What is everyones' favorite killer to play? [New to DBD and Forums]

I just got dead by daylight around two months ago now, and I feel I've gotten pretty damn good at it. I watch a ton of videos to learn new, and master preexisting techniques and strategies. I am just curious to hear what different peoples' opinions are for liking different killers. Personally, I like Wraith, Legion and Clown. Wraith, because he is a very straightforward and easy to master killer, Legion because playing him forces me to go for perfect games (sort of a go big or go home type killer to me), and Clown because he is really easy for me. I am rank 10 or so in both killer and survivor and I want to keep trying to get better at this game, because I have grown passionate about it. Bill is the best survivor btw :))))
Best Answers
My favorite killer is Huntress, I love the hatchets and her humming. Welcome to the game and the forums. :)
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My favorite killer's
1. Doctor
Also, Nea is my favorite survivor.
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I play Legion, Myers, GhostFace and Spirit.
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Michael Myers. Love his stealth play style, tiering up, and the spooky build on him is perhaps the most fun killer build in the game IMO.
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Thank you! And I like to go against her, but I've yet to play her once yet lol
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I like Michael, but to me, Ghost Face is definitely more confusing and I can't seem to player him well at all. Can you offer some tips?
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I love Myers too, especially the chase music!
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Use the cooldown add-ons. Try not to stalk, often times getting a free hit is better than an instant down.
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Alright, thanks!
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Freddy and Trapper are my mains. But it's also fun to teabag the teabaggers with GF
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I lowkey rly like plague which is not rly popular but she’s fun to me and I feel like I play her really well
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Spirit and Plague are the two I like to play the most. They are super fun to play.
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Personally I think plague is underrated tbh.
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I didn’t know you liked playing Huntress. Thought you were a Leatherface main.
I am terrible at Huntress but I heard that they are looking into increasing sensitivity on console to make Nurse and Huntress more inviting to play.
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She’s such a good killer! People really ignore how great Plagues’ potential can be.
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I prefer to ring my Bell.
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Freddy, Ghostface, Legion, Clown, and sometimes Pig, those are my go to Killers right now.
I enjoy Killers who can juggle Survivors and whos ability hinders them in some way passively, even if I'm not there I'm still around; creeping in their mind. Clown is the only one on that list who cannot do that but he is so ######### jolly how can you not love him?
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I’ve been playing for almost a month. The only killer that I’ve played any good amount of time is Wraith. He’s gotten boring at times, and his decloaking slowdown is annoying, but I love it when a survivor thinks they’re creeping away from me and end up walking right into me.
Im being cheap at the moment but I’ll probably end up getting Ghostface (@Devs take note, I’ll buy him ASAP if you come out with his High/Silly face) since I like being a Mr Sneaky McSneak. Blame Blendette, she’s my main.
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Freddy and Doctor. Forever Freddy because it's very devious ,amd I like the feel of a game that's much less punishing. I've been a long time Doctor Main and he's the only character I have at T3. It'll probably be Oni when he comes out.
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Spirit and Demogorgon are my killers
Kate and Nancy are my survivors
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It WAS Nurse.
Now it's just Hag until they breath life into Nurse again (pun intended)
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Demogorgon but I legit just got him. Favorite killers are trapper, Freddy and ghostface
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Og freddy was my favorite killer. I know new freddy is 'better' but he's just not the same.
Leatherface and clown are my next 2 favorites i guess. I think the worse the killer is the more i like them?
I really want to git gud with huntress and nurse but just get so overwhelmed with how bad i do, especially nurse, i give up.
Still, we all have life goals right?
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I thought i would like demo but can't stand him. Which is a shame. Hes the first killer i saved up bloodpoints for and dont use him or any of his perks
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I stopped playing LF for Huntress
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Love the demogorgon and my boi billy, I love getting pallets out of the way instantly and running to the next survivor in seconds as soon as I hook someone
Welcome to this community! It might hurt sometimes but give it a chance and you may really have fun here
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Spirit and legion are a draw for me. Spirit because its spirit...that's all the reason a person needs when using her.
legion because I can finally vault fast as an killer...that's all because he is bad at everything else.
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I play Hag and Freddy.
I think I'll try for their adept trophies this weekend. Rank reset put me @R15, so sounds like an opportune time. Might try to knock out trapper as well.
For survivor, I have almost everyone at level 10, so i mostly just play whomever has items left to use. Great way to discover perks you weren't sure you'd like so much. Hello detective's hunch!
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I love Pig sjes weak, but balanced
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billy,specifically with the engravings so i can flick pallet loops :D
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What happen to bby gurl Claudia?
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I found her cosmetics to be boring compared to other survivors.
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Ok I have to agree with that. She gets a lot of dark clothing and dresses that don't look good.
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Yep, I wanted colorful cosmetics so I went to Nea.
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Wraith, Spirit, Shape, and Legion are all pretty fun to use.
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Nurse will always have a special place in my heart.
That said, I've been playing a lot of Legion lately because of Julie and her new skin. I figure I might as well look sexy while killing survivors.
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Welcome! My favorites are Pig and Claudette for Killer and Survivor. Sometimes I run David cause I got almost all the perks on him like I do Claudette. As for Killers, I really enjoy Plague, Legion, and Doctor.
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Doctor. I'm a big fan of psychological horror, and his tracking is pretty decent. He also looks amazing and his voice is great.
After that, it's probably Legion, because I like the concept and I find them highly underrated. The Hag, who is the comeback queen in my preference order (I used to absolutely despise playing her, then she got a buff that actually made her fun). Afterwards, its a giant jumble.
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Welcome in the fog and on the Forums!
Don't hesitate to ask for feedback and tips in the forums, a lot of people here love to share their passion for the game.
Personally I am not a Killer main but I do love to play as The Hag or The Oni. The Hag because I like placing traps and scare the ######### out of survivors, and the Oni I really like the way he looks and using is brutal power.
As survivor I am mostly playing Meg or Jane.
On that note, I wish you the best in DBD (you got this!)
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Welcome to the fog, friend!
And my favorite killer isn't necessarily a specific killer, but I adore running Save The Best For Last, it's an awesome perk. But if I had to pick a fav, I love playing Ghostface, Doc, and Hag!
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1) Amanda (Pig) I'm a massive soften and she was the first killer I ever got to prestige 3 and got all the perks on. Also I'm a massive so fan and Amanda is my favourite character in saw franchise
2) Legion: I love the theme of edgy teenagers and even though they probably one of the worst Killers it's still fun to go play then I'm not exactly a meta hooper
3) Demi Logorgon: it's an adorable creature with adorable mouth Weebles also every time I hit a survivor it "Reeeeeee" at them
As for Survivor Feng Min all the way and then possibly considering Yui my secondary Survivor ( it used to be Claudette but she'll probably get replaced)
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Wraith and Piggy.
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I love to stalk from the shadows, Huntress hatchets are always fun too!
Welcome to the forums.
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first of all:
welcome to the
saltmines- the forums! :Di hope you enjoy your stay! :3
to anyswer the original question:
my favoruite killer to play as is easily Trapper.
he has a very unique gameplay and can, if you do it right, destroy survivor teams relatively easily.
ofc he isnt a top tier killer, he still gets beaten by sweaty SWF groups (or genrushing), but he can be so much fun to play its insane. like, give me anything more satisfying than a survivor stepping right into the trap you laid there because you predicted them to walk at exactly that path!
thats the cool thing about Trapper, he starts mindgaming even before he enters a chase. he has very tactical gameplay, which is something i personally LOVE!
#EvanLove :3
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I play every Killer but sometimes I have times where one of them is the most fun for me until another one is more fun for me.
But at the moment it's Legion.
I get a ton of Legion daylie's which give me the opportunity to get to know this Killer better. And I somehow enjoy playing him now. Recently it wad Huntress but now it's Legion, and I also seem to do very well with them.
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Legion! But they are in a really bad spot that's gonna get worse with the patch coming.
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Billy, he is loud, fast and lethal. Coming straight for your booty. I also like his noncamping playstyle and a skillshot with lots of room to grow.
Huntress as a secondary, her overall design is perfect. Throwing hatchets, humming her song, bunny outfit, 10/10.
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It has to be Freddy "Claw Boi" Krueger.
I've loved him even before his rework that buffed him into A or S tier. His whole design is why I love the Nightmare in Elm Street movies in the first place. I also love how he plays with his victims. Something I am happy to say I could do in Dead by Daylight.
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Welcome to DBD! Been playing since release, so my opinion is a little biased but I like to play the Trapper. Favorite survivor is definitely Bill as well, though.
Enjoy the game and the "super nice" community we have to offer!