Priority of commands

I have created a discussion about this before but I'm doing it again.
BHVR, please can you change or look into the priority of commands.
I'm constantly getting annoyed with 'Self-heal' being the first option when I stand in-front of hooked Survivor, and not 'Unhook'.
And I'm constantly getting annoyed with 'Vaulting a window' being the first option when standing on a downed Survivor instead of 'Picking them up'.
Please can this be resolved or looked into because it doesn't help in any way shape or form and constantly frustrates players getting punished for slightly off game mechanics.
EDIT: The actions are on the same keybinding. The keybinding can be changed but the actions cannot be separated.
Today I tried to unhook someone in the basement, someone had died there and instead of u hooking I grabbed whatever item was on the floor and this cost us the game..
I also died because I tried to drop a pallet on the killer and a teammate was slugging there and it tried to heal instead of drop, so I died...
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I have a simple solution for the healing survivor and the window/pallet one, rebind your keys. Why are they the same keys anyway?
The self-care/unhook though they need to prioritize.
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Because I'm a console pleb and I can't do that.. At least as far as I know
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I play on PS4, you're able to rebind keys. My healing is LB while pallets/windows are RB.
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Were you my last Claudette? 😮
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I didn't know we could separate them, you're a life saver thanks!
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You're welcome <3
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Wait how do u do it? I only have "use item, drop item, pick up item interaction, actions, secondary action/skillcheck, hook struggle, activate ability"
Isn't the "actions" both heal and drop pallet? Those have to be the same button, no way for me to separate them..
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That's how it works, they are the same keybinding. They can be changed but not separated.
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Then how do you do to drop a pallet instead of healing someone under it? It prioritizes the healing action instead of dropping.
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I was on the floor when the hatch opened up. It prioritized recovering over jumping into the hatch. Next thing I know the killer closed the hatch and was taking me to the basement. Needless to say, I dc’d because I got screwed over...
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Thats not what he's saying. If you actually read the post and comment content.
1) You cant rebind those actions.
2) Some of the priority are incorrect.
When near a hooked survivor the priority should be unhooked. When near a pallet it should be to drop. when two injured survivors are near each other it should be to heal the other one. When picking up a survivor near a ledge it should be to pick them up and not vault.
Not sure what about this concept you are having issues understanding
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A good fix for the pick up/vault window/open locker problem would be making picking up the survivor be prioritized when looking down enough. That way you'll easily be able to select what you want to do.
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Why the hostility tho?
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That's a good idea and would enable Killer's to have full control of what they're doing.
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Trust me babs you'd be on a hook by now if I was hostile ;3
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Lmao the you need to work on your communication skills if you think that didn't sound hostile :'D
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Pick up items/interactions = Your healing/working on generators/unhooking. I have that set as L1
Secondary Action/Skill checks = Throwing down pallets/vaulting windows/skill checks I have set as R1
You shouldn't have prioritizing between healing and pallets if you have them set differently. Man, they shouldn't have been set the same in the first place. Set them as two different buttons then you won't have a problem.
Sadly, since healing and unhooking are set as the same button you may have issues there. Just stop running self care, it's not needed.
These button layouts may not be the same as PC, but they have the same name.
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Dude I am with you on this.
This and still having to mash space bar on hook are two of the dumbest things that for some bizarre reason the devs don't seem to think are issues worth even looking into.
Survivors that play killer know this too, what they will do is when downed crawl to a vault location cause' they know you will probably have this exact problem.
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I prefer not to change my play-style due to a poor game mechanic XD
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That might be another indicator that it needs looking into, when certain players abuse it because they know it’s flawed in design.