hey devs, i hope youll be consistent with your beliefs and ban people for abusing the basement bug.

so everyone whos played the dlc knows if u get hooked in basement your camera is permanently blacked out and you cant see anything. killers have been purposely trying to force basement in order to do this in games. but god forbid somehow basement ever gets disabled or its fixed within 24 hours making every game miserable for any team. this is equal to the old flashlight macro crashing peoples games.
im curious to see what you do devs.
Didnt know that.
My only basement hook so far was my death hook.
6 -
This makes the game unplayable for survivors it needs to be fixed ASAP.
29 -
pay attention to how some survivors act after being unhooked. some will be running in the corner or against walls almost like theyre trolling. thats how you'll know.
5 -
Wait does that mean your camera is blacked out even after getting unhooked?
Let's hope this gets fixed as soon as possible. Would be nice if they could really just disable the basement from spawning in a map as long as this bug persists.
5 -
yeah this happened to me today.
5 -
Lower that entitlement a bit. It is a bug. Wake up was a bug sprint burst was a bug, agitation II, etc etc etc..... The legion addons were over site by the devs didn't deserve a ban either. The game is constantly broke lets stop try to get one another banned for the devs ######### ups and focus on the actual issues.
25 -
you cant ban ppl for that. most of them dont even know about it. its on the devs to fix this asap. but this will take at least a week i guess.
7 -
the mend exploit didnt deserve a ban....? sounds like someone who used it. hmmm....
8 -
Nope just don't see a need to cry about it.
2 -
nice bait kiddo. well done.
5 -
Medkit addons are not adding charges. Welcome players, you are once again apart of DBD's Quality Assurance Team,
3 -
Yikes so I have to super careful getting downed near the basement. Seriously ever since I started playing this game at the beginning of 2019 this game always have a new bug with every update, It's outstanding really.
2 -
This isn't any worse than the Wake Up exploit or the Sprint Burst exploit. Were any people banned? Nope.
Besides, the odds of getting a basement hook are very low.
9 -
god DAMN the entitlement that came out of your soup hole
🕳 🍲
3 -
i was hooked in basement and after un hook my camera was normal
0 -
Most players aren't going to know about the bug. For the devs to ban for it, they would first have to post an announcement, especially considering how many players are running basement builds right now because of the challenges. Also, unlike using certain add-ons and perks being a choice, sometimes the basement hooks are the only nearby hooks.
Edit: The devs would have to post an in-game announcement, not a forum announcement. Just to be clear.
10 -
Then what about the Killers who, before this was even a thing, don't care about patch notes and have chat off? 🤔
1 -
Instead of focusing on the players, we should focus on the insane quality control issues.
5 -
I had this happen on MacMillan but I was able to see again after being unhooked. I fell through the ground, but I was able to see.
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Lucky you, I couldn’t see at all. I tried to have my friend help guide me out but it didn’t work because the killer came lol
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I didn't even know about the bug
If you know about explotis please don't tell people exactly what it does and how you can get it
just call it "basement bug"
0 -
Well I was falling into nothing for about 40 seconds until the killer somehow picked me up.
0 -
Yes, I should totally be banned because I am trying to complete my Tome challenge. It's obvious that I was trying to abuse an exploit. Why else would I take a Survivor to the basement?
2 -
Considering there's several tome challenges involving basement hooks, I doubt it.
3 -
*cries with the basement challenges open*
2 -
In other games the remove any bugged items until they are fixed. If they won't have a fix soon they should see is there anyway of blocking off the basement till there is a fix. If that isn't possible then just put it into the news on the game for others to see and decide whether they want to risk getting banned or not
1 -
Its pissing me off how they aren't even mentioning it. Bhvr is constantly leaving their players in the dark about bugs and it's starting to really irritate me. Fix this ######### bug it is game breaking and makes this game miserable to play.
5 -
I got hooked in the basement and the screen went bright white. Then it shifted to my character in the falling animation surrounded by green clouds, as though I had fallen through the floor of the map.
I could click my flashlight and spin my view, but that was it, even after being unhooked. When the killer hit me again later on, there was still no change.
When he picked me up, my view was suddenly back to normal in the basement, and I saw a Dwight bumping into a wall (having same issue apparently).
When he hooked me the second time, it all started again. I didn’t struggle on the hook (and there was no prompt to do so), but even still the sacrifice was not immediate. I had to wait the same duration to die as I would had I been struggling.
0 -
I think this bug isn't consistent since last game I unhooked a feng min from basement on EGC and she was able to escape.
1 -
I think it is only the back hook that causes it.
0 -
got hooked in the front and it happened
2 -
They don’t deserve a ban.
You should reconsider playing while this garbage hasn’t been hot fixed.
0 -
Guess I’ve only been hooked on the back then.
0 -
For some reason I never get a notification when you reply to my comments
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They're not going to ban people for hooking in the basement while simultaneously having challenges requiring basement hooks.
Killers have no way to tell this is happening without forums/survivors messaging.
3 -
Can't be a dedicated server issue its happening on consoles as well.
1 -
I had that bug too as i was hooked in the basement. Does it happen every singel time you get hooked in the basement?
On topic of banning they shouldnt ban because people who dont know about it get banned for not knowing thats unfair what they should do instead is disable the basement/remove basement hooks and add a few hooks to each map till its fixed. Thats the only fair thing and every competent company would do something like this if they cant fix it within a few hours. But we know its BHVR so........
0 -
I just had a game where I hooked everyone in the basement, I literally had no ######### clue. They all told me post-game.
You can't ban for something like this, like how the hell was I supposed to know I can't even hook in the basement without destroying the game?
4 -
Yeah like I should be banned for trying to complete a challenge right? Most people didn't even know about the bug, Last I remember, Devs didn't do any bans for the Wake Up bug.
I think you may need to tone down the entitlement a bit and think logically about why killers are hooking in the basement.
0 -
They can't distinguish who is abusing the bug and who is not, especially since the archives has challenges to hook people in the basement.
So, no, no bans will be given out.
2 -
It happens on console as well though.
1 -
Ah yes let's randomly ban players for not knowing this bug and not ban players that abused the Sprint burst bug and the wake up bug back then.
Let's just ban players for something that these developers keep constantly doing
1 -
I have challenges hook 5 in basement so i cant do that now ?
1 -
Maybe we expect too much from them but I still expect at least one message on the news in-game. They put the known issues at the top of the forums which it seems has been updated for the new bugs.
They shouldn't ban anyone but they need to fix it as soon as possible or temporarily block the basement.
1 -
I still wonder myself how devs manage to break the game over and over snd over again i can't get it i never Saw something remotely similar in My entire life as a player. Is insane a very simple and small Game i don't get it. Even 20x bigger games don't have Even half problems this game has
2 -
It's highly unfair. Sure, *some* may not know about the glitch...but let's be real. If you play this game regularly, you know what's going on. Let's not pretend like every killer is doing it on accident - - everyone is all of a sudden running Agitation and Iron Grasp and going to the basement. It's not just a huge coincidence. We KNOW people like to exploit bugs to their advantage.
That being said, it's crap as survivor - - we're deranking rapidly because of killers purposely hooking in the basement. Rank isn't too important, but when you're in red ranks it sucks to derank sure to something not your fault. I'm waiting on a glitch that benefits survivors for a change, bet that would be fixed immediately!
1 -
Hey everyone, I think running Agitation temporarily fixes the bug. I just played Plague with Agitation 2 and hooked Survivors in the basement at least four times and they came out ok each time. No wiggle bug either. When I played Doc with no perks that affected carrying a Survivor, both bugs occurred.
0 -
Your survivor benifit bugs were wake up which gave the bonus to all actions not just doors and infinite sprint burst neither of which were fixed immediately people were complaining for a good while.
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No it really didn't deserve a ban.. the devs should've disabled the addons.. the simple fix rather than threatening bans.
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Bonus action versus a bug where you can't finish your game AT ALL, gee....it really IS the same thing! 🙄
Sprint Burst exploit =/= to the basement bug. It's not even a comparison. Sure, exploiting a perk sucks and should be punishable...but this basement glitch completely robs you of the chance to play the rest of the game. To say the basement big is comparible to the SB exploit is dishonest.