Oni is essentially a better Myers. Oni snowballs too quickly and is oppressive.



  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    Oni just has options when it comes to getting his power but I agree hitting someone and then heading elsewhere is the best way to get his power up. Leaves a survivor who needs healing and the Oni needs only one other hit to have his power and snowball. Saying he takes half the game to get 2 hits though is hyperbolic as he's already slowed down the game after the first hit,not by much but the game is slowed.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    You can loop an M1 killer for quite some time but most of the time a hit is bound to happen within the first minute of the match, also bloodlust exists to ensure a hit even if it does take 45 seconds. I don't agree with demon strike being clunky, on console sure but on PC his demon strike is incredibly deadly,especially paired with his dash, allowing quick 180 degree hits. He his map dependent like all killers are but less so than Myers and Billy. He doesn't get destroyed by maps like either of them do.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    He's only slowed the game down if they stop to heal, even if they do you just admitted it's only a tiny bit.

    First it's not hyperbolic to say it can take half the game to get 2 hits. Let's say for arguments sake you get your first hit in the first 30 aeconds. That's highly unlikely but just for arguments sake. Now let's say that person runs to a god loop almost every god loop can take upwards of 2 to 3 minutes maybe more depending on how good the survivor is. so that potentially 3 Gens done that's half the game so okay same scenario but let's say you abandon chase and look for someone else. Let's say it takes 20 seconds to find someone against just for arguments sake. Now you're chasing them and they get some strong pallets which is not an unlikely scenario. If they literally just put the pallet down and keep running to pallets they can EASILY make a chase last just as long as a god loop. Most hits come when a survivor gets greedy, or attempts to play mind games on the pallet. If they literally just put the pallet down and keep moving they can extend a chases to absurd lengths.

    But, honestly it's not about how hard it is to get his power, it's about how useful it actually is. It's absurdly easy to avoid ESPECIALLY on console.

    Even if you don't use the demon dash and strictly use the club smash you can almost always 360 it because it terrible to control.

    And this is why I say for the first half of the game he's an M1 because if you use his power early and let's just miraculously you can actually get some insta down (not likely against any competent survivor) you now how have almost zero blood orbs on the map. You want all 4 survivors bleeding so that you can gain your power multiple times and actually have some kind of gen pressure. For the last 2-3 gens

    If you nerfed how much energy he gets off first hit or nerfed how many blood orbs survivors drop (which they already did once) he would literally be garbage tier and just barely be above legion

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    There is NO mistake with ANY killer that a SINGLE survivor can make and I argue even TWO survivors that will end a game in a minute. Literally every one on the tram has to ROYALLY screw up in order to end the game in the first minute

  • crabbycanuckttv
    crabbycanuckttv Member Posts: 35

    Oni is perfectly balanced and very fun to play against and play.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I'm sorry to say but I can't believe you when you say a god loop takes 2-3 minutes of a killers time, if you can provide video evidence of a good killer who gets run through these loops then I'll concede that a god loop can stop this killer from snowballing into a win. I find it a lot more likely that Oni will get a hit and either continue to chase that survivor down while collecting blood orbs or switch to another survivor to get his power quicker.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    Considering I've seen games end in a minute against Oni, there are games that end within the first minute, 2 quick hits from 2 different survivors and then Oni using his power is able to down the other 2 healthy survivors very quickly and end the game from there. That's from my experience in rank 4 right now.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I'm glad that you're happy with him and you feel he's very fun to play against. I don't feel that way for a multitude of reasons listed throughout this discussion. I've given information about him and how I think his stats are unfair when comparing them to a similar killer.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    You already proven my point, a good killer won't waste time on a good loop precisely because of what I just said so you won't see that video because we know how long god loops take.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I mean people have agreed with me, offered suggestions and stuff. You're the only one whining about me. Maybe it's you who needs to move on or offer why I'm wrong with numbers,etc.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Yeah that's not one mistake that's not even 2 mistakes that's minimum 4 mistakes that were made in that game. There is absolutely ZERO reason that Oni or ANY killer for that matter..... Except for maybe hag depending on luck of teleports. That they should get 2 hits in the first minute. Let alone 4 complete downs. If you think that game was ended by ONE survivor mistake then you are exactly what's wrong with survivor mains

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    Well if every map has a god loop I can take that advice seriously but not many maps do and ontop of that other m1 killers also need to deal with the god loop. Without a good killer showing a god loop though I can only assume the extreme outliers like Rancid Abattior,Coal Tower,etc as other loops may not be handled well by a less experienced killer.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    If he's in his ability and he wants to close distance with the dash, do everything but not run in a straight line. End of the story. It's the only thing he got. And if you don't want to let him get his ability drop pallets early. It's not that hard.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I was assuming 1 mistake per survivor but in a scenario like this one, if that first person didn't hit the events wouldn't have transpired but if that's not a good scenario where a survivor makes a mistake that leads to everyone losing then fair enough. To say though that a killer making 1 mistake causes a loss is a bit much. If they played perfect and survivors didn't they'd win all the time. I can't think of a situation where the killer loses the match off of a single mistake. It's usually a lot of small ones that build up to a situation where the killer is behind.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    Personally, I agree with @SirFloofington about oni. He is oppressive as heck. He does need another nerf. You on the other hand, Need to go play against more of oni to see where the survivors side of the arguments are coming from. It's abysmal that there's mongoloids on here and defend any little over tuned thing for a killer, but whine about balanced landing.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    Yes like billy I do move around corners, the issue is he can 180 and attack unlike Billy. So even if I cut a corner to try to evade him, he's very likely to still hit me. Dropping pallets early is great if you get to one before he shows up, but early enough into the game and you'll endanger your team when there aren't any pallet left in an area. Regardless once he snowballs he becomes almost unstoppable when compared to other killers.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Lol I have already told you the good killers don't mess with god loops, that should be proof enough if it was actually VIABLE to chase a survivor down on god loops they would. Or are you telling me that there's just no killer good enough who's figured it out yet? 🤣

    Also I have already addressed your map specific claim. Any survivor who's strictly trying to make a chase last as long as possible can go between enough spots to make a chase last just as long as god loop chases.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    You can flick the hit on console, which I made post on how to do it. Demon strike outside of the dash is clunky on every platform, as you can see by playing Oni or watching PC streamers.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    One mistake per survivor is 4 mistakes lol your playing as a team and one hit doesn't grant Oni his power so your statement about one survivor costing the whole team is just verifiably false.

    Even 2 hits on the same survivor won't do since it only counts for uninjured survivors.

    Onis counterplay is pretty simple, as soon as he is in his god mode you stay out of sight. When survivors get injured HEAL, y'all got so comfortable just doing gens while injured you're having a culture shock lol.

    If you do get spotted literally just 360 him or keep some obstacles between you, do that and he basically has to revert back to uncharged club swings which basically means M1 lol

    Also Myers can potentially take longer to get to his t3 I'd even argue it's almost guaranteed it'll take longer except in rare situations where 3+ survivors don't notice him. But his osd is basically unavoidable because its attached to regular M1 so it has NONE of the issues ONIs club has

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I mean you provide no evidence other than your word man, that's not really enough proof. Also yeah you can extend a chase for a while and deny him a hit but you'll also eat through all of the pallets very quickly leaving the end game to be very dangerous. Also running pallet to pallet will eventually lead the chased survivor to another survivor and then the Oni can get a hit in easily.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I've seen a lot of Oni play, personally don't own him but I've seen Demon strike hit more than miss by a significant margin. Of course this might vary but I watch Scott and Otz a lot and they don't have a problem landing the Demon strike.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    They nerfed his flick. He can 90° max now. So it's your fault when you get hit by it, either outpositioned or around a corner.

    If you can't drop any more pallets to save them for later just take a hit and get the sprintburst. Then try to get healed asap. He needs two hits and a bit more to get his ability.

  • The ever lasting issue for Dead By Daylight is that if a killer is fun to play, then the killer is also overpowered. If survivor is fun to play, then survivors are also overpowered. Nobody's going to be happy no matter what - even if Behavior released a magical patch that made everything and every single aspect of the game balanced, people are still going to complain because they lost.

    How many people in general do you see posting positive things here on the forums? Not many.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    Okay you show me a video of a good killer even PLAYING a god loop. Lol till them your point is moot. And actually if the killer actually stops to break pallets you SHOULD be able to eventually lose him, if you can't and he's breaking EVERY pallet then that's on you as a survivor. And there are MORE than enough pallets in a single map that by the time you run out should be at 1 or completely done with gens if your team is playing optimally.

    No idea who Scott is but as far as I'm aware otz is PC not console which actually has sensitivity options

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    Kinda weird when I just got 180'd today, on the other side of a crate as he charges forward, maybe it was a 160 because of the angle but it's pretty ridiculous regardless. It makes almost any loop impossible to survive without wasting a pallet that he breaks within a second. So if that's the game plan then you'll screw over the entire team within the 50 seconds of his power. So again he's a better Billy who snowballs faster than him and all it takes is a single survivor to mess up.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    Billy has access to his chainsaw all the time, it's easier to control and actually hit with, yet you're saying he has better snowball potential than Billy. I'm starting to think you're just trolling, because he definitely does not have better snowball potential, he has to actually warn his ability and unless you let people bleed for a while you have limited access to it throughout the game.

    The ONLY thing he does better than Billy is he can actually strafe with the charge which again is w/e when his club is god awful to hit with.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xUd5opqtGM Here's a video of ScottJund (popular youtuber and streamer of DBD) playing on what is probably the worst map for Oni early game. He also doesn't even get a hit until the first minute of the game, so there isn't a god loop but he had no momentum for the first minute and 10 seconds of the game so if that isn't the worst case scenario please tell me what is. Ontop of this you overestimate how many pallets there are and how quick they go if you drop them instantly. Seriously try it you'll run out of pallets by the 3rd gen and will start to get hit trying to get to another one. Windows aren't in the question as they're almost guaranteed hits but that's not for this discussion. Also yeah Otz is on PC because this discussion is about Oni on PC not console.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    Yeah, it takes a single survivor to mess up. Just like with nurse, billy, spirit, myers, ...

    He's strong, but people that call him op are peobably either brainwashed by some anonymus streamers or really really biased.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I don't know what world you're living in to say Billy's chainsaw is easier to control than Oni's ability. Also Billy's chainsaw has significant downsides to it when comparing it to the Oni's ability. Bumping into a wall temporarily stuns you and you stop chainsawing, the chainsaw hit is a lot harder to land than the Oni's AOE attack, as you said Oni can strafe and move around easier than Billy (An example is Billy can't roam with his chainsaw in Lery's while Oni can). Oni also has less cooldown on destroying pallets with his ability and has less cooldown on cancelling his charge. All of this leads to Oni downing survivors quicker than Billy once his power is up, allowing him to end chases quick with his power,which makes it faster to get again with some blood orbs laying around (Remember Blood Orbs last forever and max cap at 100 per map). This is where his snowball effect comes into play, he's able to down someone quickly with what is essentially a better tier 3 Myers with a chainsaw to close distances, save his power and have it up again after the person is hooked to chase down either another survivor on a gen or the survivors who recently healed. He then repeats the process until the game is won.

  • SirFloofington
    SirFloofington Member Posts: 49

    I don't watch any survivor friendly streamer,mostly because I don't know of any. I watch Scottjund and Otz and it's very apparent that Oni is able to snowball a game into his favor off of a single hit within a minute of the game. Which is kinda the definition of overpowered, being able to control the game in less than a minute when the survivors are supposed to be at their strongest. Also a Myers,Spirit,Nurse or Billy mess up doesn't mean the game is over instantly, Myer's can have his tier 3 popped and used on that individual or saved up but he can't traverse the map instantly. Billy can't force pallet drops at loops as quickly as Oni,Nurse can traverse quickly but she can be counterplayed based on her blinks and line of sigh blockers. Spirit is very strong as well but she doesn't have the capability to one shot a healthy survivor as one is barely being hooked, she can initiate a chase very quickly which makes her strong but none compare to the advantages Oni has once he's gotten his first hook or first power,so again making him the most snowbally killer in the game.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    His chainsaw doesn't mess up his aim for one, 2 until it actually goes he can literally 360 with it, so you're not going to juke it like you can juke onis club, he has access to it the WHOLE map.

    Oni needs 2 fresh hit to gain access to his ability, once he has it if he picks someone up he immediately loses access to it. Slugged survivors do not drop crap for orbs actually even just regular injured don't either that's why it's not smart to just farm for orbs after you hit them, 2 if he's in demon mode any SMART survivor will stay hidden till it runs out which is not hard to at all especially in the early game, IF he downs a second survivor with his club again that's a BIG if, they won't drop crap for orbs and he doesn't get a stash of blood either. So once his ability is out he is at square one. And this is why I say for the first half of the game he's an M1 because you should be letting survivors bleed all across the map so that you can actually use your ability multiple times.

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768
  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Mind linking me to this Scott guys YouTube channel cause I've seen his name mentioned a few times no idea who he is.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I don't know what you're doing wrong that the club feels "god awful to hit with" because for me it feels like I barely have to do anything and it'll smack them. I have literally hit people going the opposite direction to me at a distance. Almost every swing from the charge is a down as long as you pick correctly between right or left.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198
    edited December 2019

    Maybe on PC but that is not happening on console lol

  • AmandaBunner
    AmandaBunner Member Posts: 16
    edited December 2019

    Allow me to paint you a picture but firstly, you're being obstinate and also unnecessarily disparaging, so chill your dongles while you're ahead buddy. Just because they know of someone and have examples of someones game-play doesn't make them a fan, doesn't make them biased.

    I've never watched that streamer in my life and only know his name because of Cryoatic does that magically make me biased towards x or y because I know the streamers name and who he knows as a person? No it does not. Perhaps you need to fix your cranial rectal syndrome before you start deciding things that people are or aren't.

    Furthermore, this picture I'm going to paint for you - because this streamer is more of a survivor player and did exceedingly well on Oni, you realize that illustrates exactly what the main post and poster have been saying? That the killer is OVER-TUNED

    I have heard from a few ex-console people that the game honestly was never really meant to be a console game. I feel for your plight although I have no personal knowledge of whether or not the actual killer is as you say on console. I hope that they can bring consoles to a better place health wise in the future.

    However the state of the consoles does not in any way have a bearing on the majority of the player base (PC) and whether or not the killers are incredibly weak/powerful for them. That's like me telling you that your game of golf is wrong and you're being stupid because I know all the rules to pool. It's apples to oranges.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    How are you sure they’re decent survivors? I mean it’s nearly reset so almost anyone who tries is red rank by now... these are the times you can screw around, try challenges and still 4K with trapper for example.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    I live in Australia. When you get to the red ranks often enough you know most of the decent players there.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    Exactly, you don't even own the character and yet you're complaining that he's too oppressive. Those survivors in Scott's video didn't even try to juke most of the time. Scott also wants the game to be balanced around the average player. The type of people that can't even do gens optimally and waste time self caring against anti heal Ghostface.

    I'm not saying Scott is a bad killer (far from it) but those survivors were pretty rubbish.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Well actually it does considering the devs are too lazy to make console specific adjustments. Unless you're saying that it consoles don't matter to that I say you're wrong. Also I'd love to see the numbers saying PC is the majority of their player base. That sounds more like an assertion than a fact, and if you say that it came out on PC first that doesn't mean you're right.

    Personally I'd like to address the platform specific issues but until devs actually start making console specific adjustments I can't do that. So since ever change affects all platforms and they don't make changes specific to platforms I have to state it as it is. Which is unfortunate cause it puts the console players at odds with the PC players

  • ScottJund
    ScottJund Member Posts: 1,119

    For the record I play about 95% killer, I'm just very open to the fact survivors have a lot of bullshit they have to deal with as well and for some reason some people cannot comprehend that.

  • Kwanghyun
    Kwanghyun Member Posts: 186

    What counterplay you want? Rush the gens as usuall before he could get all his 12 hooks and you win...end of the story. You’re not suppsed to be able to do something to counter everything that killers have. What’s the point of that? Sure easy free wins, that’s what you want and that’s why most of the killers are garbage, because they’re just like that. Also just loop Lmao he can’t do #########. Adrenawin borrovedhook dickstrike, nevertheless none of these has counterplay to them.

  • YummySushiPJs
    YummySushiPJs Member Posts: 18

    I tried to play as Oni last night on PS4 and I found him so clunky to control. I didn’t enjoy his gameplay at all. It’s a shame as I’ve watched people play as him on Twitch and he looked like a lot of fun. He’s just not for me. Myers and Pig all the way.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    ScottJund is a killer main, actually..

    Also, most of you who have problems with him don't have near as many hours as ScottJund whose been here since Beta. He's actually an exceptional killer with a couple of killers specifically, but he also sympathizes more with the Survivors side. Not a bad thing, but it does impact how he views the game, which many forget is simply an opinion, and there are killers just as good of not better who also DON'T agree with him.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Oni is a Billy on cooldown. We complain about a Billy on cooldown here guys.

    Yes, his ability is arguably better than Billy's chainsaw, but the thing is, it should be, because he actually has a limited power, while Billy doesn't. If you make Demon Dash weaker than Billy's chainsaw, then you just made Oni worthless.

    I saw a lot of Onis destroying and getting destroyed by survivors, so I don't see him overperforming at all. His early game is very weak and I don't know why people complain about "not being able to avoid getting hit", you definitely can avoid being hit for a good amount of time with the current map design, not forever, but enough for gens to start popping. After all, a bad early game can be enough for a killer to lose the match.

    Oni's power only last for 45 seconds and he loses 7 seconds of it everytime he downs a survivor, so that means that against survivors spreading out and able to avoid getting down quickly by dropping pallets earlier or make him hit his lunge by some debris, he won't get more than 1 down with his Blood Fury. He needs add-ons for his ability to actually have a very good snowball potential. Also, his Dash speed is slower than Billy's chainsaw speed and he needs a purple and a green add-on for his Dash speed to be on par with Billy's chainsaw.

    Yes, Oni is a better Myers, but I don't see it as Oni being too strong, I see it as Myers being too weak. After all, Myers is an outdated killer who got hit hard by the Undetectable changes. He definitely needs some buffs ( not as much as other killers tho ).

    This was my rant. But I personally don't care about Oni, so you can nerf him into the ground and I couldn't care less.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    Well said. I think I missed the undetectable changes that affected Myers, would you mind explaining that?

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited December 2019

    And here I'm still waiting to face my first Oni on PC red ranks. I even switched Deliverance to Unbreakabill to verse horde of Onis.

  • crossboy
    crossboy Member Posts: 55

    "Myer's tier 3 increases his lunge range slightly"

    Did you seriously call his lunge range increase slight?

    That is easily one of the best things about tier 3. Even against 4 no mithers, tier 3 can still be worth it just for the lunge range (and speed of course).

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    They added Undetectable on EW1 Myers, which makes him vulnerable against detection perks like Spine Chill or Premonition. Yes, he is less reliant on Monitor and Abuse, but now his EW1 gets hurt by perks he used to counter before this change. So EW1 is really weak against survivors who either listen for his breathing, either run Spine Chill, and they can keep him there for a pretty long time.