"influencer" stances on balance

This is just a little rant but say for example you see tru3 explain why he thinks that toolboxes are overpowered, remember that he's also a human being too with opinions, ardetha : the only exception as his word is law as decreed by the jesus himself zimbabe bubba.

But if your basing your view on a matter based entirely on what what influencer has said.... Watch two more videos from diffrent people and expand your knowledge on the matter.

And can I pose a question. Survivors do have power over the dev's as well, if nobody plays them or Tey find a killer unfun the game suffers, evidence being the review bombing of the release of the nightmare on elm Street chapter. Do survivors also control what the opinions of said influencers are?

Now I haven't watched much of tofu and scot (the main two I've seen make vids about the spirt), their opinions are backed up with facts and video evidence but.... Spirits been this way practically since launch, why wait til now/a few weeks ago to make those videos?

I don't wanna come off as saying that they appeal to survivors, both play both sides and have a fair understanding of the game, I don't know where I'm goi g with this so imma just sum it up on one sentence, I'd feel super bad if I just made a discuson one sentence long so I tried to explain my reasoning and it guitar all convoluted.

So influencers make videos about certain topics only when some portion of the community is in uproar about it so that they can do whatever purpose they had?

Have a great day and I hope somehow you manage to get a cookie to eat, cookies are nice.



  • PistolTimb
    PistolTimb Member Posts: 1,413

    I think there's nothing wrong with listening to those with more experience than you. The problem lies when people develop an opinion based soley on what someone says, and refusing to think otherwise even when new facts or ideas are proposed. Too many people listen to what their favorite streamers/YouTubers and agree without processing the situation for themselves. This isn't the fault of those streamers, though. The position they're in makes it impossible to be impartial about how they feel toward the game. Gen speed is certainly an issue at red and even purple ranks. But the spirit had issues too. Why the hate train against her took so long to form is anyone's guess, but it may have to do with the community learning from its mistakes. The last time they jumped the gun and demanded a killer be nerfed, Freddy was nerfed into the F(reddy) tier for over a year. Maybe they wanted to give spirit the benefit of the doubt and learn how to beat her.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    All those guys stream, when you stream people talk to you about what's going on in the game. So if the community is talking a lot about something, they also talk about it

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Tru3 is more focused on the 1v4 aspect, while players like Tofu, Scott or Otz are more focused on the 1v1 aspect. Scott made a pretty good video about the different views on balance.

    I personally agree with Tru3s point of view, because i play both sides on r1 aswell and my survivoe games in solo queue are pretty easy most times.

    And Monto is the real jake!

  • DuckApproved
    DuckApproved Member Posts: 90

    @Seltas0208 Mate be careful the mods will ban you if you call/name any community figures. I know from personal experience lol

  • DarKStaR350z
    DarKStaR350z Member Posts: 767

    It wasn’t long ago certain content creators were trying to set up a ‘debate’ to argue that Billy was second best killer and Spirit was weaker.

    Fast forward to now after friends of those people went into Behaviour as ‘advisors’ and now they are making videos about how the Spirit needs nerfs.

    It honestly stinks of a popularity contest and I would always suggest looking past the surface.

    Creators with lower viewer/sub counts have a lot to gain by trying to use more popular/successful creators platform and viewers.

    There is also history between creators, cliques of friends and also rivalries due to disagreements; don’t take things at face value.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298
    edited November 2019

    I made a comment here but edited it, don't want to get banned for something stupid.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I mean, it makes sense for them to only make videos about certain thing when it's the topic of popular discussion in the community at large. Most of them tend to make videos on topics that are interesting to them, and anything that the community is in such uproar about is likely to be interesting to them. At the same time, their job is to make content to entertain an audience, and hot topics are also likely to be what their audience is interested in hearing about.

    I'm not an "influencer" myself, but I know that at least one of the people you mentioned does hang around the forums, so perhaps they'd be able to provide some first-hand insight in answering your question. @ScottJund

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    Ummm.... OK now I'm scared but hopefully I don't get banned. I don't think I've thrown shade at anybody but if I accidentally have I'm sorry. I'm merely a tea and crumpets citizen and don't wish to offend

  • Hex_ToasterBath
    Hex_ToasterBath Member Posts: 38

    Us killer mains wouldn't be upset if the survivors weren't treated like deities. Killer mains have way more problems, for example, I play on console, but there is already talk of the Oni being nerfed and I haven't had a chance to even play him. But because the survivors are the messiahs of DBD, they don't want an effective killer that also looks fun.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    you mean that he regulartly complains about the game and insults his team when he does bad?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    You're not going to get banned, unless you've already broken forum rules a few times in the past. If you've never had any issues with the mods before, the most you'll probably get is a warning.

  • PoisonN
    PoisonN Member Posts: 624

    I mean, it is bad to have his own opinion about the game without following the other streammers? That's my point of view about his "complains". Also, he never "insults". He gets mad when people does stupid things and that's all. Actually, he's the one who suffers with snipers during him stream or people trying to troll him when he's the killer.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    its his own fault that everyone except his own brain washed community hates him. he is a terrible person with a god complex who should not be streaming this game.

  • Rizzo
    Rizzo Member, Administrator, Mod Posts: 18,069

    Please keep in mind you can discuss the topic without naming people, especially in a negative connotation, thank you.

  • Sylorknag
    Sylorknag Member Posts: 760

    Thank God at least someone is being vocal about the Bs thrown at the killers.

    I say we need more killer sided streamers to have a more balances debate on "balance"

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246

    I think what most people do forget when it comes to streamers it is that those people are entertainers, their job is not to analyze, give opinion or to be objective at all. What they do they do to get money and that is it. Spirit has had complaints, yet the streamers acknowledged this all of a sudden and it was a huge deal.

    Tofu is not a good killer by any means, he mostly plays survivor. He made a video about nurse, when he tried to proof what he said he failed miserably live on stream and had a 4man escape.

    What I do not like about tru3 is that he most of the time will take anything a survivor does as toxic or attempt to bully which is annoying to say the least as I prefer killers who are able to get a joke and can goof around. I appreciate that he seems to have his own mind and doesn't care whether people like what he says or not. Also he did play stuff like no mither to rank 1 etc so to say he does that so he can say he plays both sides is just lul. Tru3 has the right mindset imo, call it growth or whatever you want probably comes from him playin fighting games.