Straight up question for the devs. Do you plan to do ANYTHING for killers dealing with SWF?

The coordination survivors have on comms is insane. I'm not expecting a response, to be honest.



  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396
    edited November 2019

    Just tunnel the weakest link. Focus them down one by one. If one tries to tempt you to follow them (by flashlight clicking or tbagging) target someone else.

    The less people they have on the team the harder it would be for them to complete objectives. Hoard all the Moris you can and use them when you think it’s a swf group.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510

    They said escapes in a 4man equate to 7% in the killer statics forum so according to them its not a problem.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    They have confirmed that they do have a plan. They can't police comms, and in the past they have expressed an aversion to adding voicechat to the game itself, but what they can do (and are planning to, apparently) is to gradually bring solo survivors up to the same level of game awareness as SWF are afforded through comms, and then balance killers around that.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That doesn't really answer the question. I know you're trying to imply that they aren't taking the problem seriously, but just because SWF is not as huge an issue as many people think it is, doesn't mean it's not an issue at all or that the devs aren't planning to do anything about it.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510
    edited November 2019

    I mean when they say "swf isnt as op as people think it is" it sounds like they dont think of it as a problem

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    One could infer that, yes, but I don't think that's actually the case, since they've confirmed that they are actually planning to do something about it. I'm pretty sure all that's being said there is exactly what Almo wrote - that SWF isn't as much of a problem as people tend to think, not that it isn't a problem at all.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    I'm just going to say learn to camp. It works wonders on SWF, because someone will always save, even if you're there. Just saying.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510

    +1 if there that much of a jerk and they just dominated me im guaranteeing that one kill the only time i accept camping.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    probably never gonna happen, if you punish people because they’re playing with their friends then the game will most likely die.

    btw, how do you even know youre going up against swf? They could just be a very good solo group.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    They said theyre trying to buff normal survivors up to swf. As in give normal survivors the same kind of info that a swf team would have.

    After this they would balance the game for killer which is smart because then everyone would be at a relatively similar amount of time efficiency for survivors therefore gen speeds and everything else could be taken care of as there would be no advantage for playing swf vs not. Killer would be at a disadvantage for a few til they balance it BUT!

    The problem is: They havent done ######### anything about that and Ive been hearing about this "we're buffing solo survivors" bs for ages AND NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE.

    Not only is it painful as survivor having bad teammates who don't realize the killer is on someone else, yes even at rank 1 idk how. BUT AS KILLER TOO bc swf is DISGUSTINGLY STRONG like sorry I thought I was playing the power role. So if they buff solo, they could see the problems better and fix them, but it seems like they arent doing that and instead adding perks expecting it to fix the game

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    SWF I have a nice time, and feel like I have a Chance at escaping.

    I know the other players are good, and they have game sense.

    When I play solo, I feel hopeless most games. And a large percentage of my games end up in 4K’s, which shouldn’t be happening to begin with. This is just like 4 man escapes, they shouldn’t be a high percentage either.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    The amount of times I 4k'd a SWF squad because they absolutely refused to let one of their buddies die is ridiculous lol. Just get out of there!

    Very rarely will they actually succeed and all escape after like a dozen hookswaps and I'll admit that can be embarrassing and frustrating, but you can't dwell on it.

  • WickedMilk03
    WickedMilk03 Member Posts: 624

    They really do expect perks to just fix the game. They keep adding these gen perks too. Killers keep saying gen speeds are a problem. They need to just REWORK THEM.




    Wasting perk slots in an attempt to save myself from an unbalanced game is bs

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    This is the main problem though, red rank SWF groups are literally almost impossible to win against as killer. Brown - Purple aren't the issue.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2019

    Now you are making sense to me; none of this "well they are escaping not much more so it's not that bad" it's not fun for killers really who only get luck kills at the end because they are being altruistic- but just get curb stomped the rest of the's like why play 90% of the game? Why be unable to do anything until they start doing that; and

    Then you got the teabagging and insults in the post game but you can at least ignore most of that; but just the game's atmosphere and behavior is so different and unpleasant; that SWF is so unfun it was what made me quit playing for over a year the first time. Now playing AS SWF is fun of course, I love it and don't want it to go away anytime soon it's what made me start playing survivor at all.

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    When you say solo exprience you claim the solo survivors? Or are you counting solo survivors and killers

    Because I can't remember anything done towards killers to improve their exprience with swfs

  • Nobsyde
    Nobsyde Member Posts: 1,288
    edited November 2019


    You probably should somehow rethink your metric "balance the game for 2 kills", and I'm not talking about increasing/decreasing the kill count.

    I don't know what would be the right way to approach the subject of balance, but in my opinion the two most important metrics are time to complete 4 generators (not 5, since when just one is left a lot of swf start to mess around to proc adrenaline only when everyone is injured), total amount of hooks and 2 kills.

    This would mean that a killer that is consistently able to get 2 kills, but has very quick games (...or, to be more precise, very quick 4 gens done) and very few hooks, is still somehow underwhelming - on the contrary a killer with very slow games could still be in some way overwhelming even if he barely reaches the 2 kills per game (Doctor, anyone?).

    To be honest though I don't think that changing a killer alone could influence that much the two new parameters - they are most a consequence of map pressure, meaning both killer mobility and map conformation, coupled of course with raw gen speed (which I assume you don't want to touch, so there's that).

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    They're referring to solo survivors, I believe. The plan is to improve the solo survivor experience to be on an informational level with SWF, and then buff killers accordingly.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited November 2019

    Nicely said Almo, the issue is less the escape rate is more the experience during the trial.

    As solo survivor as well as killer playing with/against SWF feels alienating and to some a degree annihilating. I don't think the issue lies with the SWF themselves or that they are coordinating over voice. My observation showed me, that if I am with or against SWF they tend to act and react differently then the usual game of DBD. This difference makes it really hard to play into accordingly.

    If we are talking about real red rank SWF that playing to win, they are nails! It's amazing to watch them or be part of such a unit, but a hell to face them.

    Buff solos and adjust the killers, there is not much else we could do.

    Keep up the good work.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Ok but do you have any plans to change Survivor basekit with this sort of thing in mind?

    Things like Dull totem cleanse notifications, action indicators, chase indicators on non-obsessions ect ect ect.

  • GH0ST3D
    GH0ST3D Member Posts: 93

    Ok if they remove SWF will killer mains finally be happy? No because if a survivor is smart they will just invite whoever joins the lobby to a party chat. Communication is still there, but playing with friends isn't. All to satisfy killers. I don't get why any side complains about the game. If you don't like it then just don't play easy as that. Move on and stop crying.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Most important question?

    Is swf good? -Yes. Coop is the funniest thing.

    Comms: When you're a killer, you are 100% synchronized with yourself at list a hope lol. It doesn't MATTER how good their comms are, your own comm is better since you are BY yourself. Obviously it's alot easier vs solos cauz unlike you they can't rely on others as much as you can on yourself. When a survivor is hooked he HAS to count on others most of the time. They can't do a good chase then get hooked then keep going by themselves. The killer can chase, then gen pressure, then hook... All that with perfect sync speed depends on his skills. If there's a problem it's right there, the killer power or the player s skill. You want something fair? A mode where there is 2 killers and maybe 10 survs. But as it is right now there is nothing wrong with the swf. That doesn't make sense that's not where the solution is at all

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    They didn't outright say Kindred was a small solution to being on par with SWF. Unless they did at some point. In my opinion, it does help a bit because i don't have to be the one on the hook to get usage out of it. I think that the icons on the bottom left that show status of survivors can be updated, to show who's being chased and who's ready to be picked up from dying state. I just personally think that Kindred will be helpful, even though it waste a perk spot. It's not an amazing change but it is something.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    What's the point of tunneling the weakest if they're just gonna try to take you off of them.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    As a Wraith, with addons, it’s not hard to tunnel an injured player. As long as you have 3 or more gens, it’s doable. I do wish Wraith could use a trap or two to make body blockers suffer.

  • hocrux
    hocrux Member Posts: 212

    Tbh all i want is an icon that notifies a killer which in lobbies are swf, that way killers can mentally prepare themselves for what they needed to look out for in the game for example when certain players are being toxic for a reason/trying to get a killers attention etc, i for one had a game where swf were being toxic and i got camped hard assuming i was with them, i don't blame the killers tho but with info this can be avoided

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293
    edited November 2019


  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I've heard a mention of a Kindred buff a few times in this thread, but when I went to check out the patch notes, it seems to imply that they're switching from all off the hook survivors being able to see auras when the Kindred survivor is hooked into only the Kindred survivor being able to see auras when somebody else is hooked. Is that the case? Or is the description misleading? Cause to be perfectly honest, that seems more like a nerf than a buff to me.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    They would never touch SWF -- it would hurt their bottom line.

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116

    I don't understand why so many killers are afraid of SWF. You all act like the second you get a 4 man SWF, which may I made is really rare, you automatically lose the game.

    Learn to play better, learn to adapt. Sure SWF does have an advantage to solo survivors I'm not going to deny that, but it doesn't mean they're not possible to kill. If anything SWF is a lot easier to snowball in my experience as they're usually way too altruistic.

    One thing that I always remind people of is their good experiences. How many SWF have you really had a super bad time with? Maybe a couple? How many good games have you had? Dozens if not hundreds? Remember the good games, not the bad ones. Learn from the bad ones instead of dwelling and yelling for changes.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    What problem? Enjoying an assymetrycal multiplayer horror survival game with friends? Right... Didn't all the teens in horror movies have some kind of acquaintance?

  • StrayDog
    StrayDog Member Posts: 25

    Wanting SWF nerfed or just tweaked isn't about being against survivors playing with friends or them having fun, it's about improving the killer experience. I'm not saying I deserve to win every single match I'm in but I've paid money for this just like the survivors did. Aren't I just as entitled to a fair and fun experience as they are? Going against a group of good survivors is a welcomed challenge but going against an optimal SWF is just overwhelming.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267
    edited November 2019

    I was told everyone gets to see, unless what my friend told me was wrong.

    Edit: It does both. Haha. If you on hook, everyone sees eachother. If someone else is on hook, only you can see everyone.

    Post edited by Elk on
  • ProfessorDunwich
    ProfessorDunwich Member Posts: 1,514

    I wouldn't say "afraid." But if you do not understand why it can be a miserable experience, you probably haven't played killer much. "Learn to play better" is far from helpful.

    It happens more than enough to be an issue. Not to mention games against toxic SWF can REALLY stick with you.

  • ygnea
    ygnea Member Posts: 116

    I play killer way more than I play survivor. Learn to play better isn't helpful sure, but it is the truth. A good killer will still dominate a SWF 90% of the time.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    don't forget the SWF that is playing jokes and such or not super sweaty, just look at the "sand bag with friends" that otz did with 3 others