How about a Wrong Turn chapter?

Don't get me wrong, the movies are pretty awful... Fun for sure, but still pretty awful. That being said, I really enjoy the three brothers as villains and think they could fit into DBD similar to how the legion works. Or if they only wanted to use one of the brothers, I think Three Finger is the obvious choice as he seems to be kind of the leader. I think his primary weapon would either be a knife (then again, we probably have more than enough of those in DBD...) or an axe and his "power" could either be a bow and arrow, used similar to the huntress and her hatchets, or the ability to set some sort of barbed wire traps around the map (probably the more likely option if they made all three brothers). As far as perks go, I really haven't thought that far into it. The map would probably be very similar to others in the game, the standard woods, but I think they could incorporate some of the run down shacks from the movies into the game, or maybe even the mansion from the sixth movie as its own map. Survivor would probably be the guy from the first movie, can't remember his name.
All in all, I think this would be an interesting chapter to incorporate into DBD. I'm aware that it's pretty unlikely considering they usually sway more toward the big names like freddy or leatherface, but just something I'd be happy to see with the remake of the original movie coming soon.
Let me know what you guys think
I can see Nina and her crushed up granola bars already. Yes please.
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I don't think we need ANOTHER hillbilly, but holy ######### if they gave us Eliza Dushku as a survivor I would die of happiness.
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Survivor: Bugs Bunny
Killer: The Hunter
Realm: Albuquerque?
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Wrong turn is too trashy
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I'd rather have a Coyote vs Road Runner DLC than this one
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"Meep Meep"
Exhaustion times are reduced by 10/20/30 seconds when you are Exhausted.
You can recover Exhaustion while running.
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If it's wrong turn, then I say give us HENRY ROLLINS!!! :) With potential LIAR cosmetic DLC! That would be the dream!!!
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No to Wrong Turn. Too mundane.
Give us Hellraiser, Maniac Cop, Pumpkinhead, or Dr Satan first. Or even some classic Universal Monsters. I'd like to play as a vampire.
Just no more hillbillies, no more knives.
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I think we need a Dr. Satan killer in a House of 1000 Corpses chapter.
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Here's some I think would be awesome babadook, the nun from insidious, the ice cream driver from legion and or the grandmother at the beginning of the movie, and last but not least Jack the ripper now I know we have alot of knife killers but he can use a sickle :)
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You mean how Legion DOESN'T Work?