Badly managed game

From today you can't play.
Why can't you manage this game?
Whenever you have problems with servers, if you don't know how to manage the game you change jobs.
jee, harsh.
I've been a "gamer" for 20 years now and I have yet to see a game or even websites etc, that doesn't face problems. chill bruh
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Server issue happen. Even Steam, Sony and Microsoft have issues now and again they can't foresee happening.
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just play a different game it's easy
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Every game with servers is working horrible or not working at all. This is not their fault
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Ehh can’t blame the devs, every game has some sort of server issues
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Which ones?
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As much as I condemn the devs for their balancing issues this one isn't necessarily their fault. Code is fucky, let em get to the bottom of it.
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Yep, even if servers werent down...still 15 minutes in lobby ;D
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All games may have problems but this one has too many.
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Every multiplayer server that has crossplay/online on Windows 10 store
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game* not server
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They tweeted about it, its on the forums that they know there is an issue and they are working on it.
What part of that isn't managing?
Go play something else if you have an issue with the way they "manage".
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hmm there are days where everquest, wow, SWTOR, and any other mmo have gone down for a day or more due to network connection issues, these servers are physically maintained by the company and are physically located in the same place. Go to Overwatch, DBD, CSGO and other point to point player vs player only also have this issue but they have a less centralized issue. do you blame dbd every time steam takes a dump and you can't play dbd?
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If you are unable to accept that people have different opinions from you then you should take your own advice and go do something else.
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What opinion is that?
That devs can't manage their game for the server going down? Lol
He is claiming they can't manage the game, for what? an issue that JUST happened and that they just said they are working on it.
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Your posts are rude for multiple reasons:
- you are telling someone to quit the game because you disagree with their opinion: "Go play something else if you have an issue with the way they "manage"."
- you are laughing at someone else's opinion: "That devs can't manage their game for the server going down? Lol" (emphasis on the "Lol" added by me)
- you are implying I can't read: "Please learn to read."
I would like for to request being so hostile. I am not going to respond to further posts by you if you continue to be what I perceive to be rude.
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You are aware, aren't you, that there isn't a single multiplayer online game EVER that hasn't had problems such as this at one time or another? So where do you get off chastising them for something that has happened literally to everyone?
Seriously, unless any of you can find an online multiplayer game now or previously on the market that never had a problem, and you are chastising Behaviour, you seriously need to back off. You have no idea what you are talking about.
And of course, if you can do better, then please show the developers how to do their job.
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Tf2 item servers and sometimes the entire game go down more frequently than dbd.
Invalid criticism. Only issue I have with dbd is atrocious balance.
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It's your choice to perceive what I said as rude.
I wasn't implying that you can't read, I was implying that you're reading without understanding the context of what is said.
OP said they can't manage the game because the servers go down... even though they were very quick to make a post on twitter about it, AND post a message on the forums, about them handling the situation.
If you have a problem with how I address other people, then perhaps you shouldn't put yourself in a position where someone is bound to respond back at you.
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These things happens, it is a shame but you can't expect something like this to never occur.