
SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

What's your stance on Tinkerer?

Just in case I'll leave the description here:

When a Generator is repaired at 85 %, you receive a noise notification and your Terror Radius is reduced to 0 metres for 8/10/12 seconds.

Tinkerer 19 votes

Should be buffed.
White_OwlSeiko300AhoyWolfpalletsryummyNoOneEscapesNancytenoresax 6 votes
Should be nerfed.
Should stay as it is.
FibijeanTapeKnotBlazelskirch614CarlosyluVenom368Yanthegamer558ElectraTMV 8 votes
Should be reworked.
BossTheRockstarKnightUnnamed_FreakArashiNoHantaBrucecastro81 5 votes


  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    Should be reworked.

    Old Tinkerer could be very strong and was an interesting idea, but if the devs wanted it gone to make addons easier to manage then the devs wanted it gone. That's fine.

    New Tinkerer though just kinda sucks. It doesn't remove your Red Stain last I checked and unless you're playing Hillbilly or Spirit it gives you information that you can't reliably use.

    If I run Tinkerer as Trapper I can't exactly just sprint to a gen and stop Survivors from working on it, and it's stealth aspect is pointless because my Red Stain still exists.

    And if you ARE playing Hillbilly or Spirit running Tinkerer it still doesn't necessarily help you stop them from doing the gen anyway or make it any more possible to sneak up on them.

    Outside of meme builds, baby Hillbillies, and Adept Hillbilly, nobody runs it because it just doesn't really do anything.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399

    Yeah, I can see what you're saying. Even if you are using a Killer with good mobility, that doesn't mean the perk's gonna help much.

    I honestly don't use Tinkerer that much so I'm curious about the different perspectives the community has about this perk.

    Also, I think the part of not removing the Red Stain is what essentially kills the purpose of this perk, or at least that's what it looks like to me.

  • NoOneEscapesNancy
    NoOneEscapesNancy Member Posts: 204
    Should be buffed.

    I think it needs to be buffed because when I play as hillbilly and I get a sound notification I rush over there with my chainsaw and by then their already done with the gen

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Should be buffed.

    It's a cool perk but it gives too little time to use it, since at max you have 12 seconds before the gen gets repaired.