Okay devs, facecamping is definitely a “legit strategy”



  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    There is nothing unethical to try to win within the games boundaries.

    Does it suck for the survivor? Yes.

    Does it have counterplay? Plenty.

    5 gens up means, the survivor was found first and downed really fast. So he should pay more attention (Spine Chill?) or get better during Chases.

    I would seek the blame with my other teammates. If I looped the killer, got downed and hooked and none of them got a single gen done...that's not good.

    If they do whatever, don't push gens to lure the killer, swarm the hook for an entire minute and go for unsafe unhooks without BT, they are really to blame.

    The killer in OPs story did read the state of the game well and played accordingly. He baited the hook and let the overaltruistic team play themselves. I would call that smart.

    You are not entitled to a save unhook.

    We are provided with plenty of options to increase the odds.

    About the challenge, there are some challenges, that requires to sacrifice a certain number of survivors.

    If that survivor happen to be the last sacrifice that killer needed, he just made sure to 100% get the challenge done.

    Stop blaming the killer and start asking yourself, what options and tools are provided. What can you actively do to increase your fun and success in DBD.

    Crying in the forum for a ban or nerf for camping is just immature, silly and ultimately pointless.

    Does it suck? Yes, a lot actually. But it's 2 min tops. If you can't hold it for 2 min, you got other problems.

    If you still struggle to understand why camping is in the game, try killer for a change and you will learn a lot about the game.

    I wish you still the best of fun in the fog!

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274

    there isn’t counterplay in all cases, such as what @Desolate_Sands said. with ruin and thanatophobia, a good hook location and facecamping, a killer is guaranteed to win. he just needs to get 1 survivor out of the way and hook near several gens, and it’s 100% the killer wins. facecamping also makes BT useless since the killer can grab you off hook.

  • Thesaviour119
    Thesaviour119 Member Posts: 54

    If someone is going to camp, ok fair enough, but why complain then about being body blocked?

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274
  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    edited December 2019

    It funny how you ignore that no one did any gens.

    You can go up to the hook, let the killer hit you, and during his animation lock you can unhook someone. You even can bait the hit by faking the unhook.

    A coordinated team even can blind the killer and then unhook.

    You either don't know these options or are ignoring them.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2019

    again, these options don’t always work. if it did work, the killer is probably a potato anyways. why would someone swap out their place with you on hook? regardless, it doesn’t help at all.

    with the gens, if the killer hooks in close proximity to 3 gens, those gens don’t get done and one person is already dead because of camping. easy 4k if done right, but extremely unfair method.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    May I ask you, what Perks did you run and how did the killer managed to down you before any gens are getting done?

  • Undeadbear13
    Undeadbear13 Member Posts: 33

    Funny enough body blocking survivors as wraith is the best way for him to get a hit.

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    It was whining because you posted nothing constructive. You just demanded the devs to fix the game without giving any ideas for them to do so. It was basically just a rant. Go reread the post and you’ll see it was.

    Ultimately, it was the fault of your teammates that they came and unhooked you while the killer was obviously camping you. They should have pressured him by gen rushing. I sometimes camp because whispers is telling me someone is near by (I’m also a potato killer)and the survivor almost always takes the bait. But then, when I attempt it on competent survivors, they’ll pop two gens and cause me to leave the camp strategy. Though, I like to be nice and let the freshly unhooked get away and go for the idiot that did the unhooking while I’m within view. Unless the one on the hook is a t-bagging flashlight clicker. Then I’ll throw the game because they’re so annoying and I want them to die or watch me twerk if I’m playing GhostFace<_<.

    You shouldn’t look at it as if you were punished. You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  • StrodeWins
    StrodeWins Member Posts: 274
    edited December 2019

    it was a plague. i was NOT running decisive (stupid on my part, but i usually run it to prevent this, as i don’t have it on Yui yet), but i WAS running iron will, BT, dead hard, and breakout.

    no gens got done because she had ruin and thanatophobia, and the sacrifice process goes fast compared to gen progress with these two perks (@AvisDeene)

    the perks i was running has nothing to do with it though. nothing justifies being camped so early on. whatsoever. yes, i should have had decisive, but wanted to play Yui for breakout.

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    "These options don't always work" is true to anything. If someone just plays better than you then you need to figure out what isn't working and try alternative methods rather than throwing yourself at the problem the same way time and time again to just walk away with a "well this is just overpowered" mentality. People who see ruin, thanataphobia, campers, three gen, etc, often suffer from a defeatist mentality of "there's nothing I can do about this" instead of an actual experienced and good player's "what can I do against this?" There's a lot of possibilities, especially with a SWF. You can avoid being 3 genned when someone cramps easily, even if they are camping someone they'll have to choose between pressuring the nearby gen or watching the person on the hook. If you can't unhook and get away while the killer is briefly away pressuring a generator, it's your and your team's problem. One person likely will end up dying from being camped on hook, but if you keep playing around the camping killer's two possible actions, it's nearly impossible for more than one survivor to die.

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    Actually not really. BT is bs for the fact that your terror radius could be 1 meter to close and you hit the hooked survivor off of chance of them running to you, DS is not fair in most situations, and honestly should just be reworked like Moris, ruin, and a few others, and yes most maps have a god loop and every map (with the exception of badham and hawkins) have multiple save loops often close together. I will give you the ruin, yeah, some games it may seem like 5 seconds but it was less then a minute or 2. And yeah, I do go for one survivor to hard, but sometimes you have no choice. Like Ots's video from a week or two ago. He found one survivor, chased them normally and 3 gens were done, then upon hooking them and beginning to look for the fourth, the fourth gen was finished. Even if you're fast with a chase, on average if they can run a loop it'll last about a minute, if not longer.

  • HeHeBoii
    HeHeBoii Member Posts: 507
    edited December 2019

    I don’t see why camping or face camping isn’t a strategy. Surely it’s annoying and all that jazz. However, it’s the killers objective to get kills, same thing with gen rushing for survivors. Both not fun for both ends of the spectrum.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Far as I know, many survivors "communicate" that they are getting face camped, or that the killer patrols nearby via their "body language".

    What I mean is, they attempt to struggle with the entity but they not really go so far that it would count as a struggle attempt. And that they make over and over again.

    Have seen it multiple times as survivors and also a few times as killer when I was near by the hooked one, because I was on my way to damage a nearby generator and so on.

    So, next time you are in this situation, try to do the same. I assume, not every survivor knows this part of "survivor-communication" and some survivors will also not care, because they will unhook you at all costs, but imo many survivors understand what it means if a survivor struggles in the described way on a hook.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Ruin isn't that big of a deal if you can hit greats and with a camping killer that totem should be found really fast. As long as she didn't hooked you in the basement with Monstrous Shrine, you have 2 min on the hook, if you struggle. That's plenty of time to get the ruin, get you off the hook and do some gens.

    You know, you can earn BP and level a character without playing them if you want the teachable perks?

    It's faster and easier to farm BP on your main, killer or survivor, and pump the BP into Yui.

    You usually play your favorite survivor skin or your set of killers. Killers are amazing at BP farming, especially with BBQ and take a killer that can max the categories really fast. It doesn't even matter if you get the 4k or not.

    Give it a try and have fun in the fog!

  • Bustanut_Champion
    Bustanut_Champion Member Posts: 53

    In a nutshell:

    Hahahahahahahaha How The ######### Is Camping 4k Real Hahahaha Bro Just Walk Away From The Hook Like Bro Close Your Eyes Haha

  • KingMyers
    KingMyers Member Posts: 57

    Yeah guess killers shouldn't have cried about old brand new part should have just let it stay where you press it and it insta fixed the gen or insta heal needles or old flashlight and pallets "just because you didn't like it doesn't mean it's wrong" seriously stfu if you're gonna be one sided and act cool when clearly you're a super butt hurt baby. Either contribute with a non biased point of view and explain yourself like an adult or stay quiet kid, as for face camping yes they are trying to mitigate it but in all the wrong ways, just gotta hold out and see what happens I spose

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    Then it just wasn’t meant to be my friend. Set it free!

  • TuckzysGayMeng
    TuckzysGayMeng Member Posts: 72

    It’s already being punished. The closer you are to the hooked survivor. The less bloodpoints you get.

  • HamdaN
    HamdaN Member Posts: 343

    he started it. this isnt elementary school im not gonna debate how instigating works if you have 0 perception of it

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Not exactly true. During EGC one can BT a teammate off body block for one another and DS. Its entirely unfair as well.

    Both sides do some extremely unfair and unfun tactics.

  • Diam
    Diam Member Posts: 50

    There you go insulting again. Please just let it go lol

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    Str8 up, anyone that complains about facecamping is a weenie, the killer literally is doing nothing but let gens get done, hes sacrificing his blood points,(one hooking players is loosing points and depipping so its not like the killer gets anything but satisfaction) just to secure little points that he can. I feel like anyone that complains at all about anything doesnt really understand the game, im rank 4 on both sides so yeah theres other REAL things to complain about like unfair things but nope, you selfish af

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    My point still stands. A killer has every right to camp a player on a hook since they’re basically throwing a game in favor of the remaining survivors-if they’re smart enough to push the gens. It’s not the killers fault that survivors fall for it more often than not. Stop falling for it and they’ll stop doing it. If they don’t, they lose out on blood points and just waste time, which is punishment enough.

    Trying to equate overpowered items to gameplay strategies shows me that you’re just not intelligent enough to even discuss this topic with.

    And no, I’m not “butt hurt”. I play both roles, and I actually favor the survivor role over the killer role. It’s much less stressful and more fun and thrilling. It’s what has me hooked to this game. So your wrong about me being biased.

    And you should be taking your own advice, nothing in your post is true or constructive. Me thinks you’re just another angry survivor main that just wants to complain.

  • foochill1
    foochill1 Member Posts: 109

    What did you prove? Nothing that anyone cares about? You waste time with comments like that just stay quiet and read

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    That's why I specified that it's only reportable when done for an extended length of time. Bodyblocking survivors to get a hit on them isn't an issue.

    SHOOTERRALPHBOY Member Posts: 25

    @Weck oh look another post about camping not prevalent enough??

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    Btw it would be enough to remove hook grabs.

  • Johnble
    Johnble Member Posts: 175

    Thanks for the advice. I'll have to try that some time and see how it shakes out.

  • DarthRane
    DarthRane Member Posts: 198

    Most of us don't say don't get caught seriously, we say it because majority of survivors say "play better" to excuse how lop sided the balance in the game is.

    Yes there are some things killers can do to ATTEMPT to mitigate the balance issues but they are very tiny things that when playing amount to basically nothing against any competent team.

    "Pressure the gens" - you can only be at one generator at any given time, thats the potential for AT LEAST 3 other survivors to be on other gens. That's not even counting any time wasted trying to find a survivor at the gen (assuming it has some work done in it) and the bigger the map the less you can pressure gens

    "Learn how to chase and mind game" - there is no mind gaming god loops you either waste time on the god loop or you abandon chase and contrary to popular survivor belief abandoning chase is NOT counter play.

    "Don't tunnel to avoid DS" - do you know how many times DS has come back to bite killers even when they DIDNT tunnel? Hell it's saved me numerous times against non tunneling killers

    That's not even counting the fact that it literally has no counter play.

    So when we say don't get caught it's more fecicious than it is serious. The game is designed for you to eventually get caught you might waste half the entire or more game time in a chase doing it but you'll get caught . But god loops require no skill and shack and t and l walls combos only require a slight bIt of skill. a survivors skill really only comes in with how well they manage semi safe and unsafe loops.

  • Lightsaber09
    Lightsaber09 Member Posts: 46

    You already get a very amall amount of bloodpoints for camping

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    As a killer main, personally I wouldn't even hate a penalization for facecamping tbh. It won't stop killers who don't care about rank anyway, as rank up has no incentive.

    However, I also think this game is mostly balanced at this point and doesn't really need anymore changes at the current time. I hate what they did to Nurse, but other than that I think everything's fine. Don't mind DS, don't mind BT too much. Oni is fine imo, so is Freddy and Spirit.

    The games frustrating like most games when you lose and feel there's nothing you can do. But we're all still here, to some degree or another, so despite the frustration it's really fine, and until they overnerf/compensate on everything, I say it should stay mostly where it's at now

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    some parts are true but look thats why theres something called "MINDGAME" yo guys its an awesome word right?

  • Negan4891
    Negan4891 Member Posts: 53

    Sound like you guys need to watch tyde tyme the truth about camping