Survivor nerfs

Seeing as everyone's so confident to list how freddy "needs" nerfing or ghostface, or plauge, or event the goddam wraith (all threads I've seen) lets go over some "fair" survivor nerfs

Prove thyself : the repair speed thinge has now been decreased by 50%)(10% - > 5%) to promote healthy gameplay

*if this ever got concidered then I'm screwed. I love this perk*

Dead hard : exhaustion increased by 20 seconds as the amount of time it can buy you in a chase is "too valuable" or something like that

Adrenaline : no longer picks you up from the dying state and can't heal you imediatley after being unhooked. Alternatively it becomes a heal over time effect instead

Sprint burst : if you run over a pebble you fall over and get put into the dying state

Diversion : the pebble is now a nuclear bomb and kills everyone on the map, this should promote less dcing as nobody will be alive to do so

Desicive strike : as its original purpose after the rework has been warped into "60 invincible seconds" the timer has been decreased by 40% (24 seconds at rank 3) and the timer expires once another survivor has been hooked, as you shouldn't be able to just go for a unsafe hook or do a generator in the killers face and get rewarded for it (by getting the desicive) but to compensate it now gives you a 5% speed boost for 5 seconds after using the perk. This then causes exhaustion for 80 seconds

Self care : this is a communist society. If you attempt to heal yourself you shall be thrown into the gulag and moried by the huntress

Spine chill : no longer works against killers with the undetectable status affect

Premonition : kicks spine chill in the back and does work against the undetectable status affect

Comodius tool boxes : decrease the generator repair bonus to less than the engineers toolbox.

Ghost faces detection : when survivors reveal ghostface they get exposed due to slasher movie reasons. Fair and balanced as all things should be

Falling from heights : of you aren't running balanced landing you suffer from the hindered status affect for 1.5 seconds

Pallets : the killer has to actually be under the pallet to be stunned. Seriously. A trapper was farming and stood away from the pallet, not even his toes were under it and poof. Pallet stun.

Blendets : every survivor that isn't a blendete gets 8000 bloodpoints in survival of the blendete gets killed. Dcs, or is moried

This has been a small list of balance changes that need to be implemented oh *totally a survivor main BTW* that would increase the longevity of the game.

Stop asking for nerfs. Unless a killer has a 100% kill rate it doesn't need nerfing as soon as another gets nerfed. And even then those stats are just stats. Peanits constantly says not to base entire arguments on them

Like. I could say that TRAPPER of all things needs nerfs because he's way too popular. Trapper. The killer only big brains can use effectively (otz. Could beat einstine at chess. While blinded by a flashlight).

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk gamers. Have a good day

