I think Wraith needs a nerf

I've been playing wraith a lot recently at rank 1, i am 4k'ing literally every game and he is dominating it seems, I think he needs a nerf because other killers might start catching on and he will become a meta killer. He should be nerfed now before he really starts to over-preform. What I think would be a good nerf idea is if his addons were nerfed, many of them stack and can lead to downright broken combinations if played correctly, plus he has wallhack addon which literally have no drawback, if his addons were nerfed I think that would make him a LOT more balanced as playing against him as survivor unless you are running spine-chill honestly you stand very little chance against a good wraith. This is honest feedback I hope BHVR can take into consideration, please any thoughts and comments are appreciated.
I think Demogorgon needs a nerf.
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If I need to, I'll go find the Peanits post where he says explicitly "We have no plans to nerf the Wraith". Otherwise, I'm gonna assume this is bait.
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No. Wraith doesn't need a nerf in anyway. he's already a weak killer if you aren't using Tru3's build, and even with his build he can struggle against optimal survivors. So many killers are getting nothing but nerfs, there is no need for any more.
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I feel he could use a small nerf but if BHVR would nerf him at all they would nerf him into the ground, best to just not bring nerfs up unless a killer is absolutely broken.
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I mean, if you think wallhacks or speed hacks are balanced then I guess he wouldn't need a nerf. His addons are what is making him waaaaay too powerful
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I don't know who "Tru3" is and he isn't weak, he is only weak if you ring around a rosie with one survivor for the entire game.
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I think the best compromise is to nerf the wraith and demogorgon when I’m playing survivor but hotfix a buff when I play killer.
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Just because they don't have current plans doesn't mean they still can't take it into consideration, Wraith's addons are his main problem, he feels like a nurse issue atm.
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There's a difference between nurse and wraith.
Wraith is extremely add-on reliant however nurse was not her add-ons made her oppressive a good nurse without add-ons would still absolutely dominate like nobody's business.
Old add-ons like Omega blink and five blink nurse literally made her so and fun to go up against because you couldn't do anything you literally might as well just put down the walked away from the keyboard or controller.
Wraith with his best addon combination is strong but doesn't go above that he's not oppressive he's just strong.
To say what you're trying to bring up is a false equivalency will be a massive understatement
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Assuming this actually isn't bait...no. Wraith does not need nerfs and it amazes me that now all of a sudden people want him nerfed because Tru showcased a build that was already good (he didn't "create" this build); people just didn't really play Wraith. Now more people are playing Wraith and survivors want him nerfed. Go figure.
You bring up his addons but try playing Wraith without any. He heavily relies on them. And those wallhacks are short and he must use a purple addon and be in cloak to see them. Speedhack? Windstorm? The addons that give him any semblence of map pressure?
What can Wraith do that Ghostface actually can't? All of the stealth killers have their strengths and weaknesses and all of them can use the hit/run build well. It's a different meta than the standard looping m1 build and survivors just need to deal with it. If you can't handle stealth killers, run Spine Chill.
I love this.
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Wraith? OP? Those two words don't go together at all.
His add-ons are completely fine, the purple all-seeing add-on is alright too. Other killers have easier ways to find nearby survivors without any sort of add-ons. Most notably, Doctor.
Movement and breaking speed add-ons are also balanced. Come on, Hillbilly moves faster than Wraith WITH add-ons! There are killers than one-shot survivors and you are asking for a Wraith nerf? What the #########?
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This whole post is obviously satire.
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I think legion needs a nerf
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He has no upcoming nerfs whatsoever.
If he truly needs a nerf, they'll know before we can even click the button to write a discussion about it.
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is this sarcasm or are you actually serious?
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Wraith’s at most top 3 killers, has an overpowered playstyle, and is sneaky.
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Now your making me laugh.
At most the Wraith is at low B tier, not even a top 3 killer. Heck even Micheal Myers, Huntress, Ghostface, Demogorgon, and Hag are better than him.
Also he can be easily spotted because of that simmer he makes, along with the sounds he makes while cloaked.
His best build just makes him more playable.
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Also apparently now Wraith is considered "OP" now and needs a nerf.
So far he's going to be the next killer on the nerf list, and so far we have on the Survivors Nerf list:
Plague, Billy, Ghost face, Freddy, and now Wraith
Whats next do you survivors want Legion nerfed again, or how about we nerf the Clown cause clearly he's "OP".
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I think you under-estimate the power of the demogorgon.
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I didn't I literally said Demogorgon is better than the wraith.
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I think you underestimate the power of the Demogorgon.
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Wraith is fabulous. He doesn’t need your filthy suggestion. He needs an uncloaking speed boost and more costumes.
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My point is that wraith with his addons being reliant for viability or not are overpowered and shoud be given a look, honestly none of them should stack imo and he should be given a drawback to his wallhacks and silent bell. They make it way too easy to find or sneak up on survivors to the point of it being unfair to where there are only two perks to basically consistently counter him
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This is bait.
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He doesn't NEED a drawback though because his benefits aren't these uncounterable mega OP things that you think they are. Killers don't need a drawback for every little thing they have. Coxcombed is pink and he still needs to actually uncloak before he can hit anyone. This is an awareness and/or Spine Chill thing.
He's reliant on addons but those addons are not broken whatsoever. Wraith has gotten no changes in a long time and people are just now calling for nerfs. Adapt.
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Yep no one really should be nerfed we should start getting real QoL changes to killers and unused perks that could help until full Killer reworks.
Usually anything Tru3 makes for a build is pretty subpar and suboptimal for any killer anymore. He's a pretty cool streamer, but reality is not the best at DBD like he once was. Used to be incredibly gifted at this game and someone you should respect and listen too.
His recent idea of the best way to use Ghostface and what perks are best would be the biggest example. Maybe a year ago he wouldn't of even suggested such a bad build and strategy.
Also on a side note i do believe we talked before about this subject in a thread that got removed. If it was you I never did find that Huntress video in his archives.
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Tru3 is a DBD content creator who made Wraith as viable as he thought he could, which made everyone play Wraith that way. If you don't go that build though Wraith is incredibly easy too deal with. He is just an M1 killer who, depending on addons, can get 1 free hit on 1 person. Running Spine Chill completely destroyes Wraith and all stealth killers, so nerfing him and making an already weak killer weaker would make Wraith another Legion.
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Even if he is as strong as you say, that doesn't mean an instant nerf is required
Changing the meta up once and a while is a good thing
Let it play out and see if people can come up with a counter on their own and after that look if adjustments are needed
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"Completely destory's" I dunno about that friend, it seems you don't play against good stealth killers
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ITT: A bunch of people who are horrible with Wraith so Wraith must be weak.
Wraith is without a doubt the best Killer in this game. I don't even use any other perks but his default + Deer stalker. If I want an easy win and easy Bloodpoints I just go play with Wraith. Only way anyone escapes is by the Hatch cause you're not completing the gens.
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No. Just please no more nerfs for killers who dont deserve it.
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Nerf wraith. Ok survivor.
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Wraith... needs... a... nerf?
No offense my friend but I think you are the only person I have seen who think wraith needs a nerf
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The tru3 effect is gonna make me slit my own throat.
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Maybe you are just really good at playing Wraith. Have you thought of that?
Also, getting 4ks in rank 1 means nothing since any and all Survivors can get to red ranks by just playing a lot. They don't have to even try.
"Wraith is without a doubt the best Killer in this game. I don't even use any other perks but his default + Deer stalker." Lmao!
Get it right literally everyone else who plays this game @LordEmrich is here to educate you on the actually facts. Its not that he is just good with Wraith, no, Wraith is the best killer in the game. Get it right.
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Please, someone tell me this is a bait. Yeah, it must be.
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I agree, Wraith has to be nerfed - take him away his cloaking ability! Making bing bong is op enough!
Clown has to be nerfed - take him away his bottles!
Trapper has to be nerfed - one Trap in a match should be enough!
Nerf Nurse to One-Blink Nurse
Nerf Spirit so that she cant see or hear anything while phasing
Buff Meg - she deserves 110% movement speed
And yes, im right, cuz Im a surv ... um ... killer main! Yes, Im a killer god and even destroy the best swf teams with legion... without perks and add ons ofc
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Wraith needing nerfs like saying Legion doesn't need a rework
Wraith, like most M1 killers, suffers at loops as his power cannot help at loops
The add-ons you speak of can be powerful combined, but you are also using 2 add-on slots as well, the only 2 that you can take.
Wraith is good in the right hands, but by far does not need to be nerfed
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Guys stop arguing. It's bait, don't bother leaving anymore comments from there.
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Post videos of you regularly demolishing rank 1 survivors in SWFs and then i'll believe you lol
Just because you're rank 1 doesn't mean you're getting rank 1 or even purple rank survivors. The matchmaking system is utterly broken, so i personally need to see the ranks of the survivors youre playing.
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This is some next level trolling.
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Actually, base kit Wraith needs buffs, because he is currently too weak without green+ add-ons.
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Nerf addons but buff or rework base wraith. A killer shouldn't need addons to be viable. Base wraith is hardly good at all. He doesn't have any abilities that help him in a chase or give him map pressure. It's incredibly easy to track him because of the shimmer, growling, and who could forget BING BONG!! He has great rework potential but as of now he's most certainly not op.
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Look at that a killer main asking for a nerf. Hmmmmm im thinking this guy is an imposter. Wraith does not neede nerf.
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Tru3 says X is top tier.
Random person comes to the forums claiming that X needs nerfs.
No correlation at all.
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Wraith needs a nerf? Did I miss something. His power is also his weakness.
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The Devs might be listening!
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The only good and honest comment here!