New ban system



  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I believe you about the pip, but it sounds like a bug. You should report it in the Bug Reports section if it happens again.

    As for the rest... yes, you absolutely can blame the player for disconnecting because they don't like the game they're playing. People in that situation should be punished, because they're being selfish and ruining the game for others.

    If the player is forced to disconnect by the game itself (which is a more accurate parallel to your car metaphor than the above), that would be the fault of the developers, and that's why players in that situation don't get punished.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    Today I played as a survivor against a spirit, she killed 2 and then stayed with us without killing us and wanted us to touch an engine for her to be able to harm him, the other person was following that "game" and I just kept watching, the killer did not kill me and he just wanted to get points or finish his mission and that is not punished, I had no choice but to stay in the game without doing anything, if I disconnect I will have a ban, and if I stay I am helping a killer in an unsportsmanlike attitude... Is there anything you are thinking about it? of course not, it is more easier put a ban by disconnection ๐Ÿคฆโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    Exactly, the game has many errors!! and putting a ban system before fixing the errors is something that shows that it is only a placevoid effect to please the players, when from now on the survivor will simply commit suicide (which is almost the same to disconnect) and the killer will remain without moving making the survivors get no points (which is almost the same as disconnecting), then the current solution I think does not make any sense, because if a ban is applied by pressing the disconnect button but the other players are given a reward for staying in the game would be different, in addition many people are forced to leave the game because the killer's hit is from 5 meters away, then it is a problem of the game and not of the player and not the killer's fault too, and between disconnecting or committing suicide or running out of movement there is no difference because that "solution" does not affect anyone in nothing it's just a way to sell a bottle full of air ๐Ÿค”

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Once again, players choosing to disconnect because something in the game feels unfair is their decision - the game is not "forcing" them to do anything in that scenario. They are being selfish towards the other players and should rightfully be punished. I don't know how I can make that point any more clearly - we're just going around in circles at this stage.

    And you don't seem to understand what I said before about disconnection handling. It doesn't actually matter whether some disconnections are justified or not, because there are some, like someone ragequitting just because they're losing, that are completely unjustified no matter how you look at it. And it's literally impossible for the developers to know which one is which. They cannot differentiate, so they have to punish everyone who disconnects rather than let things like ragequitting for being a sore loser go unpunished. It's not a matter of their priorities, it's a technical and psychological limitation that they cannot pass.

  • Gopher
    Gopher Member Posts: 50

    And that, my friend, is all I can hope for at this point. It just sucks that if I do decide to play survivor at some point, that I may be banned for this. I dislike seeing people DC and I refrain from playing survivor because I know my issue will cause problems for other players (teammates), not to mention getting a possible ban. The Stranger Things patch is what caused the bug and I really hope a future patch or hotfix will work.

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    I don't know why this comment is being deleted, so I'll write it without a direct response to anyone:

    Today I played as a survivor against a spirit, she killed 2 and then stayed with us without killing us and wanted us to touch an engine for her to be able to harm him, the other person was following that "game" and I just kept watching, the killer did not kill me and he just wanted to get points or finish his mission and that is not punished, I had no choice to stay in the game without doing anything, if I disconnect I will have a ban, and if I stay I am helping a killer in an unsportsmanlike attitude. Is there anything they are thinking about it? of course not, is more easier just put a ban for disconnection ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

  • LordTohes
    LordTohes Member Posts: 143

    I wrote something recently and I would like to know what you think I can do about it because you are a Dev, Community Manager:

    I am in a game as a survivor, the killer kills 2 of us and leaves me alive with another person, shows me that he wants me to throw pallets and damage generators to get points and complete missions, a clear attitude of anti-sport game. If I stay in the game I am still part of that behavior even if I do not want to and if I do nothing I will have to be on the ground during the time the killer finishes completing his mission or until that they finish repairing the generators or until the killer gets bored and decides to kill me. More than 10 minutes have passed since I am on the ground, since I am refusing to help him and he simply left me on the ground, but another player is cooperating with the killer therefore the game continues and there are still 3 engines left. If I disconnect I will be banned and if I stay I am wasting time within an unsportsmanlike game of which I am a mandatory part since the game punishes me with ban for disconnecting from it and possibly also for staying in it. My pc is not so good for recording the game and I cannot send a valid report with video, what am I supposed to do?

  • scumrrado
    scumrrado Member Posts: 61

    Disconnecting does need to be punished, but I hope the devs recognize that disconnects are happening for a reason.

    For Survivors, it's unsportsmanlike actions from Killers that causes disconnects. Survivor queues aren't short, so it feels disrespectful of the Killer to camp, tunnel, mori, etc. I don't care if you're dominating us, but I want it to be because you're skilled.

    For Killers, SWF and RNG (especially for totems) need to be looked at. Playing against SWF has to be the #1 reason why I don't play Killer nearly as often as Survivor, with #2 being that it's lonely ๐Ÿ˜ข

    If the devs start banning people without addressing the underlying issues, people will move onto other games. Bans and people leaving will only worsen queue times, and there's only so long people who don't disconnect will accept such issues before they leave too.

  • crabbycanuckttv
    crabbycanuckttv Member Posts: 35

    Yes you have a right to play, but your rights stop at terms of service I dunno boomer what's your next point?

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    I agree with what you say. I'll just nitpick about your choice of the word unsportsmanlike, but I understand what you meant.

    The problem is that is a casual game, despite a vocal minority taking it very seriously. You can't force casuals who play for enjoyment by punishing them for not playing when they're not enjoying what the game gives them. There're no rewards in this game beside the fun one gets from it.

    Yes, DC time-outs are common in many games, and in many games they're just worked around, just like they'll be in dbd with hook suicides and corner afk'ing. Yes, ragequitters are a problem. However, sometimes I ask myself why this person ragequit. Are they all childish, orsome of them are legitimately fed-up because the game gives them very little in return? Hey, my Ruin got cleansed in the first 15 secs. Hey, this guy with 20 hours gets matched with this killer with 1000. Hey, these SWF are trolling me with head-on whenever I'm about to down someone. Hey, I get downed by iri head while all the way around the corner before this hatchet was even thrown.

    You said it well. People will just move on to other games. If they're banned from playing when they leave a match they don't enjoy because of broken game mechanics, then they have no reason to stay. Then don't complain about queue times.

  • baron
    baron Member Posts: 142

    So its stay and get screwed or its leave and get screwed?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    More like see it through even if you're not enjoying yourself because it's the decent thing to do, or leave and get rightfully punished for being selfish and unsportsmanlike.

    In the case of times where it's okay to disconnect (which are pretty much limited to real life emergencies, or times when you have literally no other choice but to disconnect, which does not include losing or being slugged) it's more a case of stay and get screwed, or leave and incur nothing more serious than a short time penalty because you're a decent person who doesn't abuse the system and only leaves a game under the aforementioned circumstances.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968
  • Cable2486
    Cable2486 Member Posts: 249

    Quite frankly, you sound like an uneducated whiner who DCs a lot. The game has been patched many times, and continues to be. The fa t that it requires intensive programming, given it's being run on three separate systems (PC, PS4, Xbox) and all of the work is released simultaneously across all platforms (usually), you're complaint sounds silly. They have to watch three separate platforms to verify bugs not shared across all platforms, and then prioritize which ones are the most important to fix first. Let's see you do that.

    Next, the ragequit issue is ludicrous, and absolutely REQUIRES some kind of dissuasion to prevent it from ruining others gaming experiences. The devs implemented an auto-counter to catch multiple instances of abuse. It's not just a one time and banned thing, which is what you're making it sound like. The fact the the button is even still in the menu is evidence of that fact. It being there shows they understand that the game isn't perfect and the need to quit mid-trial may arise. What they DON'T want is someone quitting or closing the app over and over when they get pissy over something happening that they don't like. Or those annoying survivors that like to try to run you around as the killer, only to DC when they're team has done enough gens and not been booked near as much as they have. Toxic players that act toxic, then DC are the ones who they strive to stop with this, not someone that quits a match for a legit reason. 9/10 the people quiting mid-match aren't instantly queuing up for another, anyway.