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General Discussions

Marth88 leaves DbD due to game unbalance.

Member Posts: 8,243
edited August 2018 in General Discussions
If you haven't already watched his farewell message then you should watch it before you see the rest of my post. :(

Okay, I'm just gonna be honest that the game is so unbalanced that if you put best survivors against the best killers... The survivors control the match. Literally Marth88 stated that the moment a game starts, the killer is on a timer that's length is decided by the survivors doing generators or not. Marth88 also mentioned the "power role" and how survivors have the power role at the moment, so far that a survivor can 1v1 a killer in a 1v4 asymmetrical horror game.

For the DbD players that don't know what asymmetrical means... Basically if the survivors work together as a TEAM, they can overwhelm the POWER ROLE but that's not the case currently! 1 survivor can destroy a killer if the survivor is even half decent, I done it countless amount of times with No Mither which makes me wanna give the developers the devil's eye!

Listen, I know your doing everything in your power to help balance the game and yes, I'm really REALLY thankful that we have great developers that care so much about their game! However you need to wake up and smell the coffee because people like Marth88 tried to tell you that your doing it wrong and I QUOTE from Marth88, "I tried talking to them ever since day 1". I and many others want this game to be something, we really do! I'm taking computer classes right now so I can hopefully some day join BVHR and help this game become so much more than what it can be now because I REFUSE to see this game fall, as well as the entire community.

-Love you developers! :)

Don't let us down, we all live for this game!

^People don't understand what I mean by "We all live for this game", basically I'm stressing the point about how much we love this game and would hate to see it die out basically. Don't over complicate things, thank you!^

Edit: I didn't post this because Marth88 is leaving, I posted this because BVHR needs to step it up because I and the entire community doesn't want this game to die out. We really love this game and hopefully my post will get their attention because again, we won't let this game die! We are all a team, whether your a survivor or killer main... we are in this together! :)

Post edited by NMCKE on

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  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Orion said:

    What's this? Constructive criticism without insults? I must be high.

    Don't worry, insults aren't my thing! :)
  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @PigNRun said:
    Good. Maybe people will stop mentioning on every single post.

    I doubt it.

    Just because Marth is gone that doesn't mean the people that follow him and echo his opinion on killer balance will go as well.

  • Member Posts: 51

    Marth has a regular job, so I doubt he'll play a game he doesn't enjoy just for viewers.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Why do we all care about what a youtuber thinks?

    He played the game for two years basically for both survivor and killer, he has been trying to tell the developers what's basically wrong with the game. I didn't post this because "OMG MARTH88 LEAVING!!!", it's because I want this to get the developers attention that the game is not in a great spot ATM. However they are making progress, BABY steps but that's better than taking steps backwards. Additionally if you don't care about what he thinks then why click on this thread?
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    PigNRun said:
    Good. Maybe people will stop mentioning on every single post.
    No need to be rude, this is my first time actually making a post about this... So chill! I posted this in the first place so the developers would see this and really stop and think about the game.
  • Member Posts: 40

    @se05239 said:
    Shame. Your spirit will always live through Nurse players everywhere!

    You see this, @not_Queen , big players leaving DbD because you (not like you personally but you as a company) refuse to see and listen to what's happening in DbD.

    She actually tries to discuss proper balance towards the game, but there is only so much she can do because she is the community manager.

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @Shipthebread said:
    Meh, he was looking for any excuse to leave. More and more he is becoming some man child. His actions after the tournament turned me off completely to him. He isn't wrong that the game is in a terrible state, another event goes live and it takes an hour of clicking to log in and play.

    Balance issues, frame rate and every patch or update breaks something else, and every event has some bullshit problem. We all get it and either deal with it or play something else. You bought the game, you invested your time, if you are not satisfied with it do not ever purchase anything from them again.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    fcc2014 said:

    Balance issues, frame rate and every patch or update breaks something else, and every event has some bullshit problem. We all get it and either deal with it or play something else. You bought the game, you invested your time, if you are not satisfied with it do not ever purchase anything from them again.

    I know that the game won't ever be balanced since that's really REALLY difficult to pull off but they should try and get near that point. Hopefully they will and everything will like the old days! :)
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Easylife said:

    Wonder how long it will be before he comes back "again".

    When someone REALLY quits a game you don't make a goodbye video/speech or a big long post on forums as to why you're quitting etc.
    People who do that just want the developers to take note and change the game so they can keep playing because they're addicted and don't want to leave the game.

    Here's what you do when you don't want to play a game anymore and are actually quitting for good.
    I played World Of Warcraft from 2004 to 2013 for that 9 years I was totally addicted.
    One day, I decided I would quit, I uninstalled the game, deleted the forums from my favourites and turned the PC off... that was 5 YEARS ago now.
    I didn't make a goodbye video/forum post etc, I simply uninstalled it and walked away having never looked back since.

    "I'm quitting guys, here's my video / long forum post to explain why, goodbye guys it was fun while it lasted!"


    "I'm addicted to this game and don't want to quit, please hear why I'm leaving and make changes so I can keep playing! I'll leave for a few days/weeks and be back again soon to give it another go!"

    Hopefully he does come back because I really learned a lot from his killer gameplay. :)
  • Member Posts: 415

    @fcc2014 said:

    @Shipthebread said:
    Meh, he was looking for any excuse to leave. More and more he is becoming some man child. His actions after the tournament turned me off completely to him. He isn't wrong that the game is in a terrible state, another event goes live and it takes an hour of clicking to log in and play.

    Balance issues, frame rate and every patch or update breaks something else, and every event has some bullshit problem. We all get it and either deal with it or play something else. You bought the game, you invested your time, if you are not satisfied with it do not ever purchase anything from them again.

    What makes me laugh is he cries so much about DBD but is leaving for Death Garden, It's the same company, what makes you think it's any different. At this point I don't blame anyone but the company, it looks like it's a corporate culture thing. The amount of times things are screwed up and no one apologizes and or makes changes makes me think they straight up don't care, it doesn't matter to them if you do a good job.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Skorpanio said:

    What's so special about him?
    Sorry ;3
    But we've still got some Monto and No0b3 ;D

    PS: I'd be more scared if half the communtiy just went away. :))

    PSS: This comment will get OVER 9000 LOLs due to me not having any interests in this youtuber...

    True but Marth88 encouraged me to try out nurse. :(
  • Member Posts: 372

    To be honest, whenever a youtuber or streamer "leaves" a game, a company only really loses out on some coverage. Losing someone like Marth will just open up a space for someone else to fill and BHVR will have another person to fill that missed coverage spot. There is no real major lose here, he maybe convinced some people to buy the game but there is plenty of other streamers that are doing the exact same thing.
    That being said, I do hope they take notice and make some major balance changes.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Killigma said:

    To be honest, whenever a youtuber or streamer "leaves" a game, a company only really loses out on some coverage. Losing someone like Marth will just open up a space for someone else to fill and BHVR will have another person to fill that missed coverage spot. There is no real major lose here, he maybe convinced some people to buy the game but there is plenty of other streamers that are doing the exact same thing.
    That being said, I do hope they take notice and make some major balance changes.

    That's my goal in making this thread, BVHR will see him leaving and probably step it up just a little.
  • Member Posts: 8,243
    ChesterTheMolester said:
    He used to be a good Killer no doubt but his behavior made his streams unwatchable. So i care less about him and more about his idiotic fanboys who blindly follow him uncritically and thinks that
     "BUT MARTH SAID ... (insert his opinion)" is an argument.

    That's your opinion, believe what you wanna believe but what he said is true. The game isn't in a great state currently, yes it's definitely way better compared to before but I'm just afraid that this game may end up dying so I wanted to share this everyone in hopes of getting BVHR attention.
  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @Shipthebread said:

    What makes me laugh is he cries so much about DBD but is leaving for Death Garden, It's the same company, what makes you think it's any different. At this point I don't blame anyone but the company, it looks like it's a corporate culture thing. The amount of times things are screwed up and no one apologizes and or makes changes makes me think they straight up don't care, it doesn't matter to them if you do a good job.

    I haven't played in 3 1/2 weeks. Some burnout mostly frame rate drop after 2.0. I attempted to play for the first time last night and after 45 minutes gave up. The lack of communication from them is ridiculous. A post that they have server issues and are looking in to it doesn't count. They have many ways to reach out to the community with more than just that. This is why i have no respect for not_community manager.

  • Member Posts: 1,101
    edited August 2018

    He makes very valid points in his video. I liked watching him play DBD... I can't stand deathgarden so I doubt I will watch him..

    I don't know why people are pissing and moaning that he will be back... he said like 74389127468123 times in that vid he'd return if the balance issues are fixed and he loves DBD.

  • Member Posts: 3,919

    @Bhazgrim said:

    @se05239 said:
    Shame. Your spirit will always live through Nurse players everywhere!

    You see this, @not_Queen , big players leaving DbD because you (not like you personally but you as a company) refuse to see and listen to what's happening in DbD.

    She actually tries to discuss proper balance towards the game, but there is only so much she can do because she is the community manager.

    I am aware that she might be doing it, yeah. It's barely noticeable though but that might just be the thick headed developers being their usual selves. She might need to adapt to using a sledgehammer to get her message across.

  • Member Posts: 831
    Jesya said:

    He makes very valid points in his video. I liked watching him play DBD... I can't stand deathgarden so I doubt I will watch him..

    I don't know why people are pissing and moaning that he will be back... he said like 74389127468123 times in that vid he'd return if the balance issues are fixed and he loves DBD.

    They are moaning, because they didn't watch the video. They just assumed what he said and then REEE'd accordingly.
  • Member Posts: 1,123

    I think the game just needs more content, with a few balance fixes. The devs are getting there they had some issues before but they are making great strides.

  • Member Posts: 850

    Didn't he "quit" a few weeks back because he could change/turn off chase music in Identity V :lol:
    Don't worry, this time he's totally serious guys.

  • Member Posts: 8,243
    Jesya said:

    He makes very valid points in his video. I liked watching him play DBD... I can't stand deathgarden so I doubt I will watch him..

    I don't know why people are pissing and moaning that he will be back... he said like 74389127468123 times in that vid he'd return if the balance issues are fixed and he loves DBD.

    Basically this here! Marth88 is a good person, yes he made mistakes like everyone else but he wants what everyone else wants, that is DbD not dying! :cry:
  • Member Posts: 1,055

    @Shipthebread said:
    What makes me laugh is he cries so much about DBD but is leaving for Death Garden, It's the same company, what makes you think it's any different. At this point I don't blame anyone but the company, it looks like it's a corporate culture thing. The amount of times things are screwed up and no one apologizes and or makes changes makes me think they straight up don't care, it doesn't matter to them if you do a good job.

    Deathgarden is designed with keeping the issues of DbD in mind. And also it has a shooting core gameplay, more focusing on Runners juking and avoiding the Hunters aim etc. A core gameplay that's faster paced, but also more dependend on fast reaction, aim of each side etc.
    I won't say it's better. It's not the kind of gameplay I like to watch or play. But it's different because Deathgarden is a different kind of game. And judging by Marth's gaming preferences, I can see why he jumps over to this game.
    I also believe it's kinda a corporation thing going on. But I think DbD sometimes suffers from a lack of coordination and lack of ressources.

  • Member Posts: 4
    so the game is at the best state its been and only promising to get better with more buffs to weaker killers, and this rando youtuber decideds now is the time to make a long-ass video about the balancing issues? okay have fun continuing to support the same company with a different game mr. marth
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  • Member Posts: 415

    @Freudentrauma said:

    @Shipthebread said:
    What makes me laugh is he cries so much about DBD but is leaving for Death Garden, It's the same company, what makes you think it's any different. At this point I don't blame anyone but the company, it looks like it's a corporate culture thing. The amount of times things are screwed up and no one apologizes and or makes changes makes me think they straight up don't care, it doesn't matter to them if you do a good job.

    Deathgarden is designed with keeping the issues of DbD in mind. And also it has a shooting core gameplay, more focusing on Runners juking and avoiding the Hunters aim etc. A core gameplay that's faster paced, but also more dependend on fast reaction, aim of each side etc.
    I won't say it's better. It's not the kind of gameplay I like to watch or play. But it's different because Deathgarden is a different kind of game. And judging by Marth's gaming preferences, I can see why he jumps over to this game.
    I also believe it's kinda a corporation thing going on. But I think DbD sometimes suffers from a lack of coordination and lack of ressources.

    Thanks for the well written response. It could be something as simple as BHVR is growing too fast and taking on more than they can bite off. I worked for a company who did this once, they had the wherewithal to see the error and actually scale back and then later they grew accordingly to their current resources. Maybe it's a similar case, the unexpected success of DBD has caused them to lack the necessary personnel to keep up with the game's changing state

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  • Member Posts: 415
    edited August 2018

    @tinyzweater said:
    so the game is at the best state its been and only promising to get better with more buffs to weaker killers, and this rando youtuber decideds now is the time to make a long-ass video about the balancing issues? okay have fun continuing to support the same company with a different game mr. marth

    Rando Youtuber? He has been around playing this game forever. In a game where people are tired and playing less and less killer, he was at least one of the few streams that played and consistently helped newer killers get better and learn. Say what you want about his recent attitude towards the game but he has always advocated changes that would be good for the game. Go to twitch, every streamer these days are survivors, I like playing survivor and enjoy it, but what can I learn from watching a survivor stream? It take very little skill to play survivor and once you know the looping spots there isn't much to be gained IMO, unless you simply enjoy the streamer's personality.

    Also the buff's they made were nice and it was good, but in 2 weeks they capitulated and gave buff's back to the survivor side. Any decent survivor can agree that it took a few hours to figure out the changes needed to one's game play in order to adapt to them. But again they helped bad survivors, the buff's aren't bigt but they also were not needed.

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  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I'm not a Marth fan but he makes good points. I love watching all the survivor mains going "Who cares?" You should because with all the options starting to pop up for this style of game DbD will have actual competition(hopefully) and that is the one thing it won't be able to recover from.

    I don't care about what ANY streamer has to say. I hope DBD gets real competition. If i find i like the competition product better and it actual works i will jump ship to and with no fanfare.

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  • Member Posts: 415

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I'm not a Marth fan but he makes good points. I love watching all the survivor mains going "Who cares?" You should because with all the options starting to pop up for this style of game DbD will have actual competition(hopefully) and that is the one thing it won't be able to recover from.

    Right now it might not be an issue on PC, but on console people don't want to play killer. The latest patch helped and I see getting games > @Hillbilly420 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I'm not a Marth fan but he makes good points. I love watching all the survivor mains going "Who cares?" You should because with all the options starting to pop up for this style of game DbD will have actual competition(hopefully) and that is the one thing it won't be able to recover from.

    I don't care about what ANY streamer has to say. I hope DBD gets real competition. If i find i like the competition product better and it actual works i will jump ship to and with no fanfare.

    Hide or Die is coming this October. There's also Last Year: the Nightmare but no one knows what's happening with that one.

    Halloween the game as well

  • Member Posts: 4,388

    @Hillbilly420 said:

    @fcc2014 said:

    @ZombieGenesis said:
    I'm not a Marth fan but he makes good points. I love watching all the survivor mains going "Who cares?" You should because with all the options starting to pop up for this style of game DbD will have actual competition(hopefully) and that is the one thing it won't be able to recover from.

    I don't care about what ANY streamer has to say. I hope DBD gets real competition. If i find i like the competition product better and it actual works i will jump ship to and with no fanfare.

    Hide or Die is coming this October. There's also Last Year: the Nightmare but no one knows what's happening with that one.

    Last year looks awesome, Hide or die i was kind of ugh about. I didn't transition to pc for DBD i have too much time invested. If it cared over i would in a heart beat.

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