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Vigil Buff

Cool idea for Vigil would be to make it that exhaustion cools down even when running at a certain speed. Also a slight speed boost when cleansing totems.


  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    This idea has been talked about for Vigil and it would definitely be a nice buff to it. But the extra cleansing speed is probably better for another perk...

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544
    edited August 2018

    @Mercury said:
    This idea has been talked about for Vigil and it would definitely be a nice buff to it. But the extra cleansing speed is probably better for another perk...

    Well I say this because Quentin is all about helping his teammates recover and his Vigil perk reads, "You look over your friends even in dire situations." I would assume that breaking Hex totems or possible Hex totems could exemplify that.

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326
    edited August 2018

    @βLAKE said:

    @Mercury said:
    This idea has been talked about for Vigil and it would definitely be a nice buff to it. But the extra cleansing speed is probably better for another perk...

    Well I say this because Quentin is all about helping his teammates recover and his Vigil perk reads, "You look over your friends even in dire situations." I would assume that breaking Hex totems or possible Hex totems could exemplify that.

    He's more of an expert on dreaming and the deprivation of sleep. It would feel odd if the knowledge of Voodoo was built into it as well. Now his Vigil is more like him looking out for his friends, so statuses aren't affecting them as much as they would normaly. He's checking if they had enough rest, if they have been treated when poisened or something along those lines.

    His other perks could use a buff to them as well, but right now it's just about Vigil. Cleansing speed for totems should rather be linked to someone who has been known to handle things kin to Voodoo. Maybe even meditation, ie. Jake Park. But let's not dive into that.

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544
    edited August 2018

    @Mercury said:

    @βLAKE said:

    @Mercury said:
    This idea has been talked about for Vigil and it would definitely be a nice buff to it. But the extra cleansing speed is probably better for another perk...

    Well I say this because Quentin is all about helping his teammates recover and his Vigil perk reads, "You look over your friends even in dire situations." I would assume that breaking Hex totems or possible Hex totems could exemplify that.

    He's more of an expert on dreaming and the deprivation of sleep. It would feel odd if the knowledge of Voodoo was built into it as well. Now his Vigil is more like him looking out for his friends, so statuses aren't affecting them as much as they would normaly. He's checking if they had enough rest, if they have been treated when poisened or something along those lines.

    His other perks could use a buff to them as well, but right now it's just about Vigil. Cleansing speed for totems should rather be linked to someone who has been known to handle things kin to Voodoo. Maybe even meditation, ie. Jake Park. But let's not dive into that.

    Jake is a survivalist (in regards to hunting and camping) and I don't think hes encountered any mythical or magical creatures before roaming the Entity's realm. But if you are talking about voodoo magic then wouldn't you think Freddy would fall into that category? I mean the guy literally got his powers from mythical demons and Freddy lives and drags people into a different realm of reality so shouldn't Quentin have some experience being in different realms?

  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544
    edited August 2018

    Also keep in mind that Quentin's vigil is all about relieving his teammates from their status effects and last time I checked Hex perks do give you a status effect such as Cursed, Blindness (Third Seal), Exposed (NOED). Therefore, Quentin should have a perk that should give him the ability to cleanse totems to relieve his teammates from their Hex status effects

  • Mercury
    Mercury Member Posts: 326

    @βLAKE said:
    Also keep in mind that Quentin's vigil is all about relieving his teammates from their status effects and last time I checked Hex perks do give you a status effect such as Cursed, Blindness (Third Seal), Exposed (NOED). Therefore, Quentin should have a perk that should give him the ability to cleanse totems to relieve his teammates from their Hex status effects

    He just doesn't fit that role though. Those are litteral curses. And he never researched about Freddy's power itself, only about dreaming and how to find the exit within them, the little cracks to bend them to your will.

    Besides Vigil would have enough for a perk if they decide to go with the exhaustion going down during running AND the status it gives right now.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123
    βLAKE said:

    Cool idea for Vigil would be to make it that exhaustion cools down even when running at a certain speed. Also a slight speed boost when cleansing totems.

    Yes to this idea, it’s similar to a thread I did, but it also included No Mither for reasons that I explained -> 

    But it I think being able to regain exhaustion while running with the 20% less waiting time is good enough of a buff, the totem thing wouldn’t have to be part of it. Although I see where you’re coming from with that idea.
  • Spork
    Spork Member Posts: 122

    I agree with the speed boost on totems, and I wouldn't argue about the exhaustion idea but devs nerfed it for a reason and its pretty much futile to ask for that. BUT a speed buff to totem cleansing is an awesome idea because we don't really have anything for that, and it would make sense on Vigil.

  • BaconMuncher9
    BaconMuncher9 Member Posts: 31

    I don't really know about this idea. I mean, I would like to see Vigil make it so you can get a cooldown while running/or it made it so you get a faster cooldown while crouching like the old cooldown. I don't agree with the cleansing speed of Totems, I think that should go to Sabatour.

  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123
    Spork said:

    I agree with the speed boost on totems, and I wouldn't argue about the exhaustion idea but devs nerfed it for a reason and its pretty much futile to ask for that. BUT a speed buff to totem cleansing is an awesome idea because we don't really have anything for that, and it would make sense on Vigil.

    It might not be futile because they mentioned that they might do that change on stream. Plus it’d mean that a survivor would have to sacrifice a perk slot just to have that ability.
  • Wolf74
    Wolf74 Member Posts: 2,959

    I would agree on the exhaustion recovery thing, but sneaking in just an extra buff is a Nono.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Vigil should be buffed another way.. to throw vigil a buff that counteracts the exhaustion nerf with the DS nerf coming everyone will just run vigil.. and with maps still complete crap because the devs fail to make true balance choices I don't feel that sort of buff should come atm.. especially when their looking to nerf blood lust.. it would be completely and utterly broken if that happens 
  • Luigifan64
    Luigifan64 Member Posts: 1,123
    Bravo0413 said:
    Vigil should be buffed another way.. to throw vigil a buff that counteracts the exhaustion nerf with the DS nerf coming everyone will just run vigil.. and with maps still complete crap because the devs fail to make true balance choices I don't feel that sort of buff should come atm.. especially when their looking to nerf blood lust.. it would be completely and utterly broken if that happens 
    Not necessarily, the devs are making other perks better and more viable and sure a lot of people won’t use DS anymore because it’s losing its main function, but I don’t think Vigil being buffed this way would be a bad thing. Sure it’d get used more, but at least it’ll actually be useful again. What you said about the maps though is 100% true, they need to fix the map design, but unfortunately I don’t think that’s ever going to happen.