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Is the Nurse still a really good killer?


I play both Spirit and Nurse at red ranks and am successful with both, but I find nurse much easier and really good. Ur opinions?


  • Adelstein
    Adelstein Member Posts: 15

    She's essentially the same as she was before, the changes aren't that substantial to be honest, all it really did was make the skill ceiling for the Nurse slightly higher, to give Survivors more wiggle room and occasions to punish her for making mistakes. If you play her well and optimally she's just as scary as she always was, her power remains the same.

    So yeah, she's still the best killer in the game, it's just that counterplay against her is slightly more viable now, because she can't afford to do as many mistakes.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    She is still the strongest, but they made her a hell of a lot harder to succeed with.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314


    If you can get past the nerfs skill gap, than you'll have no issues with Nurse.

    Her nerfed version has counter-play UNLIKE the older version. While yes you could argue she had "some counter play" you'd need a lot of experience facing her to know what counters her...

    And she didn't appear a lot in Red Ranks anyways, not anymore at least.

    BUT! For casuals she's pretty bad... considering the skill gap with her nerf now, but if you can get past it than you're golden.


    In the hands of a novice or decent Nurse from Pre-Nerf... she's really hard to use. In the hands of a pro or someone who got to learn her post-past version... she's still fairly strong.

    That's basically what I have to say to that. Casuals, no... experienced users yes.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,223
    edited December 2019

    Nurse is obviously weaker than before.

    • Forced cooldown/ inmobility lowered her base power potential
    • Changed blink reappearance timing makes it easier to react to her.
    • Her maximum power potential was lowered by the addon changes
    • "Creative but bad" addons
    • 2 "speed limiter" addons

    I dont remember there being a buff in her rework.

    Of course there are still people able to do well with this broken bird. And there will always be potatoes as easy kills.

    Its just an artificially added difficulty. Remember that she still needs her blinks to normally move. Its not like trapper who has to be strategic about placement, nurse needs her blinks to WALK around the map.

    (Try crouching for 1 second for every 3 seconds of running as survivor)

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The counter was needed... greatly, but it's definitely not a "noob friendly" change for anyone who wants to try her out.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,223

    The reapperance thing is sufficent for a counter. The basekit stuff made the "just run in a straight line" believable, no?

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    The overall power just negated every loop in the game... that's pretty much why a blink cooldown was added.

    You'd go around a loop, possible survive... than she'd instantly blink once or twice and you're hit/downed.

    I'm not saying the nerf was a perfect fix... but it did eliminate that issue. But yes... it did also make her a lot harder to use.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Yes bit now you actually have to master her

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 123


  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I mean, you had to be pretty decent or good with her before...

    You just have to be a lot better than decent now than before, that's the only difference now.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    generally was not an easy killer to play, but even getting the gist of her playstyle you could get away with more hits than now. Basically its as rewarding as before but to land hits is much more difficult

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I like that concept about post-nerf Nurse, but I can see the other issues it brings to beginners or others that're trying to pick her up again or for the first time.

    Before it wasn't easy to master her, but now it isn't easier... if that makes sense.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    I understand beginners might have a hard time, but I think its fine. Its not like everything should be beginner friendly.