Fix or Delete Ebony Memento Mori

Owari Member Posts: 10
edited November 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know, that you all love this offering, but it's too imbalance

If killer take this perk the game for survivors is 100% loose

Just leave rare and uncommon memento moris and that's will be good for all

Also It's not logical, beacouse killer make the only one animation on all 4 survivors, it's not cool

Either make 4 animations for each killer's mori or just delete this ######### offering

When I play killer and take ebony mori people just give up to wont give me a chance to use mori

Also make rare memento mori is very rare

Post edited by Owari on


  • DarkPit
    DarkPit Member Posts: 87

    100% yes. The devs killed instaheals, but why not ebony mories? They are just so unfun unfair and imbalanced

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    I posted a suggestion for a replacement of ebony moris a long time ago that I thought would be fun for both sides. Here it is if you want to look at it:

  • ClawsOfHell
    ClawsOfHell Member Posts: 68

    moris are very hard to find in bloodweb i got almost 16 insta heals just leveling up my claudette to p1 but when i got my huntress from p1 to p3 i just got 4 moris at all and once you use the mori it's gone, you can easily use 99% of insta and just use if you really need a emergency heal, why remove something that's a great counter to gen rush? i can't remember how many times i started the game took 40 seconds to find AND HOOK a survivor and 2 gens was already done, if you know that killer has a mori don't unhook right away wait second 2, because he gonna die anyway right? so that's mean more time to work on gens if devs remove mori so remove keys because it's very frustrate when you see teammates with keys because they don't do nothing the entire game just wait for the gens or anybody dies to open/reopen the hatch.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    you got unlucky. I actually AVOID Ebony Moris when leveling my killers. Ultra Rares aren't ultra rare... None of them. I'll keep 1-2 for Rift challenges but that's it. But you cannot compare the two. Because one heals you over time(now).. but you can just get beat down again. Plenty of killers have one shot down mechanics.. the other takes you completely out of the game and in a LOT of cases, REALLY early. Yet another reason people DC.

    The problem is, the killers running Ebony hard tunnel their asses off. I remember when an Ebony didn't require you to hook them. Down and murder.

    What they need to do is introduce a perk that would allow you to interrupt a killer's mori at least once per match. Which ive already suggested sometime ago.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited November 2019

    I want to be able to kill survivors once in a while.

    They could honestly just give you the choice to hook someone for the final hook, or deny the entity and just kill them on the spot. both would take like the same amount of time, and change almost nothing; but still let us choose to use a cool kill animation when we feel like it; at the cost of bloodpoints.

    Would be a hell of a lot less unbalanced; and not limit Mori animations to a once in a blue moon thing, it would just be part of the game in a more balanced way.

  • Venom368
    Venom368 Member Posts: 321

    I'm on the same page as this. Keys are certainly OP. But, then again, this game is not meant to be competitive. There are so many items/add-ons/offerings that are just completely broken.

    I throw on an Ebony mori whenever there's Blendette's in the lobby who are going to play the entire game immersed and a part of the #MoriAllBlendettes movement. Other than that, I don't use them. It is obviously an overpowered item, and it was designed to be overpowered. But for 1, they are ultra rare so you aren't going to be able to use one every game. And 2, it doesn't feel good as the killer if you constantly use them. You won't even pip if you kill everyone after their first hook. In fact, you will barely even safety pip.

    It's like using cheat codes in any game. Its fun initially to use them, and then it gets super boring because there isn't a challenge anymore and theres no satisfaction that comes from using something design to be overpowered once the initial entertainment value of it wears off.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Devs have to balance keys, mori, gen rush and tunneling. Only things that makes some matches really unfun to play.

  • Owari
    Owari Member Posts: 10

    On 1 ranks every killer is 2 - 3 prestige lvl and on these lvls ebony moris is very often to see in bloodweb

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Keys are stronger than moris, until keys exist so will moris, deal with it.

  • Owari
    Owari Member Posts: 10

    If the game clearly survivor sided, why they cant buff killers? For example: make a legion hit effect(forgive how it names) after every hit. This will be kind of bleeding effect

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    I really cant understand this but I was being ironic if you are argumenting against me.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That's never going to to happen. The moment you introduce something that interrupts mori kills it would be easier to just delete the animations, the moris. and rework devour hope. Cause due to a highly irrational fear of mori usage a protection perk would instantly be in every loadout. That's bad for business if you actually need to use a mori for a tome challenge. I suggested a change to the core gameplay where killers could choose between killing a survivor outright on death hook or hooking for the final time. Hardly anyone read it and no one even bothered to comment on it.

    With my proposed set up a killer could only get a maximum of two mori kills in a game for a large bp scoring event at the cost of potential emblem score. So you would have to decide whether you wanted a lower emblem score for more overall bp or were you willing to just do nothing but hooks to increase your emblem score. Lore wise you could say is gaining the blood is the killer being overpowered by their own bloodlust vs, following the Entity's command for sacrifices which gets rewarded with more favor or status.

  • DepressedClownMain
    DepressedClownMain Member Posts: 924

    It is not really a woosh, it is just that there wont be a single discussion that can go further than the forums if people just reply "if you nerf this, nerf that" or "nerf this first"