Ideas for reworking Moris and Keys

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions


Cypress Memento Mori: No changes

Ivory Memento Mori: You can kill One Survivor who has been hooked twice by your hand.

Ebony Memento Mori: You can kill One Survivor who has been hooked once by your hand.


Broken Key: No changes

Dull Key: Takes 8 seconds to unlock the closed hatch.

Skeleton Key: Takes 5 seconds to unlock closed the hatch.

Global changes for all keys:

  • During the opening, locked hatch will be making sound of "unlocking" within 8 meters radius that everyone can hear near by.
  • Killer can stop Survivor from opening the hatch by hitting that survivor. Time to open the hatch is again restarted if Survivor will be interrupted during the opening.
  • If hatch was closed by the Killer, Killer will get audio notification (similar to missing skillcheck) anytime Survivor will try to re-open the hatch.


  • CookieBaws
    CookieBaws Member Posts: 619
    edited December 2019


    Mori - Nerf

    Keys - QoL that would change nothing.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Yeah this isnt even close to fair change for both sides..not by a mile

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736

    Okay, then let's make it more fair:

    • Dull KeyTakes 7 seconds 8 seconds to unlock the closed hatch.
    • Skeleton KeyTakes 3 seconds 5 seconds to unlock closed the hatch.
    • If hatch was closed by the Killer, Killer will get audio notification (similar to missing skillcheck) anytime Survivor will try to re-open the hatch.
  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    The issue is the keys stay just as powerful while moris become useless gameplay wise except for the ebony..I just made a post of my own that I think is a lot healthier and frankly more fun

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Broken Key: Cannot be found in chests/Always come with an aura reading add-on. Durability increased to 25 seconds from 10 seconds.

  • hysteria
    hysteria Member Posts: 62

    people like you need to stop clogging up the forums with these types of posts. accept the fact that keys and moris shouldn't be nerfed heavily. quit crying over something that happens infrequently.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I completely disagree. If there is something in the game that is unfun and ubalanced, that has almost no counterplay and ruin a match even if you play very well we are consumer that buy the game and we can request to improve the game. Also with the matchmaking problems is not good for the game to wait many minutes to play fast games because of broken item (even if it is situationally it is no good). People will not like it, left the game, and matchmaking times will be longer because of less people playng. The games need to be the most balanced possible if it wants not to die, and our duty is to request balance.

    LULKEK Member Posts: 82

    Yea good idea confirm

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830

    Mori - Huge nerf, basically worthless offerings comparable to cut coin

    Keys - Still broken, allows free escapes with no counterplay

    Maybe if the opening time is 15 seconds like a gate, it'll be fair, but otherwise, it's a huge imbalance of nerf.