We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Unranked Gamemode/Casual and Ranked Playlists

Before Dead by Daylight, I played a lot of Rainbow Six Siege. I liked the large diversity between the casual and ranked game modes. In a casual type game mode, you can experience playing with different (both higher and lower) rank survivors and killers. And in the ranked game mode, you will play against and progress with people of similar rank, just like it is now. It could provide people with a new experience in the game and give them insight on whether or not they want to grind out ranks. I feel though that placement matches would have to be a must for this, so I'd imagine that the rank you get is equal to the amount of pips you get in a certain amount of placement matches. I think the game is very fun, however I would like to relax and have a bit more of a laid-back play style and not be trying to de pip every match I play. What are your thoughts on having set ranked and casual game modes?
