Ghost Face needs a complete rework or fix.

I love Ghost Face, but playing him and against him I’ve realized how broken he is. People will stare directly at him, facing him and everything and it doesn’t take him out of stalk. Even if you run looking back more times than not he will get the exposed effect on you and still catch up. But Spirit needs a fix first?! GF is broken and awards bad players easy kills. Makes no sense, plus dedicated servers are taking ages to roll out properly. Swear, I love this game, but it’s so broken in so many ways. So much so that every time I play I find a reason to wanna stop playing.
That's a weird way of spelling "Legion."
But yea, they need to work on it a bit. You either get exposed too easy or too hard. Forget looking back at him if he's got his Driver's License
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Its pretty ridiculous that he can expose people whenever he wants without much work a few seconds of waiting until your power recovers thats it i don’t get why like 80% of killers can have instadowns through hex or perks or powers or add ons but they took away the survivors insta heal. I play both killer and survivor and gf is one of my favorites but he's absolutely broken. The devs need to stop catering to winey killer mains and keep the balance. He needs like a stack system for stalks before exposing or something nothing worse then out playing a GF the whole game to get exposed and camped to death on your first hook from a salty ghost face.
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a few seconds? 30 seconds is a long time.
Also, they are not "catering to whiney Killer mains" any more than they are to survivors. Please don't make this about sides.
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I mean, he’s got a point, but you’re right, this shouldn’t be about sides at least. As hard as it may be the team just needs to try and balance the game the best they can, and the best way to do that is by listening to the community and judge and base it off that accordingly. The games super fun, but it’s got its cons no doubt, we can all agree on that.
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As hard as this might be for you, saying "I play both sides" does not make you more right. Every single killer with an instant down has to work for it. And every instant down perk can be disabled/avoided. Counter play. Survivor instant heals were "press a button, win a health state" with no counterplay outside of Franklin's Demise. Get over yourself.
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It's not a provocation but a legit question - have you played GF on higher ranks? Least high green, purple? Because GF is a noob cleaner, true, but adept survivors are quite good at destealthing him in my experience. Hell, there's a thread somewhere right now where a survivor put GF on a list of Killers he enjoys to go against, so... xD
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I’ve actually been playing a lot of survivor recently and going against him at higher ranks and winning and destealthing him more easily, but it still feels wonky to me because I destealth him unfairly at times too when I for sure shouldn’t have and the GF should’ve got the exposed status effect. I think the devs need to look into him.
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In my experience, GF is very reliable to break out. As long as he's not hidden, not crouching, not leaning, and you actually keep him in the center of your screen, he's very easy to break out. Which is, as stated by the devs, exactly how it's supposed to happen.
Usually when I see this complaint, it's survivors forgetting that he has to be centered both horizontally and vertically, or they're not looking at him long enough for him to fully break out. You can't swing your camera around while trying to break him, it has to be a solid look. Give up on breaking him out during a chase. If he didn't stalk you enough to tap the stalk during the chase, him having it up won't matter anyway.
Occasionally, survivors also forget that he can't be hidden, and forget that their character model and his own character model both count as cover. If your character is in front of GF on the camera, you won't break him.
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I have had very inconsistent results trying to break GF out of stealth, especially on corn maps. But I had a very odd experience on Suffocation Pit the other day.
All gens were done, and Jeff was opening the exit gate. I saw GF stalking him, and for some reason I wasn't breaking him out of stealth by looking at him from behind cover. I knew Jeff was dead on hook and I was not, so I walked out in the open right in front of GF (who was not behind any cover, just standing in the open) in order to break his LoS on Jeff. I was standing about 5 meters away from GF facing him and looking right at him, and didn't even start to get the sound that I was breaking him out of stealth. I got marked, downed, and hooked.
Then, after I got saved from the hook, GF was chasing my teammate who saved me through a jungle gym that was far to the left of the exit gate. As soon as I entered the exit gate area, I started getting the sound prompt that I was breaking GF out of stealth. With 2 or 3 walls between GF and I, who was a solid 20 - 30 meters away from me chasing someone else, I somehow managed to break him out of stealth without having any LoS of him, right before I escaped.
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Well, that's subjective. I enjoy playing vs Spirit and HATE (with hundred exclamation marks) playing vs Billy and I think many people would have much different opinion ;)
I play around rank 7-8 as a killer and between 7 and 9 as a survivor and I absolutely love playing GF and find it challenging, to play against him. Stealth, no terror radius aside, sometimes I see him stalking me around the corner, but looking at him doesn't do anything (while when I'm leaning I can be pulled out of my power xD) and sometimes he's out in the open, I reveal him, but at the same time I get exposed. Though last thing I guess is ping issue? I don't know, but I think every part about him is fine, but revealing should've been more consistent:
- No simultaneous reveal + expose - I guess that could be server side problem rather than mechanic, but I don't know, but it shouldn't happen, either expose and reveal a moment later or reveal and don't expose after that
- Leaning reveal - consistent; either it's possible or not, make your choice and adjust that.
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Like I said; subjective experience. But let me rephrase that - I prefer Spirit than Billy, any time. If I was given choice to face Spirit or Billy, I'd pick Spirit without any hesitation. But I know most wouldn't agree with me on that, but that's what it is - subjective, like opinion on GF.
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It was way too easy in the Ghostface PTB. They adjusted it by a small percentage, but it's still pretty easy. If I can do it, you can do it.
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This is absurd I'm sorry...
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Looks like some of you forget that you don't know how far you are already stalked. Just regarding the "super quick exposed" without being able to reveal in time. If someone doesn't notice me and I see a second survivor around, I love to 99 people to chase them and suddenly in chase shroud, stalk for the 1% and down them.
Sometimes, at least if you notice you got stalked a bit, if is worth offering the hit to reset the stealth bar, especially if you can body block for exposed people or if GF tries to leave you for no reason.
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i only made this post because I was staring at a ghostface as the sound started to proc and kept my view on him pretty much point blank and the sound would stop then start again and stop once more. He stood there for a good few seconds as I tried to uncloak him wondering why it’s not working and then finally got the exposed on me and was able to catch up.
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This is exactly what I mean, playing him and playing against him I’ve noticed how inconsistent it is. Add ons or not, at times I’m getting exposed across the map and other times a person is right in front of me staring and they don’t expose. Same results when I play survivor, thinking to myself like “really? that counted as looking at him?” And other times where I’m like “well that was bs!” Lol
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I'd rather them have this than the ability to zoom across the map in seconds and have instant downs