Total Rework of Gens needed Redux

New and improved with feed back from the last post. Feel free to comment on this once again
Add four sections to the Generator repair bar, if not being fix the gen will naturally degrade itself at a rate of 1% a second to the last milestone that it was fixed too. A damage generator will degrade at a rate of 2%+2x(X)(Where x is the number of remaining Survivors. 4->8%, 3->6%, 2->4, 1->2), and will degrade past any milestone marker

Putting a lock on gens and add a Code Paper symbol to the base survivor hud. A Survivor can only have 1 Code Paper at a time. These Code Paper can be found in any map at the basement and at each exit gate with a respawn timer of 30 seconds, also 33%(effected by luck)chance to also find a pass code in any chest. It takes a use action to pick up a Code paper or automatically picked up from a searched chest and takes 5 seconds to unlock a gen, which makes sound similar to searching in a chest. If stopped or interupided the progress of unlock a Gen will stay where it was left.
+Adding Functionality to Keys allowing any key at the cost of 10% of it’s durability to unlock any gen with or without a code paper
*Unlocking a gen is worth 1/7th of finishing a gen for Blood Points and Light Bringer points

It is true this is very oppressive change to Survivors but it is needed to slow them down and make the games much more tense. I have made this suggestion to balance from the top down. From rank 1 to rank 20. I feel it is a bad idea to balance it in the middle or at the low end.

If you like this idea, Up vote and comment show the devs you want this change.


    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    Generator Rework:
    -Exit gates now require 100 power to be opened and progress will be displayed to the left of the remaining generators in the trial.
    -Hatch will spawn when power is at 50 and will open for the last survivor when power is at 75 or higher.
    -There's now 10 generators in every trial with 100 second repair times.
    -Each completed generator will grant progression to powering the exit gates.

    (Assuming that the power is at 0, this is how long it would take to power the exit gates.)

    -No generators are completed: No progression to powering exit gates.
    -1 generator is completed: 66 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -2 generators are completed: 33 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -3 generators are completed: 22 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -4 generators are completed: 16 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -5 generators are completed: 13 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -6 generators completed: 11 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -7 generators are completed: 9 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -8 generators are completed: 8 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -9 generators are completed: 7 minutes until exit gates are powered.
    -10 generators are completed: 6 minutes until exit gates are powered.

    Formula for exit gate progression:
    (Number of generators completed x 0.025) = Progression per second.
    100/Progression per second = Number of seconds to power the exit gates.

    Hex (Ruin):
    -A hex that affects the Survivors' skills at repairing generators. While the hex is standing, survivors suffer a 30/40/50% decrease in repair speed. The hex effects will continue to take effect until the related hex totem is destroyed.

    This should help with generators going too fast in the current meta and the future meta.
  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    @SaltyKiller said:
    Just give Survivors parts like Gas and ######### to collect in order to work the Gens. Done.

    How much gas needs to be gathered to finish a gen, where does it spawn what is the spawn rate can the killer do anything to the gas?

    Also I did give them something like parts to gather. The pass code.

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197

    Say one gas tank per gen? Plus one part? That would be fair. Or maybe mix it up. Random gens can require random parts. Therefore, BNP would still be viable for Survivors but they can't just run to the first gen they see and instantly complete it.

    Gas + Part isn't a bad idea. My bias for my own idea leads me to say I think mine is better over all. But I can very much see yours working. But we can't RNG it. It would lead to way to much stress on players
  • Angelos455
    Angelos455 Member Posts: 25
    Guys consider what a disadvantage the killer is already having. Pretty long-lasting chases, decisive strike, flashlights, pallets, survivor blocks and looping... How much time do you personally need to hook each survivor (chase him,put him in dying state, etc)?  This time is also extended when it comes to skilled survivors. The results are: 1 or 2 gens repaired during this procedure, killer getting stressed and losing his temper. If no huge plays are made by the killer during the match (team knockout for instance) the match has already come to an end. Taking all this into consideration, number of gens required should be increased or at least finding parts to fix them.
  • ThePeeje
    ThePeeje Member Posts: 70
    My idea for gen rework is simple. 4 survivors = 6 gens need to be fixed. Every time someone dies = -1 gen required. So 3 left mean only 5 needed. 2 left only 4. 1 left only 3.

    This means if the killer doesnt camp and tunnel, they have 6 gens of time. So itll be best to weaken them all and slug. Tunneling wont pay so well. 

    It wouldnt be perfect. But could be more balanced and more fun. 
    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243
    ThePeeje said:
    My idea for gen rework is simple. 4 survivors = 6 gens need to be fixed. Every time someone dies = -1 gen required. So 3 left mean only 5 needed. 2 left only 4. 1 left only 3.

    An actual good idea!
  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197
    ThePeeje said:
    My idea for gen rework is simple. 4 survivors = 6 gens need to be fixed. Every time someone dies = -1 gen required. So 3 left mean only 5 needed. 2 left only 4. 1 left only 3.

    This means if the killer doesnt camp and tunnel, they have 6 gens of time. So itll be best to weaken them all and slug. Tunneling wont pay so well. 

    It wouldnt be perfect. But could be more balanced and more fun. 
    You leave A LOT of gaps in this idea. I.E. what if there is one gen left and you get a kill. Is that a free finished gen?

  • FoxWolfFrostFire
    FoxWolfFrostFire Member Posts: 197
    Guys consider what a disadvantage the killer is already having. Pretty long-lasting chases, decisive strike, flashlights, pallets, survivor blocks and looping... How much time do you personally need to hook each survivor (chase him,put him in dying state, etc)?  This time is also extended when it comes to skilled survivors. The results are: 1 or 2 gens repaired during this procedure, killer getting stressed and losing his temper. If no huge plays are made by the killer during the match (team knockout for instance) the match has already come to an end. Taking all this into consideration, number of gens required should be increased or at least finding parts to fix them.
    Kinda like my idea with the code paper but rather giving killers MORE control over the gens you just say add one more gen need. Like three gen strays weren't bad enough for both sides.