Why can't we have fun game modes like 2v8?

Everyone wants this and they won't do it. This game is imba as hell you might as well let us go all out and have fun with some crazy modes.
I agree with you actually. The game is not balanced and still has a long way to go, so with that knowledge we might as well add another KWF like mode or even extend KWF to include a 2v8 mode that is never balanced for. Purely and utterly ignored, purely for fun. I think that's reasonable.
I mean look at Star Wars Battlefront 2. That game has tons of modes that are extremely buggy and unbalanced yet people still play them because they're fun. What's to lose besides like a few months max of development to implement it and then do small bug fixes?
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The short version is because we'd rather focus our efforts on the main game before branching out into different gamemodes. To use 2v8 as an example, that would be a nightmare to balance. Even if both killers are chasing someone, that's still 6 people on generators. There's no way you could apply enough pressure to stop them. Beyond that, it would split the playerbase, which means longer queues for everyone.
I wouldn't be against it some day, but it's not exactly a priority.
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You could add a new objective to that particular gamemode to balance things out?
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Short answer: The developers don't have the manpower to do that.
Long answer: They don't even have the manpower to do the current 1v4 gamemode properly, so how can you expect them to be able to maintain another one?
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Yeah, I mean no offense but I don't think you have the playerbase for more gamemodes.
The queue times are already becoming a problem for everyone; maybe once cross play is developed it might be feasible though.... but right now separate I don't think it would work.
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I think expanding the match objectives in a way that makes it so that if the killer or survivors are winning like REALLY well they can choose to gamble going for a harder objective that gives the other side more of a chance, and in return the bloodpoint gains and rewards become much much higher in return.
That would solve so many more problems; add more interesting variety to the game, help solve the already unfair matchmaker by giving people a handicap that they will WANT to take, and probably have less new players quitting after losing 20 matches in a row to people who have like 1000+ hours playtime over them.
All while not messing with the queue times too much. I think this should actually solve by three biggest issues with the game all in one go.
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Why can't it be an extension of KYF though? At this point I don't think those of us who are wanting a 2v8 mode are particularly concerned about balance at this point. We'd be more than satisfied with just the ability to do it, no need to actually spend time to balance it.
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Again, because that would be a lot of extra work. If you put it exclusively in custom games, even fewer people would end up playing it since there's no rewards for doing so. We need to think about what we're doing and wonder, "Is this worth our time, or could we be doing something more important instead?"
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I used to think this would be fun, but people mentioned certain killer combos that would make it miserable for survivors. You could have Mrs Piggy trapping peoples heads and Oni or Billy zipping across the map to the unlocking stations preventing you from removing the reverse bear trap.
You could have to face Freddy and Spirit, where Freddy slows the game down and Spirit just destroys your looping. You could have Billy zipping all over the place and trapper making grass and bushes too dangerous for you to want to walk through.
It would take a lot of work to balance.
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@Peanits & @AvisDeene You both bring up good points I suppose. I've always envisioned playing killer with a friend since the begging. Maybe that could be the real competitor to DbD if someone ever makes a dedicated 2v8 horror game.
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Sounds fun to me. It doesnt need to be balanced. The only thing that would need to be done is alter some maps to accomodate more people and maybe add gens or increase number needed to escape.
No ranking for it would mean you could literally just grab 10 people that have decent connection and let them play.
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It's not like it would take hours, it's already do-able with an exploit in KYF. Just make it possible to queue with 2 or more killers in a kyf.
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Must resist urge to shade Deathgarden...
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I'm not convinced 2v8 would be fun. A lot of systems in DbD depend pretty heavily on the power balance as it shifts from 4v1 early game to 1v1 late game.
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It could be fun as sort of a "survival of the fittest" game mode where all the survivors do is try to live longer than the other survivors as everyone gets killed and with no other objectives on the map, then the last two survivors maybe just get an escape for free. Maybe there could be no hooks even, the killers just get to mori everyone they down, but maybe add something that makes it so the killers can't slug like survivors can always pick themselves up in this mode. And then maybe just make it so there are no perks in the game mode, and boom it works. Then the only useless thing would be Pig head traps I think but she could still put them on before Mori'ing just for points I suppose.
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because 2v8 would not be fun. Period.
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What could be done with ridiculous ease that would make the game more fun would be to add bloodpoint gains for KYF at a reduced rate (ex: 25% gain from a regular game). Since bloodpoint offerings are already disabled for KYF, you wouldn't even need to worry about that.
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8 survivors easily can overpower 2 killers.
ESPECIALLY if one of them facecamps or they do something stupid like staying together. Whats worse than 3 survivors genrushing? 7 survivors doing it.
Check google for IdV's "violent struggle" rules. I think one of the first links has all rules except the 3 healthstates change (unless it was patched since i last played)
Note: DBD would probably need a new large map for this mode though.
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Seeing as the devs can barely "balance" 1v4 a 2v8 would be a dumpster fire lol