Taking a break until Oni is fixed

I'm tired of being slugged 4 times a match. Frankly No Mither is probably his counter at this point. I haven't been M1'd by an Oni lately and he slugs so much. I guess its fun if you're the killer. I don't particularly enjoy crawling on the ground for 5 minutes so guess I'm gonna play a different game until people stop playing Oni or the playstyle changes from slugging. I'm also a little perturbed that blood orbs don't expire and slugs drop them so Oni can proximity camp a slug wait for that survivor to get picked up go into his power one shot the heal and slug again. Its just not fun. Its not fun at all.
Bring Unbreakable. People need to learn to deal with a Oni. Lucky Break and No Mither literally nerf him. If you keep playing the same against newer killers as older ones your going to be underperforming. The newer Killers seem to be forcing Survivors to adapt anymore.
He gets 100 max blood orbs on the map and than they start with a cycle of oldest replaced for the newest ones.
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Removing bleeding doesn't stop blood orbs from spawning.
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Everyone just needs to bring toolboxes and genrush the Oni mains. Sprint burst also murders him, until he gets those first two hits he is loopable AF...
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Wow the counter Is (rushing) the same to every other killer You discovered américa! Also gen speed Is totally fine using those ítems i imagine is okay if the killer brings an ebony to end the objective quicker aswell right?
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Thanks for the advise gents, the core issue is that its not fun.
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I strongly disagree, I played more against him than as him.
I've never been slugged for more than a short period of time as he tries to combo hit his ability, after that it's a hook- however because of perks I often found myself escaping when I otherwise would not have because of that.
Further more that RAGHHH thud thud THUD THUD THUD and huge towering figure that I see over obstacles has been one of the funnest killers I have ever played against.
I think he might be an example of what the devs should strive for, we got a great killer, a fantastic set of perks that made some old killers more viable and also made an old perk viable, and we got some great Yui perks too. Though I gotta say Nemesis is the best perk of the lot it shakes the whole game up.
He's probably the most fun I've had playing as and against a killer, since the launch of this game...ugh that hurts because I love Demogorgon and Myers so much too....
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This is all just a case of a killer releasing that actually is the power role in the game, and survivors don't like actually being put into the role as someone trying to survive.
Adapt, people. He's not hard to go against.
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The devs got the opinion, that he should be cancelled out of his ability after picking someone up. How about letting the killer decide when to cancel out?
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100% sure? My friend took me into a KYF to show the instadown speed and I never saw him drop Blood Orbs with Lucky Break on. Was only about 5 minutes though.
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Yes he still drops orbs. I played an oni while trying to do the stupid archive missions and we had a David with no mither. Oni was running the super rare addon, and we all saw David spawning orbs. Yeah the game ended in 3 minutes because oni was able to see where we were and he was getting free orbs while no one was injured because david. No mother is a free win for oni.
Just genrush like normal.
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Wonder why oh well thanks for the clarification. Time to treat him as a better clown.
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I did kinda foresaw that, people will have fun playing Oni, then give it a week after release a lot of people will be sick of him but it was hard to really say anything of that... I feel like he needs more turning again (so console players can enjoy him more potentially) but needs to lose the tier 3 lunge so windows can be used to waste time... where Oni is now does make myers obsolete... haven’t played against him on live as I’ve been playing killer but there is no real time-waste option against the killer.
Post edited by dont_ask_me_again on0 -
Have you played WITH the Oni? Then you don't know that slugging is a legit strat with him.
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I haven't played him. I know that slugging is a good strat for him. Being slugged for more than 50% of the match is not fun. I've literally died on the ground twice today. Its not fun, playing against slugging is not fun. It never will be.
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I actually have a lot of fun against him.
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No it's not fun. Neither is getting gen rushed with a new killer almost every game. It's either that or camp, seeing as how the version we got is not the version from the PTB. And his perks are trash.
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Ok bye!
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Yui has the ability where she does not drop blood orbs
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No she still does. The devs wouldn't want you to deny a killer their entire power through a single perk.
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Are you sure? Then there is no point of that perk. Yui is supposed to be the direct rival of Oni. If she cant deny him blood orbs, then that's bs.
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People who complain about oni being overpowered are dumb cry babies and need to stop asking for everything on a silver platter. Get better. Play more. Stop sucking
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If the killer is too strong like oni, you just force survivors to do gen rush. They pick toolboxes DS,BT and prove thyself. They rush and escape. DBD has 3 major problems.
1-Gen Rush
2-Camp, Tunnel, Slug
These are just because of the unbalanced killers and perks-add ons. They need to nerf oni. And make gen times a little bit longer. I was in oni matches today. All the time we were slugged. By cancelling his power when he pick up someone just makes killers slug survivors. People DC because they are slugged a lot, camped and tunneled. Usually killers tend to camp,tunnel when survivors are rushing gens doing them fast. So killer needs a pressure. These are all balance problems. The 3 major problems are just the results of unbalanced game. I will also kill myself on the hook. The oni is owerpowered. In 60 seconds after the game started, he got his power and slugged everybody. By the way were were all red ranks. rank1,rank3...He gains his power too quickly which is really boring. I am sure that devs are going to nerf him guys believe it or not. Spirit is nerfed(still powerful) but oni will be nerfed. So I am just waiting...
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People would get it teachable. If there's a game of 4 people with the perk the oni wouldn't have his power
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Nope. The perk only denies the blood trails for the first 120 secs after surv is injured. After that the perk is disabled.
I'm gonna test both Lucky Break and No Mither to see if they can counter Oni.
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Oni is not too strong.
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Wouldn't No Mither be a weaker counter to Oni compared to Unbreakable? With No Mither, you start off injured and are forever injured.
Also Oni is honestly good as he is now. He's not extremely op but he's no where close to weak.
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The only thing I would see needs a change is the ability to get blood off downed or hooked survivors. I've been seeing that happen - and if it's a bug it needs fixing ASAP.
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Blood orbs doesnt spawm from slugged ppl...
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I mean, I've seen it happen. Could be just a latency issue with dedicated servers I suppose.
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There are already tons of counters to slugging available to you. Oni also isn't even that strong.
There's also no difference between you sitting on the ground and on the hook besides getting to live longer on the ground.
These complaints don't make any sense.
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For me Oni becomes dangerous once he hooks someone, enters blood rage (I think that's what is called) and proxy camps the hooked person or leaves for a while to return immediatly trying to slug whoever goes for the save and also slug the survivor who got unhooked. His power lasts long enough to reach the second stage of the sacrifice or die on hook if you have been already hooked before. I am having a hard time on figuring out how to save from the hook against him.
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Uhh, there's a huge difference between slugging and hooking. Hooking you can instantly rescue the survivor, slugging you have to sit there for like 30 seconds healing them. It also takes 0 time from the killer to slug, where-as hooking is a relatively lengthy process. His power turns off when you hook as well. Hooking also procs BT / DS / etc etc. There's a reason literally every oni is running IF right now.
And Oni isn't strong if you get a good map and have a good team. Unsafe map or bad team? Biggest pub stomper in the game I would wager. Once he gets those two M1s he is a god tier killer, but a really good team or a really safe map can deny him those for a long time.
Basically, a badly designed killer.
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I am so tired of this survivor battle cry and the devs listening. Why is whats fun for the killer never taken into account? I think both should have fun, but it feels like its the survivor point of view that takes precedence for the devs.
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Gen Rushing isn't fun for any side, and no one even pips in those games because it ends so fast. If anything all that's gonna do is make people Slug more.
As for OP, bring No Mither or Unbreakable. Or stay inside jungle gyms too avoid his Demon Dash, since it's easy as hell too dodge when at a loop.
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"Hooking you can instantly rescue the survivor,"
And it cost you one of you 3 hooks, slugging costs you nothing
"slugging you have to sit there for like 30 seconds healing them"
No, the survivor on the ground can recover himself quite quickly and then only needs a tap to get up. Not 30 seconds.
"It also takes 0 time from the killer to slug, where-as hooking is a relatively lengthy process."
That's entirely the reason killers choose to slug.
"His power turns off when you hook as well."
He also loses power bar on each hit.
"There's a reason literally every oni is running IF right now."
Because that's how you win with any killer, PRESSURE. Downing 1 survivor, hooking them and then repeating this without slugging at all is how you lose the game unless the survivors are just low rank potatoes. Against any competent team you will need to slug if you want to win. This is like complaining that the killers don't choose to willingly play dumb.
"Unsafe map or bad team? Biggest pub stomper in the game I would wager."
This applies to almost all killers. Lots of killers have maps they suck on and maps they are very strong on. This isn't unique to Oni at all. Oni on a good map is no different than Ghostface on Hawkins, it's strong, but not OP.
"Once he gets those two M1s he is a god tier killer,"
Even once he gets them he's not even remotely close to god tier lol. He's literally still completely loopable and extremely loud to avoid in the first place.
"Basically, a badly designed killer."
Not a single thing you have said has categorized him as badly designed, literally nothing. You've just made a lot of exagerations about how deadly things about him are and failing to know how to loop.
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It doesn't matter slugging "costs you nothing" if it's creating massive pressure and also giving away the locations of the other survivors through IF.
It also doesn't matter that downing someone costs a fraction of his power bar because if they are in IF range the next survivor is like 1/2 a second away with a demon dash.
And yes, you can absolutely hook 1 person at a time and go chase-to-chase with an M1 killer and still win at rank 1. Pop goes the weasel ensures this.
And any killer will win against bad survivors, but Oni does it particularly fast and brutal through a series of slugs with a power that's impossible to avoid without safe pallets.
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Slugging is annoying but because of how his power works it encourages the killer to slug. I am a survivor main and hate slugging games but even if I play him I bring infectious and knockout because that's how he is meant to be played.
I don't want to hear the excuse that because his power runs out after picking up a survivor that's why people slug. When people use Myers, they do sometimes go to tier 3 then slug to get the most out of his ability. Now imagine if Myers could go to the other side of the map instantly, people would slug to get the most map pressure they can. The reason a killer like Billy usually doesn't use this play style is because they can travel to the other side of the map and instadown anytime they want.
The blood orb thing doesn't bother me. I was worried that it would but I'm not bothered about that anymore.
I'd say give it a few more days till tome 4 comes out and you'll see a lot less Oni's, especially on console.
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"It doesn't matter slugging "costs you nothing" if it's creating massive pressure and also giving away the locations of the other survivors through IF."
That's literally the entire point. So you hate it for no other reason than that it's a strong play for the killer and creates pressure. That's WHY he does it. There's nothing wrong with that.
"It also doesn't matter that downing someone costs a fraction of his power bar because if they are in IF range the next survivor is like 1/2 a second away with a demon dash."
And easily loopable like almost every other killer.
"And yes, you can absolutely hook 1 person at a time and go chase-to-chase with an M1 killer and still win at rank 1. Pop goes the weasel ensures this."
Ensures? No. Helps? yes.
Playing that way is how you lose against GOOD survivors. We aren't talking about low rank potatoes.
"And any killer will win against bad survivors, but Oni does it particularly fast and brutal through a series of slugs with a power that's impossible to avoid without safe pallets."
He's a noob stomper that's weak against actually competent survivors. His power is extremely easy to avoid if you know how to loop.
None of this has even touched on the fact that you have multiple anti-slug perks available to use if you really find slugging that annoying.
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His power basically means you have to be humping a safe pallet at all times, or you are liable to get 1 shot with 0 counterplay. Combined with the extreme mobility you are basically locked into whatever location you are at once it goes off.
No other killer can slug like Oni. Billy comes close but his power actually takes a lot of skill to use and is significantly easier to juke. Oni's power? Not so much. It's a friggin AOE 1 shot. Any time Oni's power goes off your team is liable to get 4 man slugged, especially later in the game when there are less pallets.
So sure he is weak if you can deny those initial M1's. But as a solo Q player I can't make that happen.
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If you love something let it go.
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You could always try stealthing when he's oni mode. without perks he has 0 tracking beyond normal killers and while dashing he can't turn fast so unless you leave tracks for him to follow he's just running around randomly. If he hooks someone and goes oni that's when you ditch your current location after a few seconds (since it takes 3 seconds by default to oni up and 1 to dash). When he's dashing towards you go around the object you're 3rd personing behind and there you go no chase and he doesn't know you were even there. Rinse and repeat 1-2 times and he's out of oni mode without anyone extra down. If the person on the hook has to eat a hook state, I'd say it's worth it over giving him an extra 1-2 downed players. If you treat him like a regularly loopable killer then he'll eat pallets for the first 1-2 oni modes then eat the entire team on the next one.
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Sounds like a usual survivor cry post to me. O_o
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So you are basically saying he is so overpowered in his ability that the only counterplay is to hide in a locker? I agree.
Or alternatively, you can burn like 5+ safe pallets and get wrecked on the next time he pops it.
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Why oni can not be better than Myers?
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Unbreakable works once and the other two perks doesn't stop blood orbs. It also doesn't help your team nor yourself out.
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Just be honest with yourself. He was released overpowered so everyone will buy him. He will get nerfed down the line once everyone has already bought him. Same crap with killers like legion.
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Then you won't be playing for a long time because slugging is a strategy and method (just like face camping is).
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just realized that people say "survvior need to adapt" since 2016 but if someone says "killers need to adapt" it's a 'no, survivors just need a nerf, it's not fun'
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Survivors should be able to deal with slugging in 2019.
Bye bye
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In this case, you have a killer that gets progressively stronger as the game goes on. It would be like doing as much work as you can against Mikey before he hits T2. You want to get as much progress in early as possible against an Oni before the map is full of unused bloodorbs everywhere and he can use his power often.