Question for solo survivors

Do you guys change up the way you play at all when it's obvious you're playing with a swf group? I used to just play the way I normally would, but that generally turns into being chased at some point - not that I'm against being chased because that's obviously part of the game. It's just that swf groups don't save the solo players as often if I do end up getting hooked. In addition to that, they usually gen rush. So I don't feel bad partially ignoring objectives considering 9/10 times 2-3 gens are gonna be running in the first five minutes of the match... And it's really just not fun to breeze through matches that fast.
I've decided I'll start out and repair one generator, and if 2-3 get popped almost instantly I'm gonna run around sabotaging hooks, looting chests, and cleansing totems and saving people when I get the chance. Last few games I've ended up with a ton of bp's, some new items, and most of the time at least 3 of us making it out. Keeps me alive because the killer patrols gens while I'm on hooks, chests, or totems, and keeps my teammates alive since the killer sometimes can't find a hook in time. All while not allowing the match to end so fast that it's not even enjoyable.
So, what do you guys do?
Nah when I'm solo and I feel like I'm with a swf I just play as I usually do, although this kinda is what you're saying cause I chang my style depending on my teammates' styles. If they decide to let me struggle then their teammates can save em, this chest is more important. If they insta-save me with bt partway through the game and I manage to loop the killer for a while, then you can bet I'm gonna be saving them at endgame so they can escape. If they wanna genrush then I'll try my best to get the killers attention and loop, or if they wanna loop I'll try and get as many gens done as I can.
Example: a while ago I had a Meg sandbag me by showing my locker to a spirit on purpose, so in return I refused to heal her and because spirit is spirit she died soon after, may count as greifing but she brought it upon herself imo; whereas in that same game a David decided to save me safely and helped do gens, so at endgame he got my bt and we both escaped. Just run perks which are good for almost any situation and change it up depending on their style, works like a charm (or run meme builds like Head On and hope your teammates realise).
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I do generators because the majority of the time the main objective doesn't get done because they're all too busy trying to get altruism. I am a total team player, but I will prioritize generators if I see my team mates do nothing. I will also go out of way to rescue someone before stage 2 begins even if it means sacrificing myself.
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I do gens and heal as much as i can, mainly running bond or empathy. My team is no use to me if they're all dead.
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I run bond and just do whats best ( i.e. what the other survivors aren't doing). So it changes what I'm doing in the sense that i will pump out gens with stupidly altruistic teams, i will try to distract and loop the killer with bad teams, etc.
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I do not mean to be this guy at all!!!! I don’t mean to be cocky or try “hype” myself up, but I mostly play solo survivor and I typically find myself at the top of the leaderboard. I just run perks that give me information and do what I know needs to be done at the moment (in game). I try to play it like a SWF, but it can be hard with the lesser skilled teammates. All I recommend is trying to make your team efficient. Your method seems fine though, good luck too you
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I don't play swf, I played a couple of matches a year back with a memeing claudette but I played the same. I change my builds considering what and how killers are playing. In these current ranks at high purple/red. Killers really really tunnel, the best counter to that is being an #########, bring a hook distance offering and do a sabo build. If they tunnel a teammate you break their hooks, if they tunnel you, you break their hooks. Killers just lose the game focusing one guy(me) literally just stopping them and putting the killer in a corner for a time out and it makes the team "feel" better and prevent dcing and stuff.
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If I know I'm in a SWF group then I typically won't go for the save since I know someone else is most likely waiting around the damn hook anyway. My games typically stay the same with me being the gen jockey and trying to save people after the gates are opened.
When I play killer if I (and its sometimes very obvious) notice a SWF group not taking care of a solo survivor I will not kill the solo (I'll still chase and hit as to not make it obvious) and focus on killing the SWF instead.
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I try to fill in the gaps. Something needs done in every match rescue, healing, killer diversion, gens, hex destruction, set up for end game. I try to enhance my team's chances of survival over my own and will often score more points towards a pip for it.
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I typically play as I normally would.
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When I'm teamed with swf I tend to not go for saves as I know they are already swarming the hook.
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i just play normal im not the guy checking profiles
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The only thing I do differently is not be quick to unhook those who are super far away, especially if I’m on a gen.
Everything else I do normally.
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I always play the same because I have no idea who is friends with. I do my own #########, I try to evade the killer as much as possible, I try not to bring the killer to others, I try to save people hooked close to me but don't bother saving far away people, except if I know where the other 2 are and none of them went for the rescue or are injured.
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I change the way I play slightly.
I know with every SWF group I've played with, they have a "eff that random, let them die" mindset. They're more likely to sandbag the random, won't rush to save them, won't go back to save them, etc. They're more concerned with themselves and their SWF. I go into solo games expecting to get the "eff that random" treatment - - I expect that others won't take hits for me, won't heal me, won't make safe saves, will leave me hooked, etc. I tend to stay stealthy and get my objectives done: pop gens, cleanse totems, evade the killer. I'll definitely heal my teammates and will make saves only if I know it's safe for both of us. I am definitely more cautious about altruism until I can assess how my teammates treat me: if they seem like they're working as a team and show me altruism, I'll definitely go out of my way to help them, even if it means sacrificing myself for them. I do play more selfishly as a solo survivor, but if my teammates seem productive and play as a team, I'll definitely reciprocate. If everyone seems like they're out for themselves, I'll do the same.