Tome challenges


I imagine people will disagree, but these are far too difficult in my opinion. I struggled enough with the first set of challenges and now that Phase II is out I am really having a hard time. I doubt I will get them all done and I am a huge fan of the game, I will be very frustrated that I won't be able to finish the lore which I am very interested in.

At my age my reaction time is just too slow. I don't care about escaping and I'm not too concerned with how many points I earn either. I play this just to have fun. Another issue I have which can't really be helped is attempting to play killers for any event or challenge. I prefer to play killer but I honestly don't have a lot of time to play. Queue times are just too long for someone lacking spare time. I would like to point out that this is my favorite game on steam and one of my most played, which is almost 800 hours. I'm sure most people think that isn't a lot of time.

I am just asking if it's at all possible don't make these any harder. Doing anything within a single game is also really too much. I doubt you can adjust Phase II but please for those of us that will never reach Rank 1 in either killer or survivor, lower the tome difficulties please.


  • Hatty
    Hatty Member Posts: 121

    Oh don't worry! They will stay there forever, they are not like the rift, where you have limited time to do them.

    They are supossed to get harder and harder with each level so, prepare for tome IV!

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited November 2019

    I've reached the epilogue but have a few challenges left to do.

    The flashlight one could be a bit of a butthole, but a pallet stamp flash and a exit gate flash might sort that.

    Problem is that after you flash a killer one time, you're pretty much a marked man and some killer don't forgive/forget.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,523

    Yep. With you exactly on this one. Interestingly, in 2.5k+ hrs, I've never really tried to Flashlight blind. I guess we all have to learn sometime!

  • BlueSun
    BlueSun Member Posts: 2

    Well I had not read that anywhere so that is good news. I know you meant prepare for Tome 1 Level 4, but now I can't help but to think how much worse Tomes 2-4 will actually be when we are done with all the levels of Tome 1.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    I do think there's a potential time bomb of a problem with the archives affecting matchmaking. Let's say an ideal game health has 4 survivor players for every killer player... they may change roles, but when they do, it's more or less consistent to that level. But let's assume a good chunk of them are more or less 'dedicated' to their role and the ratios of those are consistent to each. Now, insert the archives.

    Suddenly, all the player base who wants to complete it, has to play both roles. Now, we get 4x the normally dedicated survivors all joining in to do killer challenges (which they're not good at so they'll more likely have to do multiple times). Sure, we also get killer mains joining into survivor with the same problem... but, there's only 1 of them for every 4 of the others, which leaves 3x extra killer players out there.

    What's that going to do to the matchmaking? Why, it's going to make killer lobbies take much longer, of course. It's like those old events where they had a 'survivor half' and a 'killer half' and matchmaking took forever because everyone wanted to get their killer half out of the way. Except this isn't just a single event, this is a perpetual event. And the problem reinforces, the more survivors who are playing killer, the longer the wait times... the longer the wait times, the longer that survivor is NOT being an extra survivor player, which makes the wait times EVEN LONGER.

    And honestly I don't know how to fix it. The only thing I can think of that might help is to make every challenge 'mirrorable'... that is, every killer challenge has a corresponding survivor challenge, and vice versa. The 'mirror' challenge is more dependent on luck or circumstances you can't directly control (for example, the 'chase someone with Distressing' challenge would be mirrored by 'be chased by a killer with distressing', which can only be completed if you actually get a killer running that perk) but if you WANT to go a dedicated survivor or killer path, you still can.

  • ChaosMaster130
    ChaosMaster130 Member Posts: 24

    I'd rather just be able to do 2/3 rift challenges at once, so I could work on a grindy normal one/s & a more luck based master challenge at the same time.