is grabbing someone out of the locker after you've hooked one of their teammates tunneling ?

is it ?


  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Because a Killer can just camp a hook and force a hook trade then continue to repeat that process. If you are so concerned about ds just slug.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    That's true, it's dumb but you would be forced to leave them or take the ds. Probably better to take the ds then go kill them off afterwards.

  • SilentSpectre
    SilentSpectre Member Posts: 830


  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    I'm pretty sure the devs have called it an anti-tunneling perk...

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,657

    Another DS-Thread. How innovative.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Thats because the devs don't know what "tunnelling" means. They tend to be out of touch with alot of things in their game.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493
    edited December 2019

    DS doesn't only need to be an anti-tunnel perk and absolutely nothing else.

  • tylerlogsdon1
    tylerlogsdon1 Member Posts: 158

    Play how you want

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    It's almost like there's concern for the topic.

    Who knew.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,836
    edited December 2019

    Anti-tunnel IS infact the purpose of DS. The devs have specified that when they made their change...

    Horvath: We decided to put a timer on Decisive Strike as one of the solutions to Decisive Strike being used too often, we tried 2 minutes internally and found that players were able to use DS a long time after being unhooked, where it no longer serves the purpose to protect you from being tunneled/ farmed

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033
    edited December 2019

    I usually won’t go for the recently unhooked but if you obviously go into a locker (implying DS), I won’t wait. I will force it. Better not miss the skill check and If you get it, I bet I can get the down in less than sixty seconds.

    I get the last second dodge to a locker in a chase but some survivors do a rush action into the locker when I don’t even see them.

    I don’t mind a few seconds of stun.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    I think they do. They just expand it because it is needed and it works perfectly vs the currently " I swear I don't camp" thread spam where 90% of killers actaully do that. Why it is needed. Around 70+ kill rate on every single killer where hatch is also uncluded. I wonder if the hatch escaped were also inluded someone or did not count as not a kill what kind of % we would get. And yes it is still tunneling if you hook one person and still keep and eye on the injured survivor and go after him. Hell yea even if you see him with BBQ which shows in a very obvisous way his aura and the injured status and again decided to go after him it is still tunneling. The only way I can see this as not tunneling is if the survivor has enough time to escape/heal/get to do something else which DS gives currently with its timer. It just keeps the killers from going after the injured/regarless if its right away or 20 seconds later/ or atleast they will second guess themselves. And I don't see how the actions of another random survivor being hooked should have anything to do with another survivor's own perk - it is really dumb suggestion

  • S_Panda
    S_Panda Member Posts: 539

    Can definitely confirm I ended up giving a kill when I should've just left my team mate on the hook...many times. And look at the 'terms of tunneling' in that wall of text. Then yeah anyone is camping / tunneling because they didn't run to a corner of the map after hooking 1 survivor.

  • DS needs a tweak I agree, but it can't turn off anytime you down another survivor; because that would be really unfair especially if not in SWF.

    Why should you be punished with tunnel vulnerability because someone else did something stupid?

    don't get me wrong DS right now punishes the killer for a survivors giant mistake which is also BS tbh, but you gotta look at it from both sides if you want to get anywhere.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Turning it off when you hook someone else means it's not really tunneling.

  • The offical response to that is that it isn't meant to JUST be an anti tunnel perk it's meant to be a strong defensive perk in general anyways, according to devs.

    With that being said, my response to that is that if someone injured unhooks right in front of the killer before he leaves, and then puts them on hook and then easily gets the other person who is not far off at that point, sure it's not tunneling but you think that person wants to lose their only defensive option at that point because of the previous survivors bad play?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The official response, from what I saw when they re-worked DS, was that it was meant to protect users from being tunneled/farmed.

    Also, I am open to giving DS a small grace period where hooking someone won't deactivate DS, just to safeguard against instances like that.

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    It’s a video game man. Tunneling isn’t even real. It’s just a made up term for the toxic survivors to whine about and make an excuse to why they lost.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    You just want an easy game where you stay close enough to hooks to either force a hook trade or tunnel straight after someone unhooked. It is unfair and a very lazy way of playing, there is nothing to gloat about if that's all you do.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614

    Well it is tunneling actually. It doesn't matter if they go after the injured person few seconds later. I don't know where people got their defintion from. Seem like killers just use what fits them best. Right ? I mean lets pretend it is not tunneling - I'll pretend I am not looking where you going which is very easy while carrying another surivivor and I didn't see you with BBQ and I didn't see you were injured/so I am sure its you/ which is very obvious on any aura reading perk because of the pose and yet I just randomly, out of nowhere, magically come after you because all of the above did not happen and it is impossible to happen. As Echorion said you should really look this from both sides.

    The definition for tunneling should be something like not being able to get away from the killer/not being chased for certain amount of time, after being unhooked. Or even better I like what @Spirez  said. Tunneling is just made up term. What is actually called it is being a "sweaty killer" - a killer who aways goes after the last unhooked still injured survivor soon afer hes unhooked because they can't really win the game in any other way. These are the same kind of killers who get gen rushed usually because they never interrupt anyone else on gens and you see them complain here very often about it.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    Let's ask the Magic DS-Ball

    *Shakes ball*

    Huh, it called me a filthy tunneler. I didn't even know it had that as an option.

    Jokes aside, no. The people who blatantly use DS as an "idiot-proof" shield, and then cry when they get slugged and literally left to die on the floor for being terrible people, deserve whatever they get

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2019

    I meant 90% of these who say here they never do that....

    And that second sentence .. I am not going to argue about why the rates are what they are but your general logic about how we have to play as survivors. I mean if you want to play this way and leave every time one person is hooked that is your choice. But I have to say that is a terrible choice for me. I play the game to have fun. I don't want to just do 5 gens and leave right away - that is just boring and I am pretty sure the devs don't want that either cause they just buffed one perk to be super strong during end game. I just don't understand people like you... I get it they are sometimes fu.. ups but thats part of the charm of the game. If you don't try to have fun you will get bored pretty fast in DBD

  • underlord99
    underlord99 Member Posts: 1,030

    what about the survivors that run straight for the person you just hooked ? is it tunneling when you hit them ??

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2019

    Well these are probably the only ones you may wana get punished but I don't know how /Even though they would be injured so you could just hit them ? / . The way it is suggested won't do that because includes many more possibilities. I was thinking about just a small range around the killer but there still can be some problems like - people already on the ground or being one of the the last 2 surivivors/aka having no choice/ or being in the basement/another multi floor building where you can't get out of range or god knows what else

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    The definition I use with regards to DBD is "deliberately goes after a recently unhooked Survivor while ignoring everyone else." If I hook someone else first, I'm not ignoring everyone else, am I?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,600

    It's better to just eat the DS anyway so you don't have an invincible survivor later.

  • Haku
    Haku Member Posts: 614
    edited December 2019

    Not really. Numbers do matter. You just can't ignore that. Also common sense has to be used. Some things like Spirit and Nurse's mecanics did not need numbers. They were pretty obvious. Freddy is the same currently. I did not need any numbers to tell you he is busted and he needs changes. And what a surprise he is the killer with the top kill rates. So it seems numbers do have something to do with reality ? But only a few people would agree. The amount of people who agreed with spirits changes who played her as main was very small based on all the threads here. And I am talking before the changes were made not after ! For them she was perfectly fine. Well see here is where my problem is and why I said that about the 90% which ofc is exaggeration but considering how killer mains lack the common sense or just straight up lie because they just can't play the game properly it seems like a fair thing to say based on my experience with the game and the forums here. For the past few weeks I've been seeing tons of posts that does not make any sense. My favourite were that Hawkins is a survivor sided map and that Coal Tower is an infinite because of BL. And I've seen these a lot. And you don't need numbers for these to prove them wrong. It is just very easy to explain/show that is a lie. All that proves is some killers lack basic knowledge about the game but yet the numbers are in their favour. For me that speaks that the game is way easier to play as a killer with any skill vs any group of 4 random solo survivors.

    And I never said anything about camping either. I never said you should go back for surivivor that is camped. I said the game would be extremely boring if that mentality as you said did not exsist. What keeps the game interesting evolves around playmaking which includes saving hooked players at any time of the game. And the game should be balanced around that. Being able to do that. And if the numbers are too high things should be changed because that is the right way to play the game. It is not your - maybe the numbers are high beacuse they make these plays and that is why these numbers should be not used. That is just the strange thinking I don't like as I said about you. And yet you tried again to just use it in your favour by saying "you just admitted by your own omission" . Well I do find this to be perfectly fine for the game so I did not do that

    And what you said about survivors playing optimaly just proves my point actually and you just gave the the perfect example yourself. You've seen it yourself how hard is to actually to get 4 solo players who are actually on the same level that you sometimes have to do everything on your own. But chances of that being possible every game are very slim. Once you get on killer's radar you will have to leave those 3 to gen tap until you die and in the end that would be 3k at worst probably. And so the high kill rates. And that is beacuse as I sad it is just much easier for ONE killer to play in general /or optimally as you said/ then for 4 randoms to do that ... and that will never change until solo exsist. You just can't play with 4 randoms optimally - that is just wishfull thinking. And the numbers show that almost perfectly.