So is this a thing now? (avoiding the new ban system)



  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Since some people told me not to slug the 3rd survivor for the 4k I decided to just slug generally everytime I see a way to do so even at 5 gens to increase the fun. Might as well give people a real reason to be salty. If you can't outplay a slugging killer then you should probably not play at red/purple ranks.


    Does anybody still feel like telling me how to play the game?

  • The fact that you just tried to validate DCing to slugging blows my mind

  • SonicOffline
    SonicOffline Member Posts: 917
    edited December 2019

    All I'm hearing is you trying to justify having a quit button when you can literally just turn the console off and quit anyway. For all we know Microsoft has rules that require being able to disconnect for the end user, and behavior doesn't want it there.

    Leaving is not a game mechanic, and sorry you seem to think it is.

  • CarryGodToWins
    CarryGodToWins Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2019

    I'm my opinion I find slugging unfun now with Bubba and the build your using with infectious fright it promotes slugging which is ok and not a bannable offence but in my opinion it takes away the fun, dont get me wrong your really gud a Bubba but I like to keep slugging when I'm a killer to a minimal 1 cause of DS but maybe 2. Also dont worry on the survivors they are usually entitled (not all) you could play the least way of toxicity and they would still #########, worry about the 4Ks and not the survivors, have fun my fellow Killer Main.

    Edit: also slugging for the 4K is completely understandable, just how the last survivors look for hatch instead of doing gens.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    No, all DCs are counting.

    So i'm just going to suicide. Being toxic? I'll just suicide. Ban avoided. Rank means absolutely nothing when Matchmaking pairs you with Rank 20s in purple ranks.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    That's not what people really refer to when they say Slugging is toxic. That's not toxic. I'm fine with being slugged in that situation. It's the 5 gens barely touched, Ruin up, Forever Freddy with 3 people slugged and hunting for the other one while we're all solo without comms. That's toxic and is a constant thing. Now with Oni and nurses calling, this game is really unfair in a lot of situations. That 30-40% survival rate is now going to tank into the low teens since they did NOT include games with DCs in the stats for anything. gg

  • Brookster
    Brookster Member Posts: 7

    Bruh, what is wrong with the killers?! The game was made for not every game to get a 4k because that's not enjoyable for the survivors. Yes a lot of killers do feel entitled to a 4k and will slug the last two survivors because they, for some reason, think the game is made for their enjoyment and no one else's. Is every killer brain dead or do you act like it for fun? Try genuinely looking through a survivors perspective and having a sweaty killer every round raging and sweating out their nuts trying to get a 4k since they don't have a life.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    If you want to survive you will have to outplay the killer. Sorry for not giving you an easy time in a PVP game!

  • crabbycanuckttv
    crabbycanuckttv Member Posts: 35

    Is this supposed to hurt my feelings? Lol you seem triggered.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Microsoft does not require anything for leaving mid match

    Microsoft built that in by pressing the home button and quit on the title. Out of all of the games in game pass right now, the only one I have an option to leave mid match is Dead by daylight. That was built in for the player to quit mid match, just as there's an option to leave mid lobby. I'm not justifying anything, it's mere presence is its own justification 😂

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Further, if it was required to allow a player to leave mid match, wouldn't that break Microsoft or Sony or etc rules to punish when being forced to allow? Stop making up random scenarios anyhow, when behavior wants it gone they'll take it away, until then, start + y equals a hatch opening for my team ☺

  • VicelikeJmz
    VicelikeJmz Member Posts: 12

    How is not slugging playing bad? That's some entitlement there.

    All of you got some delusions thinking that people wanting better game play is entitlement. Whilst you project your entitlement to the high heavens and when people DC when you're clearly doing BMS then your entitlement shows. Go back to Fortnite all of you😂

    And moderators better start giving out warnings properly instead of picking on me for speaking the truth. You're all delusional. Get ######### 😂 I don't give a ######### about a dead forum.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    I see what's going on in your head. You think a killer is good if they try to entertain survivors even though that's not the killer's objective. I'm not your friend. As a killer I'm supposed to KILL you - not ENTERTAIN you. Therefore camping, tunneling and slugging is just as legit as bringing multiple toolboxes combined with prove thyself and bond whilst looping any braindead easy loop in the game. That's literally normal gameplay. Deal with it.

    BM is when I keep smacking you on the hook nodding my head even though it doesn't help me win in any way whatsoever.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Yeah pretty sure this is the second post I've gotten that wrong...


    I just know where the keep the REAL BHVR studio.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    COD has a disconnect/leave match punishment system and they too have a "leave match" option.

    MMORPGs have a "withdraw" option for dungeons queues that also have a punishment.

    The option isn't there to be used as a game mechanic but so you have a way to leave for irl reasons or take a punishment for your rage. The option is designed to not be abused/used as a means to give one side an advantage in a match.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    Though I'm not saying slugging is an issue, to be fair, the perks are an absolute joke. One let's you get up one time, which can be helpful, but rarely results in escape. The other gives the survivor a big symbol so the killer can tell that you can get up if slugged. Not very useful.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    This is exactly what's going to happen. They will either just kill their internet if that doesn't issue a penalty or they will wait until the timer for DCing passes and they can leave. That, or they will just suicide. If people want to get out of a game they will find a way out or they will just afk until they die.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Not sure how it's "raging and sweating their nuts off" to hit someone and then leave them alone lol but alrighty then. What fun is the game if the killer isn't trying to kill you? I mean, even canonically the killer ideally wants to kill all of the survivors to please the entity as much as possible. People want to 4k because they want to rank up, and who doesn't want to rank up? Even still people just want to satisfy themselves, because they want the 4k. There's a small minority of people that play any game and strive for other peoples entertainment at the sacrifice of their own. I can guarantee that if there wasn't any incentive whatsoever to helping out other survivors in this game, most people would never be saved. But they are, because it gives you points and also makes the game easier to escape, which also gives you a lot of points. I just don't see why you're complaining about being given a second chance to get up.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    They put in a quit match feature so people can quit the match, not for Hatch tech

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Lol ez clap dude

    I don't think they realized that being slugged does literally nothing to you or your rank in any way. It's much worse to get hooked because this just gives you less opportunities really and it's going to make people more cautious, especially after 2nd hook. But no slugging is evil when your teammates can just pick you up

    Not like you can 99 your recovery on the ground and it just takes a second to pick you up lol

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    Right so they can quit, quitting and giving your team a bonus instead of just screwing them is strategy, a component of the game as it was designed. Slugging wasn't designed up front, it became a strategy to keep someone out of the hatch, payback is quitting so they still get it. Now you're on a timer to up your strategy and run everyone away from the hatch when you down them or hook them by the hatch.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    One side will always have an advantage/disadvantage when quitting. As many have said, they don't care if someone quits and screws their team upfront, they love that, they just don't like when it's used against them for one to escape. The one quitting loses here, the killer doesn't lose as they keep all points they earned on the quitter plus a bonus for quitting. The survivors only benefit if they quit and give a hatch.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Cirque de Soleil would be pretty impressed with those mental gymnastics you're using to try and justify a bannable offense.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2019

    They should just implement this system like in any other game.. if you DC you are getting punished.. I dont even know any game where if you close the game from task manager or turn off your internet you wont get punished.. if you DC for ANY reason you should get punished yes.. that happens if you have power outage or anything else.. you get punished in other games for that too.. that happens in like once a year.. and the reason for this is you can exploit it.. you should get punished even on loading screen tbh.. as I said: like in every other competent game

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    as a player that plays both sides, i hate it. I can't control it but I hate it. early or to give hatch. I report all quitters like that, because it is against TOS. I will use it as a killer or survivor, but I will still report the DC under intentional means. (if it is a silent dc when ui changes i won't report it otherwise I will) anyways everyone loves to keep doing their favorite thing... lets screw others over and circumvent the ranking system.

    ALSO quitting is not punished here. 32K or less loss of blood points is minor when the person plays for hours. -2 pips is not a punishment, it is a benefit it is a GOAL at this point, allows de-ranking.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    There's tons of nonsense for deranking. Just went through a couple of matches of killers just hanging out and opening the exit to derank back to easier areas. Quitting definitely sucks as much as the people who quit on first hook when you've stopped doing a Gen and ran the entire map to save them. I don't mind someone who quits when slugged while the killer spends several minutes looking for the other survivor or just camps over you hoping they turn up. It takes long enough to find a match on Xbox currently. Give us matches that happen in a couple of minutes and it might be different but between all of the bugs, lag, and other nonsense that it takes after 15 minutes of waiting on the hatch, I get everyone's frustration and if one person is playing like a (bad word) then quit and give up the hatch to get them out of 2 kills.

    At this point taking 15 plus minutes to find a match to only be lagged all over the place, then add in frustrating camping, tunneling and slugging a ban might just get some of us permanently off this game. Give us a taste of finding matches in the first 3 minutes and we'll all do whatever we can to avoid any longer waiting in the lobby and to never go back to 15 plus minute waits to die in just 3 mins.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    Well here's the rub, when match making was rapid fire on the pc getting in a match in 2-5 minutes or less sometimes people dc'd instantly or later for apparently no reason or selfish reasons. this has not changed with times getting into the 5-10 minutes or longer for matches. so your comment here is not holding water. If you go into a match and intentionally do poorly, there is nothing that says you must do your 110% best effort, but to disconnect to get that double pip reduction that is circumventing the ranking system and causing others issues. This is the problem, people feel they have the "RIGHT" to just up and disconnect if they don't LIKE something: I don't like this map! I don't like this killer! I don't like the fact I was found in the first minute or less of game play! and the list goes on... how about "I don't like iron grasp!" if you want to leave the match, die on hook. There is nothing that says you HAVE to let the others save you, there is nothing that says "suiciding on hook" is wrong. but if you don't like something, don't waste your time and get 0 points. Behavior designed this game thinking people would LOVE to rank up and get to the highest (lowest in this case) rank there is. This mindset is common for any sports or competitive play instance. disconnecting was thus seen as a bad thing over all and they instituted a -2 pip penalty. Thing is it's laughable when streamers leaving evidence on their VOD saying oh yes i depipped twice because I dc'd! I'm out of the red ranks! WOOHOO!!!!

    DC'ing should be for 1) you can't do anything in game what so ever since you shouldn't have to wait for the killer to find you if your pc locks up, 2) an emergency comes up and you don't want to leave the system connected to a match and 3) you loose power or internet for a reason outside of your control. there really isn't a reason outside of those two that you should DC what so ever. HOWEVER I do think there should be appeals for network disconnects, pc and power drops, things like that because it should never be punished for things that are out of your control.

  • Thanatos_x
    Thanatos_x Member Posts: 201

    Slugging was implemented into the game, otherwise you'd automatically pick up survivors when you downed them or there wouldn't be a 2 minute timer or however long it is for you to just leave them on the ground.

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110

    As a networking engineer I am going to have to call massive shenanigans on that statement. All due respect, don't insult our intelligence. BHVR already does that far too much.

    I mean, of course you can detect them, but detecting it when done on purpose vs. when it's a legitimate connection issue with complete certainty and zero guessing is next to impossible. You could in theory gather statistical data on where and when these "loss of connections" happen and when connections are restored to try and theoretically find out which ones were likely on purpose, but you're not detecting anything of certainty, and as terrible as pulling the cord is, it would be unethical to issue punishments or bans on anything but certainties.

    But who am I kidding, with BHVR's priorities in DBD being to exploit customers with cosmetics vs. actually fixing things in the game that have been broken forever, I don't know if I'd trust them to be ethical in any sense of the word.

  • UniversalGod
    UniversalGod Member Posts: 6

    I main both sides and slug when it's last two. Some people wanna be sweaty, others don't and for a few it depends on the weather. I hate a lot of things about this game but we learn to play around it. If we can't, just cut your losses. I'm trying to get a 4k. If i fail, I move on but slugging is allowed, scummy or not. And yeah, the game was bought to be enjoyed, however that person enjoys it. Others may hate it but that's just the unfortunate repercussions of this game.

  • StrickxNyne
    StrickxNyne Member Posts: 230

    It definitely holds water you only repeated it backwards. If we had match making that took us from these 15 minute plus wait times to 2 mins more would just die on hook than quit because the pain of waiting 15 mins sucks. What holds more water, so many left this game it had to be released on playpass Sony cloud etc free to get people in. I get what you're saying, quitters suck. I also don't fault my team for quitting when someone's taken the game hostage and just downs everyone like the Dr then stands over the last Gen shocking making it impossible to do gens but they won't kill us either. Speed up the bleed out. 2 out of 10 matches my whole team is on the ground in a legal "slugging" while the killer let's 1 up to heal someone to bash that person down and so on. If I gotta lay on the ground more than 2 minutes with nothing to do I'm pressing start and pressing y and going to another match. Being forced to spectate folks farming me isn't why I got the game.

    Maybe I suck but I can't loop the killer tons of gens, I might get lucky and stun them twice (insanely lucky) but more often than not I'm finding myself on the ground against the only person with a weapon dictating I'm not dying but that I also can't play. Or the good Ole hatch spawns between the last 3 gens that are neighbors and the killer wants to stand on the hatch for the duration of the Titanic movie knowing I can't touch gens or take the hatch and wants their free kill I'm out ✌️ every single time. If people are quitting just for the hatch, don't let the hatch open on a DC, problem solved. By the time I figure out how to get away from someone doing this, a patch has come through to kill whatever I used to save myself from the nonsense temporarily.

    When anyone presses start and y on Xbox to leave match, the only warning says, you will lose items and points. That's a fair trade for already not getting to play. Impliment punishment for quitting and more folks will be forced to sit around as hostages and just fully quit the game.

    Easy solution, give killers the proper bonus as if they maxed out with the survivor if they quit and keep hatch from opening on 3rd survivor DC. If they do want to punish maybe they should hire a crew to sit and watch the game people quit from and decide if the quit was worthy and maybe the killer needs a time out, a legit mess up like oh this person was playing golden and a DC wouldn't have been legit, or this survivor was just being crappy and they get a temp ban.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    I guess you can't account for forgetting that the packets before the dc can be seen, sometimes there is an instability (higher pings etc) as well as other information that is available when you look at things from more than only the point of disconnect. sure if you look at the packet where the dc occurred, then you can't tell CRAP. but if you look at more than just that packet you can see what was going on. if you're a network engineer you know that you can't just use black and white and a single packet to know the whole damn story. if there were instabilities then it probably wasn't intentional, if none exist then well it was intentional or 95% chance of that. ALL DC's should be investigated, and punished but if there are instabilities then they should be removed from the ledger for the longer and more progressive penalties

  • The_Second_Coming
    The_Second_Coming Member Posts: 1,110
    edited December 2019

    Instability and things happen, yes; but there are many cases when connections that are completely consistent just drop, or have off days. Consistent packet loss doesn't necessarily occur. Sometimes, connections just drop with no indication that it would happen. Sometimes, equipment just die, nodes just kick the bucket etc. It happens. That's why I use the word "certainty". There is no way to have definite conclusion on who pulls the cord and who doesn't without physically seeing them do it.