A change to the struggle mechanic.


I would like to make a suggestion to change the struggle mechanic. As we all know once you get up on your second hook you'll have to struggle by spamming the spacebar for your life. This was cool and interessting in the begining. But now when the game has been out for as long as it have, it has just become boring and tiresome.

It dont require skill, it's not a mechanic that requires you to have extensive knowledge of the game. It's just plain and simple, how long can you mash a button until your teammates save you?

My suggestion is for a option when toggled, make it so you only need to keep the spacebar pressed. Or something similar.

Knowing this community there will now follow a bunch of "git gud" or "lol it's fine no need to change" comments.

But to give my suggestion some context I guess I would bring up a example. One of my best friends really enjoy this game. We play alot together in SWF but sadly once he is on his second hook the game is over for him. He suffers from a muscular disorder called "SMA". This prevents him from doing a bunch of stuff without help. He cant lift a cup of water intended for toddlers to drink by himself. Due to his SMA he cant spam the button to struggle on hook. He just simply lacks the muscles and motor skill to move his hand or fingers fast and long enough to do this mechanic.

Im sure there are plenty more examples other people could give who are suffering from other conditions preventing them from doing this mechanic properly.

Some people might prefer the "spam the button" way it is now. That's perfectly fine. But it would be really nice with an option for the people who dont want it, or just simply CANT do it.

Thanks for taking your time reading this.
