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General Discussions

So is this a thing now? (avoiding the new ban system)



  • Member Posts: 2

    In my opinion as a killer main myself ( Huntress) hard tunneling is a HUGE dick move, it's not bannable and the dev's have gone over it saying it isn't. Although it's not fun for the survivors and you get punished for tunneling through DS. I like to play fair which in my opinion is: Not camping or Tunneling (could differ to others). Now if the survivor is purposely being annoying like flashlight spamming or fast vaulting etc. then go ahead they asked for it. But it's your style of playing the game and could be considered a ######### move or toxic.

  • Member Posts: 924

    Not really, and they probably dc because they are tired of existing when a survivor wont pick them up because they want hatch. When slugging someone, go to where you know the hatch is to avoid it

  • Member Posts: 924

    I cant deny, but you shouldn't complain about 4 toolboxes with bnp and swivels

  • Member Posts: 8,342
    edited December 2019

    Yep, more words. Specifically, the latest words are along the lines of "currently working on testing a fix for the basement bug, which will be implemented as part of a hotfix as soon as possible".

    Soon, they'll be saying words like "the bugs have been fixed".

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    I'd complain to the devs about that. Not to the Survivors.

    Just like my view is that Survivors SHOULD gen rush and that gen rushing should be nerfed. These are not contradictions, since something being OP is a valid reason to use it as much as possible.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Slugging for a 4k isn't breaking game mechanics.

    Disconnecting to spawn a hatch is.

    Now if I'm incorrect and BHVR is actually going to claim that they designed the game with "DC tech" in mind I will literally stop playing right now, buy a plane ticket to Ottawa and smash my head on the glass outside their offices until the sense being knocked out of me falls into their heads.

  • Member Posts: 2

    Although I think the idea -or the reality to some people- of doing anything by using game mechanics (including DC for hatch) to be appropriate in anyway is totally wrong, i think slugging for 4K at the and of the game should be no harm to the game rules.

    Imagine if a killer is starting the game and do nothing until the end everytime to degrade their killer level. I think this totally ruin someone elses gaming experience and shall be a reason for a reasonable penalty. But anyway i see slugging in any point of the game is more a strategy than being dumb or noob. That is why there is also a perk like Unbreakable and a mechanic like dying by bleeding out which is not considered as a kill.

  • Member Posts: 250

    Its very likely its an unlucky crash. Usually the DC's w/o sounds are crashes, as pulling the plug does make the DC sound iirc.

  • Member Posts: 507

    As annoying as DCING is. Would u rather a well put system together that can detect intentional dcs or one that would go rouge and ban everyone. (Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if it does go rouge and ban people due to all these bugs we have lately.)

  • Member Posts: 8
    edited December 2019

    Not going to lie, I LOVE bringing Left Behind, OoO, Unbreakable, and a key. I wait for slugger killer to close hatch, walk over to it, make sure they see me with Object t-bagging them, then deuce right out. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 736


    Ive done it. I've DC'd from MANY games to give someone else the hatch. But if you play crappy their entire game and then happen to get LUCKY and just start sluggin yup bet your ass at least one person is gonna escape. And 9/10 its a friend, so they find the hatch WELL BEFORE I DC.

    Truth of the matter is, No one cares if the game is fun for the other side. No at all, Ive tried being friendly killer, Not tunneling not camping. And I get hit with the GGez fine whatever it kinda changed how I play as a killer. But I never slug at the end unless I know where the last person is. Theres a perk called Bloodwarden. Yeah it helps with the end game so that if you hook someone while the door is open then no one can leave. I understand that everyone (killer mains) are trying to justify that slugging is a legit strat..YES I KNOW THE DEVS HAVE SAID IT MANY MANY TIMES I GET IT. But just as you said about there being perks to help survivors who are slugged. There are perks to help killers who need that extra kick in the ass at the end game. No shame, I run em and 9/10 i get 3-4 kills a game.

    NOW as survivor!

    Why should I --A person who has bought this game (more times than I wanna admit) have bought the DLC supported our Devs, Why should I as a die hard fan of this game, Why do I have to be told that I HAVE to stay in a certain game when IM NOT HAVING FUN or IM BEING TUNNELED or IM BEING CAMPED, Why do I have to stay in this game? And honestly, ######### is the difference between a DC and Just killing yourself on hook the first hook? Cause you know that's what its gonna turn into, And killers are going to be losing ALOT more pips from that than they will from people DC'ing. BUT I GET THE KILL POINTS, yup but you also get the points for someone leaving, --You screw your teammates! Well guess what If I kill myself on first hook yup Im probably screwing them there too..

    This is just a few ways of looking at it. To each their own tho, Play how you wanna play but don't cry and complain when every survivor starts killing themselves on their first hook because they don't wanna deal with certain #########!


    A player who plays both sides - Grow up people. Its a game that we all love

  • Member Posts: 736

    Gen rushing isn't a thing. I don't know when you people are going to realize that, ######### do you want survivors to do? Sit in corners with their hand in their ass?! I mean really the survivors have one thing to do, Repair gens and get tf outta dodge. If the killer was doing their job and applying pressure to the gens MAYBE they wouldn't get done so fast. And Idk why people are complaining about BNP its useless lol. I mean come on!

  • Member Posts: 1,201

    I 100% agree. If you want to throw more toxicity into this community slugging for any reason other then you have found another person already falls high on the list of things you can do. I consider it a very toxic thing that killers are doing right now to hurt their own community, falling right under mori cancel, disconnect during loading and facecamping.

  • Member Posts: 230

    Survivors aren't here for your experience either. Console has press start and press Y to quit and leave the game. If the devs didn't want dcs they wouldn't have literally built it in. The first time I'm penalized for what the devs built into the game I'm taking my complaints straight to Microsoft to have the Dev equally punished 😉

  • Member Posts: 230

    It's not cheating if it's built into the UI by the devs! We don't pull cords on console we press start and Y exactly what the devs intended when they designed it for Xbox One. Dcing on console is in fact not cheating as long as that UI exists it is playing optimally of the game mechanics!

  • Member Posts: 230

    Exactly and if they didn't want us DCing they wouldn't have that option on Xbox 😉

  • Member Posts: 230

    Especially everyone on wifi lol. If the game wasn't a hot pile of buggy mess maybe not a problem but currently on console you're lucky to see death or escape 8 games out of 10

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    This has been a thing on Xbox for a while. I won't name it or explain it, but there is a way to completely circumvent DC punishments (depip, lose of items, not time outs because that's not on console yet). You can tell it happens because they DC with no sound. And while some instances are legit crashes or internet connections, most are doing this exploit. It's pretty obvious because they do it to give another hatch, or when they are about to die.

    If what you say is true then the devs need to start punishing for any DC, regardless of how it happens. Sucks for those that legit have technical issues.

  • Member Posts: 53

    I dont care if its fair or not. If i got to slugg or camp or tunnel to get my kills. Then im going to do it. Cuz as a killer. Your job is to get the kills. And as for survivors. They must do ne thing to escape. So why complain about slugging. But they need to do something about dcing. Its not hurting the killer. Cuz he still get points from it. But it effe ting the survivors. Im a killer main. I dont really care about the survivors. But sept for that one tho.

  • Member Posts: 918
    edited December 2019

    They literally cannot prevent DCs. Power outages will always trump software under all conditions if the hardware gets physically turned off. So what you're telling me is the equivalent of "If law enforcement didn't want us going too fast on the autobahn they'd remove our gas pedals." Or "If they didn't want us to unsafely exit they'd remove the exits so we can't unsafely exit."

    Post edited by SonicOffline on
  • Member Posts: 3

    I'm really lost on why you guys think that killers wanting people to actually play the game instead of derailing it by disconnecting is entitlement. Like that degenerate trying to equate a gameplay mechanic supported strategy with multiple perks to strengthen it and survivor perks to counter it, to just ######### quitting and ruining everyone else's experience, like they're both viable and fair. How is trying to win entitlement, but spiting the killer by cheating them out of their earned victory isn't? I can't wait for these bans to start rolling out, some of you guys need an attitude adjustment, doing all these mental gymnastics to stay in denial about literally cheating to avoid an L smh

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Wanting to win isn't entitled. Either outplay me or get sacrificed. No 0% skill escapes for you.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Yeah let's pretend that jumping through the hatch takes "skill" and everything a killer does takes no skill - especially when I hook the 3rd survivor and the hatch spawns right next to the 4th survivor since I killed all survivors at 5, 4 or 3 gens making it impossible for me to close the hatch since it will "very randomly" spawn near the last survivor. That's totally a matter of skill right?

    Also it's funny how you assume that I'd care about streamers - "TTV".

  • Member Posts: 241

    That's a fat BRUH moment, for sure. This guy reminds me of all the "highly illegal" jokes Otz makes about different killers and perks, except he's talking like it were real

  • Member Posts: 7

    As a survivor main, I do play both sides, but I am one of those rare survivor finds, I help my team with gens, distracting the killer, and hook escapes to the best of my capabilities. And I also definitely appreciate those rare killers, who don't do things like camp, or tunnel (could honestly care less about NOED as my team usually seeks out towns 8 whilst accomplishing other things) and let's face it at least in my experience Bubba, hillbilly and wraith tend to be the worst at camping and not even perimeter camping but like hardcore within a few feet camping lol. But I do appreciate the rare exceptions that do not. And weather you think so or not there are at least some out there who notice.

  • Member Posts: 12

    So you pulled a BM and complained that someone found a way around dcing?

    The irony

    By slugging for the 4k you're basically asking for the people to DC or sit and wait on the ground whilst you create bad gameplay. It may not be against the rules to do but slugging creates bad gameplay and isn't enjoyable but you don't care about that.. you care about your enjoyment and the way survivors are getting around DC's... This post is like the majority of the community. Hypocritical when something doesn't go their way 😂😂

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    Why should I care whether someone else has fun or not?

    Do survivors care about my fun? If you get outplayed you have to take it like a mature person or rage quit like an entitled baby and get (rightfully) banned for doing so. It's that simple. It's a PVP game. If you can't handle getting outplayed you might wanna try something else.

    Also you clearly don't know what BM means.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    You might want to double check that plane ticket, the office is in Montreal 😉

  • Member Posts: 12
    edited December 2019

    Being slugged isn't being outplayed 😂 There is no way to counter a slug except no mither and unbreakable and it is unfair to suggest that I need to run these perks all the time "just incase" and talking about entitled babies... Slugging for a 4k... Definition of entitlement...

    When a game is based on a multiplayer accept of people vsing someone the fun of all parties should be included, otherwise nobody would continue to play this game. A killer can have a fun game whilst being jukes etc, it may be frustrating but a fun game can be achieved. When someone tunnels, camps, slugs etc even though they aren't bannable offenses, can create boring and unfun gameplay. Especially when you can't counter them and running specific perks to counter them can not be a reason to do it because I shouldn't be expected to run certain perks just incase

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 12

    You're a killer main so your judgement won't differ. Just know that it's toxic and it effects the game greatly. If you can't play properly use your own advice and try a different game 😂😂😂 DH aye 😂😂

  • Member Posts: 4,321
    edited December 2019


    Last time I checked I had to outplay a survivor to down them.

    By the way you didn't answer my question. Why would I care about survivor fun if they don't care about my fun? Name me a reason. You come here and call me entitled and moronic yet you can't even name ONE reason. Do you see the irony?

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Member Posts: 924

    If they didn't want people doing it, there wouldn't be a giant "LEAVE MATCH"

  • Member Posts: 7,779
  • Member Posts: 4,321

    So your definition of "playing properly" is basically playing bad and giving survivors chances to escape even though the objective is killing them. Got it!

  • Member Posts: 230

    No clearly you have a reading issue. The devs put in a press start, press Y function to quit the game that becomes a DC that opens the hatch. You get no points and lose your item to give up the hatch. It is 100% a strategy that was put there by the devs into the console UI. Police did not create a gas pedal, auto manufacturers did along with their design team. The design team here is attempting to be the police and punish for a design they placed into the game. What other function is pressing start and pressing Y for to quit if not for to quit? 😂 😂 😂

  • Member Posts: 2,246

    Not every survivor has a problem with slugging, just the entitled kids. Normal gameplay if you ask me, considering there are perks who are designed for nothing else but slugbuilds.

  • Member Posts: 201

    "Entitled to get the 4k" lmao, so you're saying if someone plays a perfect game which is looking out to be a 4 man 5 gen, but the last one gets hatch just because the game feels like giving them an easy escape that takes no effort to get to, that's not unfair to the killer? Maybe survivors should play better and they wouldn't need to DC tech for the hatch

  • Member Posts: 201

    People are really complaining about killers slugging now? What would you rather be completely dead and get no more points at all, or have a chance to be picked up by your teammate and continue playing the game, which is exactly the opportunity slugging gives? I don't understand it. If you would rather die than try to win then go ahead, complain about being slugged for the 4k

    Also at higher ranks it's almost necessary to get the 4k in order to pip as killer so, not only are they giving you a chance to be picked up again but they're also just trying to pip themselves. But no I totally understand why people are mad about this.

  • Member Posts: 231

    Uh, no, no it isn’t. What the heck makes you think it is?

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I'd imagine any form of disconnect will be punished unless they can conclusively tell the difference between someone doing it through the menu or pulling the plug/killing it in task manager/closing the app/whatever else.

    I'm just curious if it will apply to crashing/closing the game on the offering/loading screen as well to stop people from dodging offerings.

  • Member Posts: 8,342

    Based on the context of the rest of the comment, I'd say he's being sarcastic in that opening line.

  • Member Posts: 4,321

    I know right? I've been playing this game for over 3500 hours and was a 50/50 Rank1 player for most of the past 2 years and never would I have even THOUGHT about getting mad over slugging regardless the circumstances. At red ranks slugging is just the normal thing to do especially late/end-game so I didn't expect (a few) people to get mad/salty about that part of the thread.

    Slugging is a potential EXTRA CHANCE to survive and there are easy 0% skill counter-perks like Unbreakable or Tenacity so I don't accept crying about slugging in any way whatsoever.

  • Member Posts: 201

    Totally agree man. There have been plenty of games where I've been picked up and at least gotten some more points if not escaped due to the killer slugging

  • Member Posts: 1,903

    there is a way to see if the dc was through the network packets. if you know anything about networking the packets that are sent back and forth between computers and servers and other computers have a great deal of information I won't go into because if you don't know you'll tell me i'm screwed in the head anyways. but what is harder to tell but is still available is if you pull the plug, or you use task manager to drop your game. I will give you a quick network connection routine that happens every single time you go to a new web page or access something like a game on the internet.

    1) your computer sends a packet of information that says basically "hello I am X"

    2) the destination responds with much the same "hello I am Y, nice to meet you X."

    3) your computer sends a packet of information that says "Hello Y, nice to meet you, we're now ready to talk to each other."

    This is called the Three-way handshake. and every time after that there are numerous ways to know how and why you have lost connection and WHERE you lost connection (though this is in general). I do not know how ever if something were to happen outside of the player control if an automated systems will know what to do. Now to address the OP's talk of SLUGGING:

    I personally think it's scummy to do it but it is part of the game. I will crawl and die if i can but it is part of how the game works. I feel that if 4 people are on the ground at the same time, even if one is now being carried I think if the remaining people are still on the ground or carried there should be a surprise small skill check that allows you to get back up even without the perks. though this idea would be hard to implement it is doable, and the time before that surprise skill check happens would have to be researched and it could happen to a random person on a shoulder (sudden DS), hook (if first hook, it'd be a sudden kobe but second hook or dead it'd not happen to them), or on the ground. that would make the game more interesting and be a deterant to slugging but not completely remove it as it is only a small chance and you don't know it'd happening till it does.

    To the OP: we may ######### about slugging, but realize that if you resort to slugging you have just acknowledged that you have lost already just as getting the hatch is for survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,609
  • Member Posts: 7,779

    Slugging is a game mechanic, much like the hatch.

    If you can't handle either, don't play the game.

    That's as direct a reply as I can give.

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