When are we getting chat for console

Best Answer
As far as anyone knows, this isn't something that's being planned to be implemented for the time being.
If you'd like to request the feature, the best place to do so is in the Feedback and Suggestions section of the forum.
You can still send people messages. If you are using the phone app it's super easy.
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The best they could do for this is make it so that you can voice chat because for me its really hard to type fast on ps4 and probably for other people to. I would like to see a version of this in the game myself as I would like to be able to make a plan with my team.
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They have no intention of adding voice chat to DBD... in any way.
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Yah probably, it would be nice tho
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It would be different yeah... but people already have enough issues with voice com SWFs...
Imagine Solo Survivors having voice coms! Jeez...