Flashlight Save Challenge

I envy those of you who have it done. Every game, I am not joking, every single game that I've had the chance - whether I bring a flashlight in or get lucky and loot one - the killer has had Franklin's or Infectious Fright. And of course before I had this challenge available to select, I was usually able to get one in a game where I had a flashlight. I can't blame killers for wanting to counter it, but this is just another reason these challenges are making the game less fun for me.
I know, I know. JUST GET GOOD. I think I'm just going to stop trying, to be honest. It's destroying my soul.
it doesn’t need to be an actual save. If you blind the killer while they’re in the pickup animation, even if you do it “too early” and the survivor doesn’t get off their shoulder, the challenge is completed.
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I'm horrendous at Flashlight Saves myself so I feel the pain.
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I actually did that and it didn't count for me, so I assumed it had to be a save. But that's hardly the first challenge I've completed that didn't count. I should have known.
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I can't blind the killer to save my life even if he stood still ;_;
I don't know how I am going to complete this challenge. When I do try, the focus me down for bringing in a flashlight.
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Yeah, sounds like you got BHVR-ed. The blind I got off to complete the challenge didn’t result in a save so I’m confident it can count those.
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I am dreading this one too. I have avoided the flashlight challenges as long I could, now they are the only two left. I have 3 of the 4 blinds completed, but I am definitely not looking forward to the actual save challenge. Any tips? I am thinking that I will run empathy to try and be in the area..
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Yeah that's what just happened to me. I knew I'd have one chance only because then as soon as they down someone else the slug them and come looking for me. I'm not mad at killers it's just incredibly frustrating for someone who almost never even tries to get flashlight saves because I don't bring them in and I don't run Empathy. So the chances of me being in the right position and looting a flashlight from a chest and then successfully getting the save are very low.
I could get the blinds pretty easily as long as I could get the killer to break a pallet. I've been trying with Empathy, but because this challenge is so difficult for me it's making me lose games that would otherwise be easy wins. I'm not immersed by any means but I also don't spend the entire game chasing the killer while he chases an injured teammate only to botch the save and get downed myself after he slugs that person. I'm not even trying to do the killer challenges because I don't play killer and they won't be fun for me, but I might abandon this one as well.
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Got a purple flashlight out of the chest, felt lucky, botched the save again, got camped and tunneled. I could have blinded the killer at a pallet but I decided not to be a jerk, I just wanted the save. That's what I get. I'm done trying. Maybe in Tome 4 there will be one or two survivor challenges I can try. I'm kinda very over it.
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This is how I completed it as well. Got the blind way too early and it counted. Took several games to even get a chance at it.
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@meatisadelicacy I can't get flashlight saves on PS4, but lucky for me the challenge was to blind the killer in level 3. So, fireworks work, which I can easily do.
Hope this helps.
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Okay so if you blind the killer early (as soon as they start picking them up) you will get the bind but not the save, this will still count towards the challenge, i done it this way myself because rank 1 spirit was being difficult on lery`s. my advice to you would be to go for the early blind to make it easier and the killer less paranoid, but if you run empathy tier 3 you will be able to see roughly where the person being chased is (normally because after a hit they get the speed boost away). this will just allow you to get closer and help positioning if you really want it, but dont just throw the game to get it, thats very frustrating for everyone else
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To me it was the opposite, started flashlighting when he was getting to the hook, the hook animation started and the blindness notification came after he had already hooked the survivor... it counted. Took me lot of trials and flashlights but it was done like that.
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I did the opposite. Flashligted the killer while the animation of hooking was just about to start (a bit before it acctualy started), the animation finished and only then the blindness notification showed up and it counted. Took me lots of trials and a few flashlights but it got done. Just hope I don't need to do it twice next tome :)
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Tome 1 Level 4:
Blind a killer while carrying a suvivor 2 times.
Must be completed in a single trial.
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I did that and it didn't count for me. Not the first time I've done a challenge and not received credit though.
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Yeah I'm playing on PS4. It's very wonky at best.
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That's why I'm hopping... they changed this tome... hopping for a change on that challenge...i find it really very hard!!!
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I had a game where a teammate threw down a pallet to block me from running from the killer just so she could try to get the flashlight save. I'm not going to do that by any means, but if I play normally and don't go out of my way to try, I will never get this challenge done. I don't play killer so I was going to try to do all the survivor challenges but I've literally spent hours trying and it's not working for me. All I've learned is that I'm very unlikely to spend money on the next set of challenges.
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I got mine by hiding in a basement locker and blinding the killer as they hooked someone. It didn't actually stun them, but the blind still counted.
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Then it glitched. It counted for me. Do it a lil early to ensure you get the blind. You won't get the save but, you know, it's tome challenges and everyone's gonna play meh.
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i completely understand, but the less people that stoop to such low levels is what ruins the game, im not saying dont go out your way more than normal (hence the empathy suggestion) but they are meant to be challenges, i know people struggle with it but its a good way to learn flashlights as hardly anyone uses them. but challenges like escape without being hooked, complete 4 gens with dark sense, get 3 sacrifices at endgame are insanely hard at rank 1, but getting a blind doesnt seem as bad personally, but one blind shouldnt be too hard if you run empathy give it a go
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I get em pretty often honestly. Due to dedicated servers the killer doesn't drop the survivor tho.
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That's not helpful at all, but I am happy for you! And I'm on console and we don't have dedicated servers yet, I don't thi
I'm a red rank survivor on console. All those other challenges were cake walks compared to this one.
Decided to try one last time and came across a killer who was not playing for real and just trying to do their challenges and they let me get the easy flashlight save. Hooray??