Will I get banned for running basement builds?

I love running my Freddy's/Trappers basement build and this basement bug is making me not want to run it on account. Secondly, if I was to do the basement challenges, would I get banned or not?
Best Answer
I would hold off for the moment just to be on the safe side. Obviously you can't control the fact that there was a major bug in this build, but there's no way to tell the difference between people who want to exploit it, or people who just genuinely enjoy that play-style.
I'm sure a fix will be out pretty soon between this and the wiggle bar glitch.
First, what bug, and second I would go right ahead but if this bug is to bad don’t do it and wait till it gets fixed.
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if u dont have hook near for hooking soo u need hook the survivors in the basement..
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its not your fault.
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None of the bugs are players fault. Still you are responsible for intentionally using it.
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these issues will be fixed by devs of the behaviour
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how you gonna prove this.
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As long as the bug is random, no one can be punished.
Yesterday I did 4 basement hooks for the archives and it never happened. Before that I was playing some matches as survivor and had that bug the two times I was hooked in the basement :/
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What exactly is the bug? And now i have another reason not to play killer besides half hour queue times :\
and basically, i'm just going to avoid the basement while playing? lol
Nvm i just googled it.
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Right now it is just a reported bug, but the second developers acknowledge it as a bug and announces it. You are responsible, and I don't think I have to prove that.
Plus there is an issue with basic human decency. If you are knowingly screw others game, I don't think I can tell anything more to you. (as in whoever does it, not specifically talking to you)
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this is on the devs and on the devs only. no one else is to blame. they have to fix it asap.
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That is what I said before. All the bugs are their faults. Did players create Legion mending bug? Did players do Wake up bug? Did players make an unreachable rock? No. I don't know if anyone got punished for those or not, but they declared them as exploits.
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Due to a bug that's happening with the basement at the moment... I would refrain from doing any basement builds at this time. It's so that they don't mistake you for an exploiter or something.
But, if this bug wasn't happening...
Than no, you cannot be banned for running a basement build. A lot of people do it, youtubers have even made videos around certain killer perk combos and add-ons WITH the basement involved.
Basement builds are very situational, but in the right set of circumstances and basement spawns... it can be a VERY deadly build to face against.
So, that being said... you wouldn't get banned for it at all no. BUT! Don't do it at this time... mainly because of that huge bug at the moment. It helps not drawing attention to it in-game so others do it as well.
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Because of a bug that's happening with the basement at the moment, I would stop doing any basement builds right now. It's so that they don't mistake you for a cheater!
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Regardless, I hope it's fixed soon so people can move on.
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@FireHazard what's the bug?
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I'd prefer not to say.
Not that we can't talk about it, since it's stated as a bug and not an exploit... but people can abuse that bug and turn it INTO an exploit... despite it being random with its activation. So, I'm not showing attention to it because of that reason.
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Welp I guess imma play Russian Roulette as the killer 😅🤣
Cause if the bug becomes an exploit then the basement becomes the newest banning game lol.
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Well, because it's random it isn't considered "bannable."
I could be wrong, but if someone is maliciously using it for nefarious purposes... than it's up to BHVR, Support, etc to decide that.
So, I can't really say it's bannable, neither can I say it's non-bannable. It's a really grey area, so it's unknown UNLESS another official statement on that issue is made that explicitly states "Malicious users of this bug will not be banned, this is due to the bug being random and not consistent."
But like I said, I don't know, I can't give you an answer to that and i'm not a dev... so my word isn't a official statement, it's mostly taken with a grain of salt.
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Yeah lol
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They can't ban you for doing the basement hook tome challenges
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Obviously not, it's debatable if they CAN ban you for trying to abuse the bug though...
Since it's random and happens whenever it so chooses... than I can't really say it's a non-bannable offence or a bannable offence.
Unless a dev responds to that specific set of circumstances than it's unknown.
But no, you won't be banned for doing your challenges... that wouldn't really be fair now would it?