wow another 4 dc's against freddy

No. Are we really going to "Freddy" Freddy and nerf him into the ground again? Learn to play against him. The only time he can be seen as too strong is with Forever Freddy and certain addons builds.
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Think they are being sarcastic. This is kind of what survivors do though. They whine on the forum and DC in the game against specific killers. Eventually devs notice and nerf said killer.
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She just wants freddy nerfed according to all her past posts
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I have always found him really boring, even before his rework.
Still, they should only „fix“ Forever Freddy imo and maybe a small cooldown or something when using snares.
EDIT: Completely forgot.. make BT work again when asleep.
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I just had to DC becuase a killer blocked me in a corner and refused to move or down me, so I couldn't move or do anything. After a while I gave up and DC'd.
At that point though, who could blame everyone else from just DCIng as well?
Sometimes it depends on the situation.
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That is entirely different. DCing because the game is being held hostage is totally ok. DCing simply because you don't like the killer you're facing isn't.
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He has plenty of counterplay. Survivors just often choose not to use it. You have multiple ways to wake up. I see so many survivors just stay asleep for some reason though. I have an awful time getting teammates to wake me up. It's crazy. I don't get it. The snares become wildly inefficient at pallets once the pallet is dropped. And if you're trying to loop anything that isn't a jungle gym or god window against snare Freddy ....I don't know. Seriously. Just drop pallets. That's 75% of the counterplay to snare Freddy in chases. No different than Clown.
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oh boy here we go more crying about Freddy i guess learning how to counter is so hard. here how about this STOP running to the hook as soon as a survivor is placed! you should at least get one or two gens done before unhooking! stop running over the blood snares knowing Freddy will place them on those sweet loop spots 😃. when Freddy puts a survivor on a hook and you are working on a gen always be prepared for his teleportation to a gen because it might be the gen you are working on. Freddy might do a fake gen port just to scare you off the gen but be cautious because it could be a double take (one fake one not). anyway we have enough OP's about Freddy why not use those instead of creating a new one 🙄.......
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I enjoy playing against Freddy.
Forever Freddy is a bit annoying but tbh in times like this where Ruin means nothing and the gens fly by in under 3 minutes, I can see why people use that build.
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I'm saying I don't judge unless I know all the details.
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Can't wait for the dc timeouts, if you don't enjoy it you can sit on the main menu!
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Too bad "learn to play against" doesn't apply when talking about survivors' perks or items.
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Really? I thought it was changed to something like hitting while they're asleep or something rofl.
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So it begins....
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To play Devil's Advocate here, Freddy is the killer with the highest killrate, at both high and low ranks. There's obviously something going on there.
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I made a Freddy DC once by using OoO. Guy tried really hard to mindgame, even with all of his snares.
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I honestly just hate the Forever Freddy build. In my own opinion it's annoying that these games usually last almost a good hour of my two days off. The fact that it's the only build I see people run it's no real surprise it gets dodged.
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The crybabies think that if they stomp their feet and scream loud enough, the devs will feel sorry for them and nerf what they don't like. Hopefully Bhvr has learned from its past mistakes :)
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People need to realize that wanting to see any killer Revisited and balanced doesn't mean they necessarily want a Nerf to everything. And Freddy's rework doesn't preclude him from being rework again or balanced.
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Lets buff all the weak killers instead so u will see more variety
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You should actually report that person that's against the rules
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Use toolboxes and other perks/add ons for genrush
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It's kinda hard to bring the perks and tools to gen rush when you have no idea of the killer before hand. And if you bring that stuff in to a game that's not against a Freddy you get called out for being toxic and trying to gen rush.
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You do realize that EVERY alarm clock is on the opposite side of the map? It literally makes no sense to stop doing a gen to run to the other end of the map just to stay awake for 60 seconds
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Are there no gens near alarm clocks? Like you can only do the gen you're currently on? The only games I lose as Freddy are against teams that stay awake.
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The precident was set when Nurse was knocked down. Then it was confirmed with Spirit. What comes next doesn't look good for DbD.
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I honestly don't think the Devs are going to change/nerf anything about him in anyway. Mainly becasue of how long it took for them to make and complete his rework. They made sure he was strong but also could be countered.
They might change addons, but base Freddy, no. I highly doubt it, maybe a tiny few changes tho. Also the Devs are working on others things on their list that are more important, an example would be Doctor.
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I could see them adjusting numbers, mainly of his slow down add-ons (Swing Chains, Jump Rope, Outdoor Rope). Maybe reduce the number of traps he can set to 8 instead of 10.
I think removing the time extension of consecutive snap-claps and putting that effect on an add-on would help a lot too.
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Ya, small stuff like that and certin addons (mainly the slow down ones) I can definitely see them getting changed. Nothing major, but more of a quality of life change for survivors to make it not a drag anymore.
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Nerf the hooks. About half the time I put a survivor on one, they disconnect!
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This is coming from someone who is experienced at both side but mostly plays survivor: Freddy doesn't need to be nerfed. Just learn to play against him. If you're that much against learning through actually playing the game, look up a video on how to play against him. Give it a chance before whining until he's garbage again
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They honestly should be using that regardless of killer
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How is he op? Maybe some add-ons are stupid like the slowing add-ons like the swing chains or whatever but he's not broken
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M1 killer btw
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And even then "Forever Freddy" is countered by simply staying awake when someone get's unhooked. If he is running Forever with sloppy, don't waste time healing, just repair the generators and leave.
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I mean I’d rather work on a gen that’s 70 percent completed than to start over on new one. Cause lord knows no one else works on generators when there’s a Ruin
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Well, if Spirit needed a nerf because of overperforming and Freddy is performing better than her then it seems logical to fix him too. At least the forever Freddy needs something done. It's like infinite mending Legion and Prayer beads. I'm just saying, the Spirit nerf is a slippery slope that gives validity to nerfing any killer that's good. Bully for you Behaviour, your weak knees get weaker.
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Freddy Is fine. Just get gud , he Is an m1 killer at chases if u really think he needs nerfs we have a basic problem.
Bye when nerfing real stuff when keys nerfs? When toolboxes nerf?
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I personally hate Freddy a lot he's boring and i feel personally he is like the easiest killer in the game when it comes to his power other than like gf who just activates it and goes. I also think the build for Freddy where you have like red paint brush and swing chains is ridiculous he literally does nothing and slows down the game it's pretty stupid. I also hate the Freddy's who just respect the pallet then snare both sides.
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It really seems like that if there is a Killer that can do anything strong, most survivors do everything they can to call them "Boring" and DC and everything just to get them nerfed.
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Alarm clocks keep you awake for 90 seconds, which is typically long enough to knock out a gen near it before you fall asleep again.
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I agree. The MOMENT most survivors can't just brainlessly run in a circle, they instantly start whining "OP" and "NERF PLZ!"
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the only nerf freddy deserves is forever freddy, but thats it
and MAYBE a cooldown for spamming snares but thats not at all mandatory
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I don't mind Freddy but as others have said, the "Forever Freddy" build makes me want to just first hook myself immediately. Literally zero fun.
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Imagine being so entitled that you don't want to learn any counters (yes, even Forever Freddy has a counter). Is that all you want to do as Survivor? Just complete all the gens in five minutes, loop the Killer for days, and escape?
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I don't think anyone is saying Forever Freddy is hard and needs a counter, everyone just thinks its very very boring to play against.
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Uhm yeah it does apply. Nobody here is even talking about that though.
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wow another 4 dcs against wraith
wraith s too strong. its not fun to play against. not one bit. nerf wraith.
See what I did there? I made an ignorant, idiotic post like you did, but replaced one killer with another.
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Let me give you some advice against Freddy, you need to wake up, drop pallets early if he is snare Freddy, if you woke up earlier then pallet Freddy shouldn’t be a major issue and if he starts snare spamming a dropped pallet then continue to get chased around it by vaulting it repeatedly, depending on the map this can be difficult though.
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@ZFennecFox I’ve faced forever Freddy a lot and those matches are usually twenty minutes tops.