nyan_painbow Member Posts: 53
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

also the repairing time should be expanded!

I play both sides and I know how easy it is, to destroy or even counter the Ruin:

in order to destroy it, run:

Small game

Detective's hunch

also take a map or simply search for the common spawning locations

in order to counter:

tap the gen

run Stake out

keep repairing


When I play as a killer the gens will be done quickly! It doesn't matter how cleverly / fairy you play. There is always a sneaky peaky surv who does only repairing.

As result :

after the match an average survivor gets a pip for repairing /healing + avoiding or stealth.

the killer gets a black pip



  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    Actually.. sometime my discordance shows 2 gens that is on completely opposite of the map. How do you stop them?

  • ApeOfMazor
    ApeOfMazor Member Posts: 471

    People who say stuff like this are allowing the game to continue on its poor state. There is no such thing as "pressure" thats just a piece of survivor propaganda so they don't get the slowdown the game really needs. You can chase 1 person at a time. Not using ruin is a handicap.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116


  • I play killer and survivor. I just don't see any issue with ruin at all in its current state.

    Personally, I don't run it as killer because there are better ways to slow the game down. I am not leaving slow down to chance.

    As a survivor, I actively look to clean totems in every game, it's why I bring small game (plus it's usefulness v hag, trapper and Freddy, plus I hate getting tagged by NOED) So really, within 2 minutes, all totems are gone anyway. Sometimes, if I bring a toolbox loaded with charges or am SWF with players using prove thyself, inner strength I will just play through the ruin anyway.

    Whatever your reasons for running ruin, you need to get better at gen pressure, nothing slow downs survivors more than getting chased and healing, being hooked and getting unhooked. It's literally your whole role as killer. Git Gud and improve your load out

  • extonjonas
    extonjonas Member Posts: 41

    Stop flexing. The truth is that sometimes if survivors are good enough there is nothing you can do. Pressure is completely based o. Thing going right for you. Whispers is not going to help if you do not down that survivor instantly. I will say i dont understand why this person would say ruin should be permanent. That would just make the game unbearable. The only reason people dont run ruin is because it is a totem perk. If it were permanent they would just have to build it into every killer because no one would ever take it off.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    You don't have to prevent all 5 gens from popping to win the game as killer. You choose which generators to defend. Generally there are 1 or 2 generators on each map which are a nightmare to defend, because they are very close to really strong loops, I'm happy to let these go early game, because it will be harder for the survivors to run to those loops later on. Generally, as soon as you spawn as killer, if you play enough, you will know by the map and gen layout which gens are worth defending and which aren't

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I actually prefer facing a Killer with Noed rather than Ruin.

    Because its the end of the trial of 5Gen times and there you face the final challenge. You play immersion, team work with other Survivors to unhook that unlucky instant downed Survivor. Its much more interaction than holding M1.

    There are many suggestion of getting Gas for Gen before working on Gen (shorter Gen time while remain Objective time the same with Gas collecting time) is more interesting since you have to run around more than sit at a Gen for 80sec. If you're not bored fixing 2 Gen each trial you play (mostly 3min holding M1), you dont play Survivor enough.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Yeah man, of course it's propaganda. Don't trust anyone, because they're out to get you!

    Using ruin is a crutch and promotes complacency. In my experience

    • a good team will work through ruin just fine. All it does is remove the great skill check speed buff, which isn't worth a perk slot in my opinion. You're much better off using something that helps you in tracking or chases. You create pressure by downing survivors and killing them, not by slowing down repair speed.
    • The reason I say that ruin promotes complacency is that against average survivors it slows the game down so much that you can just mindlessly chase them without having to think about whether the survivor is at a strong loop, what are the others doing while you're chasing that guy, is he baiting me to leave an area to help his teammates work safely, how many of their teammates are injured, are they healing or are they on gens, etc. You can just tunnel each survivor until you down them and move on to the next target and still get a 4k (or pip, depending on your personal win condition). This sort of playstyle places a ceiling on your skill as killer and makes you struggle once ruin is cleansed

    Of course, you don't have to take my word for it. I'm just offering advice and it's your choice whether you want to take it or leave it.

  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,191

    It's a bad design that survivors get free gen at the start of the game. That's why ruin is so popular, to prevent these free gens

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I apologise if it sounded like I'm flexing - I am not and I genuinely believe that ruin is a bad perk that does not help you against good survivors and actually hurts your long term growth as killer when you face average survivors. In my reply to another guy (the comment above this one) I explained why I think that.

    Regarding the second part of your comment that a perk like whispers is not going to help you get the first down quickly - no, of course it won't. But it will help you find your first target and pressure them that much quicker. This is where game sense comes into play (something that ruin prevents a lot of people from acquiring). You can choose your actions based on the circumstances - if they run to a strong loop, then try to injure them or get a pallet out of them and move on; if they run to a dead zone, tunnel them down. It's almost never a good idea to commit to a chase that lasts longer than 15-20 seconds if there are at least two other survivors who are healthy and working on gens.

    Regarding the 3rd part - yes, if ruin becomes permanent the average player will never take it off.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I don't understand why you think it's a bad design if they get 1 gen at the start of the game. Why is that?

    My opionion is that both sides need to be able to pressure each other in order to get an interactive experience. The balance of power constantly shifts throughout the match. The beginning of the game is usually when most killers are the weakest, because all 4 survivors are healthy and literally have nothing else to do, but gens. However, the momentum shifts significantly once the killer starts injuring and hooking people. At that point, multiple survivors are occupied with other things and not just gens. This is when the relative power shifts from the survivors to the killer. That's why in a standard game without ruin (or one where you lost ruin immediately) the first one or 2 gens pop very quickly, but then the game slows down quite significantly and it takes much longer for the next ones to be completed - this is assuming that the killer and survivors are around the same skill level.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    Increasing gen time further, either via perma ruin, secondary objectives, etc. would make camping op. If you increase repair time, then you have to nerf camping. Good luck with that.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    He's not really flexing. Reality is he's right there are far better perks Ruin is a crutch that helps you and also prevents you learning basics. People dont always use it because they also want variety in the game.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    I'm just going to scroll thru and not read this ridiculous and respond with


  • Fblthp
    Fblthp Member Posts: 2

    Your suggestion is literally more oppressive than OP's. 😂 Startup time, built in base regression and and double overall regression speed. PGTW is already overturned for gen locking at the end of the game.

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    How about no?

  • GodsReject_94
    GodsReject_94 Member Posts: 1

    Great idea. They should also make Noed active from the start and whispers should just show you the survivors aura if you're near them instead of just making noise.

  • TBfishy
    TBfishy Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2019

    Making ruin permanent would kill any new players. No way you want longer gen times if you play both equally, you should know how boring it is and how discouraging it is when you miss the great.

    A better suggestion would be a second objective, not a long and boring one though. Maybe something like bringing a few things to a certain area.

    Also if you dont want them to cleanse run thrill of the hunt. It might just be you thats not doing well, not ruin.

  • ElemonatedU
    ElemonatedU Member Posts: 7

    Exactly the game isn't going to get more people playing if this happens instead they can up the regression on gens after a killer damages it also who tf runs DH or SG anyway

  • grayon444
    grayon444 Member Posts: 757

    Oh yeah?I think we should be able to kill the killer too.

  • DeadAtlas
    DeadAtlas Member Posts: 30

    I'll play along instead of flaming your ignorant post.

    First of all ruin is a HEX perk, as all of the hags perks are HEX perks, it's kind of like her whole thing.

    I suggest that they rework hexes in such a way that the notifications of thrill is an innate function of hex's, minus the chaser points and totem cleanse debuff, and it should require multiple survivors to perform a 'ritual' at a more visible 'shrine'

    This way it's easier to find the hexes while making them impossible to solo cleanse, requiring the attention of multiple survivors and the killer would know that it is happening. Kind of like the Demo's portals but again requiring more than one survivor.

    I think this would provide a fun rebalance of hexes for all, but I dont like running hex perks, myself. If this rework happened, I would also reccomend changing haunted ground to one totem or as i said 'shrine', and yeah it would be a noed buff, because no one escapes death.

  • Liruliniel
    Liruliniel Member Posts: 3,047

    Not really I thought about it a lot. Only problem is to type it out I would need to get on my computer as stating like I did sounds bad, but listing the whole idea is a lot better. Plus I would need to gather info from wiki and various source's as to why I decided to double regression speed. Mostly my idea at base is to create a level of which the generator wont be much affected if the killers bad, but at the same time still not he oppressive to a survivor whose rank 20. Whe really only affecting higher rank play where people who like to loop leave a gen alone or try and tap it mid chase.

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    As someone who plays both and never runs ruin or bbq, you are wrong. Ruin can definitely slow things down but you are reliant on the survivors not finding it. Discordance, overcharge, even pop are better choices

  • brocktree
    brocktree Member Posts: 37

    It's not a free gen, it's you making a choice. You can also make the choice to keep pressure on those as well

  • LordEmrich
    LordEmrich Member Posts: 258
    edited December 2019

    Wait..wait...wait...so you have the choice of playing Everybody Must Die or Generator Repair Simulator 2019 and you choose Generator Repair Simulator 2019 and expect it to be fun? That makes no sense. I'm pretty sure it's not fun now so increasing generator repair times wouldn't make it any less fun.

    I LOVE trains and I play Train Simulators. They are not fun but I enjoy them because that's something I love. Yet other people play then review and say it's boring. Yea no duh. What did you expect from TRAIN SIMULATOR? Same thing here. You choose the boring route so expect to not have fun.

    I say all this to say generator repair times should be increased but I'm biased cause I only play Killer.



  • MythicInferno
    MythicInferno Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2019

    Don't be stupid hex ruin shouldn't be permanent it defeates the purpose of a Hex totem, what your asking for is a new in game mechanic where there is a permanent effect that lasts the entire trial. You sound killer biased judging from your statement.

  • MythicInferno
    MythicInferno Member Posts: 6

    What you should be saying is The Hex totem should never spawn in obvious spots.

  • Chaubin
    Chaubin Member Posts: 16

    We should make Ruin and NOED base, and NOED should trigger after the first gen is done. Game solved. Boom. Enjoy.

  • LOA
    LOA Member Posts: 235

    Actually, ruin should stay the same and all the other Hex Perks that noone uses anymore should get buffed. Devour Hope should only take 4 hooks to max out, Same with Lullaby. If these perks actually worked more often, they would slow the game down just as much. Lullaby is a rarity to get to work fully, extremely rare even, and Devour is rough once you get to Lvl 3 and all the survivors know you have it. Hell, the instantly know you have Lullaby, maybe quit letting survivors know you have a Hex before it even gets to begin to work. Ruin is fine. The other Hexes though, are mostly meme trash.

  • BushetteLyfe
    BushetteLyfe Member Posts: 27

    I hope not this is another dumb idea just like making NOED part of every killers base kit.

  • dejablue
    dejablue Member Posts: 18

    Doing gens is already borderline tedious. No. Don't make base repair time longer.

  • I mean your acting as if there aren't multiple survivor perks that are apart of the loadout for almost every survivor. But of course survivors can use crutches but a killer's too toxic when they use them.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    Can we make ruin part of the game already? I can easily go an entire game hitting all greats on healing and generators

    It is a mild task to hit greats if you have basic tracking skills and it'll be a good way to create a more competitive environment.

  • MAV
    MAV Member Posts: 52

    Can tell you that majority of survivors don't devote two perk slots to beating ruin... Ruin does it's job in slowing the game, even if 2 are working gens and two and looking for ruin.. That's slowing progress.. if you can't keep gen pressure that's on the killer..

  • Undeadbear13
    Undeadbear13 Member Posts: 33

    How about instead of making ruin base they add a second objective and add new things to the game. Like survivors need more variety. Jeff should have something besides his different model to differentiate him from Dwight. Once you get all the perks survivors are just skins of each other, with nothing to really make a character different gameplay wise.

    Survivors need a second objective that isn't holding M1 and sitting there looking for totems. It needs something to make survivor as a whole more entertaining.

  • Nomadd
    Nomadd Member Posts: 167

    Lets just remove survivors instead.

  • NoMitherPlayer
    NoMitherPlayer Member Posts: 174

    Ruin is soo much boring I've never ran this perk as a killer. I usually destroy them or they genrush me.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984
    edited December 2019

    Never did I say that crutches are toxic or anything like that. They do however, often times prevent you from improving if you become too reliant on them.They are devastating in the hands of a good player, but average players who use them as crutches will always struggle without them. This goes for both sides - survivor and killer. Common examples are noed, ruin, dead hard, balanced landing. In reality any perk could become a crutch to somebody.. these are just the more common examples i can think of

  • NefariousPK
    NefariousPK Member Posts: 6

    Sure, and how about we make borrowed time or self heal innate survivor abilities also.

  • jimmy5200
    jimmy5200 Member Posts: 85