iridescent shards

just wondering if there is any use for shards apart from shrine and buying characters/cosmetics
i want to buy the 'call of the wild' skin for nea but not sure if i would be wasting my shards or if i should save them, i have 15k atm
not a fan of spending money on games or even spending money for a whole another DBD for the harajuku skin
Best Answer
You can't do much with the shards in-general... so it's up to you if that skin isn't worth the say... 7k shards for the whole set. Otherwise... you either spend them on perks or you spend them on skins, that's all they're for.
Keep in mind that each perk on the shrine is at a minimum of 2k shards... sometimes with certain perks it'll be a bit more pricey (I don't know if this was changed to everything being 2k... but the more "pricey" perks is just like 200 more shards). If you want to know more on how often a perk has shown up in the shrine, than i'll link the Shrine of Secrets Archive below.
The Shrine of Secrets Archive link:
Its up to you to decide if you need 150k blood points in the shrine (you can buy perks you already own as teachables for 150k or more... depending on the perk) or you can save up for certain skins.
If you want the skins for Nea, buy em... that's all the shards are for anyways, skins and perks.
Only perks from shrine and non licensed characters and cosmetics.
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would it be a waste of shards in your opinion?
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If you are at all interested in any of the non-licensed DLC characters, I would recommend spending your shards on those rather than cosmetics because in my opinion characters are better value.
If you don't want to spend any money on the game, I would also keep some shards aside in case a good licensed perk turns up in the Shrine. Perks are not as good value as characters, but they're better value than cosmetics.
But if you have that many shards and there are no characters or perks you want available, then go ahead and spend them on cosmetics. As I say though, if you want to be safe, you should keep a couple of thousand in case a good perk turns up in the Shrine next week.
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Buying the skin for nea?
If you don't spend money on dlcs then you probably want to keep the shards to buy the characters that you may want or maybe teachables in shrine.
If you play a lot and atm don't have interest in buying any of the characters or perks that may appear in shrine then spend them on the skin. There's enough time to make shards to buy the next the next killer/survivor in case you may want any of them.
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thanks everyone for the answers, i'll just buy the skin
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yeah I'll have like 10k left, I wasn't planning on spending them all as I often buy perks from shrine
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I forgot to say that you can buy unlicensed Killers/Survivors from the shop as well... you can't buy Killers like LeatherFace or Freddy who HAVE a license.
But I think that was mentioned above so... yeah. Tbh, just save em for that if you don't have money for the DLC OR you can save them for cosmetics you like.
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I know that Mettle of Man is 2700 iridescent shards
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I haven't seen many perks on the Shrine that exceed 2k... or at least not in the past month.
This could be because I wasn't paying attention or it wasn't there... but the point is a few perks can exceed the minimum depending on their rarity and use... maybe MoM is 2.7k because it's going off of the pre-nerf... or something like that.
I'm not sure why perks like those are more than other perks that're superior... but I don't set the point amounts so.
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It's not a matter of perk quality - perks on the Shrine cost 2000 shards ordinarily, but they cost 2700 if they're from the most recent DLC and/or if it's the first time they've appeared on the Shrine. Mettle of Man was 2700 the last time it appeared because that was its first appearance in the Shrine.
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Well that's interesting...