Darkness on The Game and Yamaoka Estate

Is this just a bug in my game or has the darkness of the new map also been applied to the pigs map and the estate?
Please tell me this is a bug that the developers are aware of and are fixing. Not many people especially killers like the darkness of the new map and now it's creeped into other maps as well!
It's a horror game, just let some maps be dark. Are you really complaining about the game now? It's dead by daylight, not dead during daylight. And besides, all the maps including the new one look just fine on my TV.
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No way do leave Old maps alone. They are fine the way they were. Not many people are going to like this other than you survivors. But good try troll.
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So me having an opinion makes me a troll? And I play both sides 50/50 there bud. I love the new map with hag, Trapper, Ghostface and Freddy so I see no problem with it. Again I can see just fine so maybe get a better TV or monitor.
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Yes ofc since brightness/c settings are defined by the quality of the product. Honestly sometimes i wonder why people even bother to post.
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Well I don't know what else to tell tell everybody complaining about the darkness of the maps as they seem fine to me and I don't have any trouble playing them, especially not the game like this post is talking about. Yeah the new one is dark but it has great atmosphere and like I said is fun with stealth and trap killers.
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I agree that the new map is way too dark in general as a killer - it's even worse playing as a nurse and having to deal with fatigue on top of how people can vanish when they're 5 meters away from you. Any killer that doesn't have a stealth ability will have to find survivors, who will most likely hide when they hear the terror radius.
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Yeah could just be due to your settings on said device. There have been quite a few complaints about this and i think it just happens to be the oni's map who has ez pz af builtin tracking with his orbs. Oh and for the horror aspect of the game, you might want to think about that with all the neon bright outfits survivors do have, the funny cosmetics billy has... i think dwight gets one where he is an elf so yeah there is the horror argument.
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Yes guys I'm aware the new map is definitely dark and I don't have a problem with that map being like that period I'm talking about the pigs map and the other map having the same thing. Is this a glitch we need to report?
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Yamaoka is way too dark. Today, I had only to crouch in the grass and the killer wasn't able to find me anymore. And I wasn't even playing Claudette!
Would be nice to get some feedback from the devs if this is intented or if they are going to change it with the next update.