Balanced landing

1. Can we buff stagger to 100% since it only works once per chase?
2. Also can we add like 10 staircases like the one in hawking's map in every map so the perk can actually be used?
Edit: Is the second question invisible? Since it's the one that would put it on par with other exhaustion perks....
No, it is finally in line with other Exhaustion perks.
I wouldn't mind a buff to 80% stagger, but 100% could create infinites.
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As a matter of fact, make it so you can start running while you're in the air before you hit the ground
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How would it create infinities if it only works once?
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It literally wouldnt because stagger only works when you are not exhausted. Also I dont understand what you comment has to do with anything I said above.
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How? It's one use. It would be impossible to create an infinite with one use. I don't think the percentage needs buffed. But your argument doesn't really make sense.
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How about we make it so survivor doesnt drop and instead just continues to walk on air?
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Whoops, forgot about that. Still, it would effectively end the chase before it began. 150% with zero stagger? That's at least another 15 seconds and likely more.
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Whoops, forgot about that. Still, it would effectively end the chase before it began. 150% with zero stagger? That's at least another 15 seconds and likely more.
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Whoops, forgot about that. Still, it would effectively end the chase before it began. 150% with zero stagger? That's at least another 15 seconds and likely more.
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Does stagger reduction matter at all? I never notice the difference. The haste only triggers after it, so nothing of it is wasted. And even at 75% it doesnt really matter while chased.
I think the 25% stagger left is solely for the animation, and nothing else.
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Imagine the animation and the pain the survivors would be in after falling from a high height without bending their legs. You would straight up break your ankles and legs.
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I don't see how
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All other perks have this. How can you justify BL being worse than them?
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My idea: remove the sprint burst copycat effect but keep the cooldown. No one's giving up an exhaustion perk slot for BL.
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Lithe and Dead Hard do not guarantee a loop. If you use them right, then yes, you can. But the Killer always has someway to get value out of it. If you Lithe at the wrong time, you get smacked. Dead Hard at the wrong time? Smack.
With this BL change BL would be a better Dead Hard, as the 150% speed boost with 100% stagger reduction will allow you to not get hit.
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People tend to call long looping chases "infinites" it doesn't have to go on forever.
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Sprint Burst can already be used to avoid hits but I guess you're right and survivors should have no power around long falls especially with the current maps. Hopefully BL will be changed in the future after maps are.
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The only "infinite" left in the game was Myers house. Everything else is technically a god loop.
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Hmm yea, I guess. But the myers house you can fake and get them.
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It is pretty difficult to do since the house is so large.
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Hmm it’s almost like that map should have been change instead of nerfing an already super situational perk. The passive was what made that perk good, hence why it sucked before it had one.
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It was brought in line with the rest of the Exhaustion perks. Most of the people who complain about the nerf are the one's who abused it.
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Maybe, but without taking quiet landing into account this perk is pre 2.0.0 atm. Before 2.0.0 it didnt have a passive, also nobody used it before 2.0.0. Only after they buffed it to what it was people started using it. It was a gamble huge risk and huge reward. After the nerf this perk is a huge risk minuscule reward. So unless they add like 10 staircases in every map like i said. NOBODY will use it unless they choose haddonsfield map.
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Before this patch, it was almost zero risk and huge reward. It is fine as of now.
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1) I never “abused” this perk, I rarely got haddonfield, and even when I did I didn’t have BL on. I used the perk for instances where not having the perk would have killed me because of the insanely long stagger (such as jumping off of a hill to vault a jungle gym window).
2) Nerfing an ok perk to “bring it in line” is ######### dumb, it wasn’t nerfed because it had a passive; it was nerfed because the devs can’t design or fix maps so they just nerf a super situational and niche perk. The passive is what made that perk worthwhile because you could have that to fall back on to compensate for its limited usability. You could also use another exhaustion perk to combo with it to potentially make up for its lack of flexibility; but you can’t even do that anymore. I used to run Lithe and BL together in case I fast vaulted from a high spot in order to use Lithe properly, but unfortunately you can’t do that anymore. If anything, exhaustion perks should have more passives, Lithe should let you vault faster and Head On should let you slow vault lockers quicker.
3) How in the ######### was this the “most safe” perk? SB and Lithe are far safer than BL, even before it’s nerf. SB you just run and Lithe you just vault something (which every map has a ton of vault points), but BL needs a large drop which not every map has nor do they have them in spots that won’t kill you trying to drop down. Hell to a lesser extent Dead Hard is safer because you can at least use it whenever, the only thing screwing you over with DH is Dedicated Servers.
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The risk is will a hill spawn, or is there any elevated spots...
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There was only two maps without a BL spot, Suffocation Pit and Shelter Woods. That's two out of like, 31.
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There are maps that on average have either one or two hills but they have a chance of spawning none.
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Autohaven and Yamoaka are the only maps I can think of like that
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Ahahaah the rank 20 strikes again. He sees a thread about survivors perk and immediately he types - infinites guys, coal tower is an infinite, hawkins is a survivor side map guys.. These forums ...
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Well, considering I have been at Rank 1 for the past 4 seasons AND I have passed 1K hours split between Survivor and Killer, I think I have a decent understanding.
Calling someone a Rank 20 just because you don't agree with them is juvenile and hurts your argument.
I think Hawkins is even, simply because of the sheer number of pallets and BL spots. I would like a few safer pallets tho.
As for Coal Tower, with old BL it was a "infinite." With the changes proposed, if you jumped off of Coal Tower, you are 100% going to get to another loop without getting hit.
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Definition for infinite. You see it first here by "a rank 1 for the past 4 season". Being able to get from one loop/place to another loop without getting hit - a true infinite. Ill quote you from now on ... this is priceless. I have no words !
It is obvious that I really can't get you to think so I won't even bother talking about Hawkins and how wrong you are. Just check the latest dev stats. I did not agree with you because you were that obviously wrong. And you'd expect a rank 20 to make that statement. Getting offended by ranks is actually juvenile. It is not a big deal !
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While I am aware of the definition of a real infinite, a loop that will go on forever, I also consider loops with zero mindgame potential and zero risk an infinite, from now on for the sake of consistency, I'll call them god loops. There should always be something the Killer can do, with these changes you seem to support, the Killer will not be able to hit the Survivor if they use BL.
I know, a new map having the highest kill rate because Survivors don't know how to play on it yet? Who would have thought. I do not appreciate being insulted because someone cannot formulate a good argument.
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Ah so killers know how to play on the new map but survivors don't. Interesting. I wonder why is that. Are they smarter ? Are you ? You should be a decent representative with your rank 1 for so many seasons
I can tell you few things a rank 1 killer can do. Use bamboozle, use your killer power, drop the chase, dont bother going to that place. Or you can just keep going. Usually that loop is pretty long so you should be able to catch the survivor on the second vault. It is similar to torment creek. They were both made very long for that reason
What bothers me the most though is you just can't even comprehend that BL is supposed to do that. The new BL will do exactly the same thing in that building and so is Lithe. You have some really poor knowledge about the game
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If Survivors don't know where to run to, they will go down very quickly, hence Hawkins had a very exaggerated kill rate. Freshly released maps will usually favor Killers simply because nobody knows how to loop on that map.
Bamboozle is an alright perk, not something I'd take over Ruin or BBQ. It also won't stop any BL. And leaving the person will lose a massive amount of pressure and they get to go work on a gen. Spots that put the Killer into a lose-lose should not exist. Oh and on Torment you can get 3 loops out of that god loop.
I am glad you admit BL is supposed to cause Killers to lose no matter what decision they choose, you have revealed your bias.
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So now "the Killer will not be able to hit the Survivor if they use BL" = "BL is supposed to cause Killers to lose no matter what decision they choose". Dude It is okay. As I said you have a lot to learn. You will not get anywhere with that mentality though.
And by the way just for the record knowing when to stop/leave a person is one of the basics a rank 1 killer for I forgot how many seasons it was should know about the game. Has nothing to do with pressure, it is all about being smart. I suggest you to watch someone like Zubat on twitch to learn some advanced techniques how to play the game and get better to be able to deal with your imaginary "lose-lose" spots on coal tower
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Yes, if the Killer leaves, that person is immediately back on a gen. If they keep chasing, the person BL's away with a 100% reduction, causing them to be immune to any hits.
This would make BL a must pick, again and subsequently it would not matter if you drop a chase, everyone else would run it as well.
Oh and by the way, I do know when to drop chases, considering most maps have at least two BL spots, the odds of that helping are relatively low. Regardless, it is clear you do not have an argument, I have brought out numbers and facts, you have told me how bad of a player I am.
I will not be responding to your insults and lunacy anymore, good day.
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We have another one and you see it here it first again by a rank 1 killer. Now BL-ing away with 100% stagger reduction would make the person to become "immune to any hits" he claims ?!?!? Well after that one I have no response either. Good day to you too.