Rank Rewards At Reset

Saw this on reddit devs make it happen
Can i upvote this more then once?
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good luck. the community has been asking for this since forever........
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I like it, might actually give some incentive to ranking up.
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Damn, I ended the season with 1 000 000 blood points stored up again.
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Its sad because i average purple to red but i get bored so i kinda derank to have some fun in the higher ranks.
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No. The game is not supposed to be competitive. Ranks are supposed to be in the game to help the new players that barely know the game. It's not fair for a new survivor to be against an experienced killer, and it's not fair for a killer to be against experienced survivors either.
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The roadmap they have on their website said they'd be focusing on rank rewards probs Spring 2020. I would kill to replace those Bloodpoint bonuses for Iridescent Shards. Those are a pain to stockpile. Cosmetics would also be cool just for bragging rights.
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The reason why killers derank is because theres no reason to stay in the lower ranks but be looped and other stuff so i cant play a killer i want to level without being at a hefty disadvantage. If you think things are fine like they are your sadly mistaken.
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honestly the amount of shards and the cosmetics is overexensive, it would be ok with just the bloodpoints and like 50 shard for every rank from 20 to the one you ended in.
Also, devotion rewards would be a nice concept too
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I like it but bloodpoints as reward are lame especially when having the cap.
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Okay.. it's not competitive TO YOU.. so some people it is, and ranked rewards should have been in the game LONG ago.
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Where did I say it was fine? I just said that there should not be rewards. Lower ranks like to turn casual into competitive because "I am at first, means I am good" and no, this is about balance and experience. You can stay at rank 10 but no, players want to reach rank 1 with every means. Then "oh no, it's umplayable, buff killers", (don't missunderstand me, some killer needs buffs) but the main reason you will hear is "I am a red rank killer/survivor every seasons and...", the truth is nobody asked you to be a red rank killer, no one forced you to be, no one told you "if you're a red rank then you will have X reward", you rank because you want to do it and if you, know that red ranks are full of tryharders and you go there then you must be some sort of masochist. Red ranks wants rewards because "it's hard to stay there" and clearly it is if you play the game in a competitive mode. Ranks doesn't matter, ranks are here just for balancing players.
Again. This is not a competitive game, a competitive game rewards better players, then every player say "no, I need to be the best" and want to do their best. But here you have no rewards so you don't have the pressure to "win by any means" because the main purpose is to enjoy, not to be the best.
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I got ya I voted up for u.
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So then if i wanna have fun and play against survivors who wont try hard and complete all the gens within 2 minutes i do wanna derank because they want to obviously win so they can become level 1 while i dont care. Thank you.
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Let me clarify something, the game IS NOT competitive, the core idea is not to being competitive.
You can't ask for a reward. Why? Because you thought it was competitive and tried to be the best. It's not the devs fault because they told in a lot of threads "the game is not supposed to be competitive". So, if THEY want to be competitive in a casual game it's THEIR fault, no one else is to blame here, no one asked them to do.
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You should not ask devs for a reward. You should ask devs to punish the competitive people that makes this game not enjoyable for another people. Put red rank survivors with a level 20 killer and they will start bullying he/she. You should say "this is not the way we should play", you don't need to be forced to run X perk to counter some toxic behaviours.
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Again, that's your opinion. People don't think E-sports are competitive and look how far they've gone. You can have your opinion and others can have their own. This game is definitely competitive for some people, maybe just not you.
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Behaviour's didn't want this game to be turn into competitive, behaviour won't do rank rewards because it will turn the game into a competitive one. Some people may want to compete but that's not the idea, nor the game was designed to work as a competitive one.
E-sports works in this way because they are oficial but in this case no, perhaps in a future mr. money will do their trick and behaviour would turn this game into a competitive one. But this is not the time that is going to happen.
And personally, It will be nice if behaviour does an "unranked" gamestyle so this game would have a competitive mode for the ones who likes it and a casual mode for those who don't want to feel pressured.
Maybe with the perks being different between each mode.
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Yet tournaments existed, even an official tourny hosted by behavior.. Yeah they don't want it competitive, do you read what you type?
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nope. I am wide awake hahahaha