnect is wrong.
VERY occasionally having to leave because of life happening is fine. If this happens, the new disconnect penalties won't affect you. So you can't play a match for a few minutes? Gives you time to get everything settled. If it happens a lot? Don't play online games, you're inconveniencing others.
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Anyone with an ssd will just laugh. Booting up dbd again takes what, 20 seconds at most? Yeah no big deal for someone who wants to rage quit.
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Can we quote you on that? 🙂
It would have an effect, what effect though I wouldn't like to bet on.
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You just did. XD
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They already said they're putting in leave penalties into the game. Probably next patch. At least look the issue up before making a thread. It will ne punished now automatically with time outs.